Monday, September 30, 2019

Etiology and Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder and is the main cause of dementia. The major clinical manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease include gradual loss of memory and language. Other major symptoms and signs of this disease are psychiatric and behavioral abnormalities and disabilities in the routine or daily living activities.The etiology and Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease include various factors. Biological Factors Even though the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease is still not known fully, it is discovered to involve a complex mix of genetic as well as environmental factors.Among genetic and environmental factors, genetic factor is proved to be playing a major role in the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. The most important cause of Alzheimer’s disease is found to be the mutations in chromosomes 21, 14 and 1 which are spread or moved in a typical autosomal dominant mode. These mutations make p rotein overproduction in neuritic plaques, B amyloid. Even though the beginning of the familial form is often early, the nature and route of the disorder is found to be influenced by few environmental factors.But it is found out that familial form is responsible for only a negligible proportion of cases of Alzheimer’s disease (even less than five percent) (Cummings et al. , 1998b). Nearly fifty percent of the people who are having ancestors with Alzheimer’s disease are found to be getting this disorder once they enter their 80s and 90s (Mohs et al. , 1987). Few genotypes (the model of genetic inheritance in a person’s body) are found to give risk for the late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (which is very common).Taking an example, the ApoE-e4 allele on chromosome 19, that encourages the deposition of B amyloid, is proved to increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease (Corder et al. , 1993). All other genes that are doubted to be responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disorder are being studied (Kang et al. , 1997). Apart from this particular reason, there are various other biological risk factors that contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disorder Cummings et al. , 1998b).Cognitive capabilities and aging are among the biological factors. The manner in which these traits contribute to the increased risk is not still proved, however, it is proved in the medical field that the numerous neurobiologic changes that are associated with the normal aging of the brain of a person also contribute to the major risk factors of Alzheimer’s disorder. As people get into the later part of their life, this age related neurobiologic changes make then more liable for Alzheimer’s disorder.These neurobiologic changes include neuron and synaptic loss, lessened dendritic span, reduced size and density of neurons present in the nucleus basalis of Meynert, and poor cortical acetylcholine levels (Cummings et al. , 1998b). Based on these factors and the frequency and occurrence curve of this disorder, medical researchers have come to the conclusion that people are very much liable to Alzheimer’s disorder if their life span is extended (beyond the normal age) beyond eighties and nineties (up to 100 and 150). People above 90 years are highly susceptible to Alzheimer’s disorder.Among this, those who have Alzheimer’s history in their family are 90 % prone to this disorder. Protective Factors Apart from the biological factors there are various other factors that influence the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Various protective factors that are powerful enough to delay the commencement of Alzheimer’s disorder have been discovered. For example, Genetic endowment with the ApoE-e2 allele is capable of reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disorder (Duara et al. , 1996). The exact role and the original mechanism of action of ApoE-e2 allele, however, are not com pletely understood.Deep thinking, higher educational level and wisdom are also proved to be associated with the delay in the commencement of Alzheimer’s disease (Stern et al. , 1994; Callahan et al. , 1996a). Few medication and drugs are also found to be good for delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disorder. For example, medications, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Andersen et al. , 1995; McGeer et al. , 1996) and estrogen replacement therapy (Paganini-Hill & Henderson, 1994), are found to be effectively delaying the commencement of Alzheimer’s disease.Apart from this, Vitamin E and the drug selegiline (otherwise known as deprenyl) are also proved to holdup the crucial stages of the course of Alzheimer’s disorder, for example the nursing home placement, serious functional impairments or disorders as the disease progresses and lead to death (Sano et al. , 1997). According to Behl et al. , 1995, the course of action of the protective agents in a pe rson is not completely known; however, these agents are proved to check the toxic action of oxidative stress (through antioxidants like vitamin E or estrogen).These agents also counter the work of inflammatory mediators related to plaque formation (through anti-inflammatories) (Mark et al. , 1995). Histopathology The pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disorder is also proved to be associated with the histopathologic variations in Alzheimer’s disease. These histopathologic changes include neuritic plaques, synaptic loss, neurofibrillary tangles, hippocampal granulovacuolar degeneration, and B amyloid angiopathy (Cummings et al. , 1998b).Majority of the genetic and epigenetic risk factors are some or the other way linked with B amyloid. This has helped the medical researchers to conclude that the formation of B amyloid peptide is the most crucial pathological event or step in the course of spread of Alzheimer’s disorder in a person (Cummings et al. , 1998b; Hardy & Hi ggins, 1992). A successful intervention in the course of Alzheimer’s disease spreading may include get in the way of any of the numerous steps included in the slow progress of Alzheimer’s disease pathogenetic cascade.Few of the intervention modes include intervening to reduce B amyloid generation from the amyloid precursor protein, intervening to decrease the B amyloid aggregation as well as the generation of beta-pleated sheets, and intervening in the amyloid-related neurotoxicity process. Successful interference in these steps may help interrupt Alzheimer’s spread. Apart from this, few therapies can successfully block the neuronal cell death and can slow down the inflammatory response occurring in neurotic plaques.Therapies are also proved to inhibit the work of certain growth factors and hormones and also delay the replenishment of deficient neurotransmitters. As the complete obstruction of the processes within the B amyloid cascade may affect the usual cereb ral metabolic processes, successful interruptions may bring about partial interruptions (Cummings & Jeste, 1999). Studies about the molecular neuroscience of Alzheimer’s disease have researched several crucial aspects of pathophysiology and etiology.Researchers are working to thoroughly understand the entire processes and reasons behind cell death, neuronal degeneration and subsequent memory degradation. Medical world is expecting new revelations from these studies and are on the way to lay a new therapeutic path for eliminating Alzheimer’s disease from the world (National Institute on Aging, 1996). Medical world is expecting researchers to come out with the real physiological factor that makes a human body prone to Alzheimer’s syndrome. Role of AcetylcholineAcetylcholine is also suspected to play a part in encouraging Alzheimer’s disorder in a person. Loss or decrease of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine also is proved to be responsible for the pathogen esis of Alzheimer’s disease. Postmortem researches in Alzheimer’s disease infected people have explained the loss or reduction of basal forebrain and cortical cholinergic neurons and the exhaustion of choline acetyltransferase, which is the enzyme that carry out acetylcholine synthesis (Mesulam, 1996). Several post mortem reports have come out with the same reason.The scale of this central cholinergic deficit is associated with the severity of dementia that results in the ‘cholinergic’ hypotheses of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disorder (Mesulam, 1996). This hypothesis and the clinical researches have proved that Acetylcholine play a major role in Alzheimer’s disease. However, acetylcholine is not the only neurotransmitter that encourages the growth of Alzheimer’s disorder in a patient. Researchers are still working to find out the role of other substances in the pathogenesis of the Alzheimer’s disorder.The researches relat ed to the pharmacological treatment of this syndrome are coming out with new results. It has been proved that a delay or break in the spread of Alzheimer’s disease is proved to reduce its prevalence in the body of a patient even by half (Breitner, 1991). In order to inhibit the spread of this syndrome in a person it is necessary to delay the onset of the disease to such an extent where mortality from other resources surpasses the frequency of the steps of the disease.So the most crucial step in inhibiting Alzheimer’s disease is the identification of the factors that stop the onset or slow down the progress of the disease in the patient. Working on these agents would help reduce the spread of the disease. References Aarts, P. , & Op den Velde W. (1996). Prior traumatization and the process of aging. In B. A. van der Kolk, A. C. McFarlane, & L. Weisath (Eds. ), Traumatic stress: The effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body and society (pp. 359–377). New Yo rk: Guilford Press. Abrams, R. C. , Rosendahl, E. , Card, C. , & Alexopoulos, G. S. (1994).Personality disorder correlates of late and early onset depression. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 42, 727–731. Adams, W. L. , Garry, P. J. , Rhyne, R. , Hunt, W. C. , & Goodwin, J. S. (1990). Alcohol intake in the healthy elderly. Changes with age in a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 38, 211–216. Aevarsson, O. , & Skoog, I. (1996). A population-based study on the incidence of dementia disorders between 85 and 88 years of age. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 44, 1455–1460. Aiken, L. (1990). Chronic mental illness. In B. S. Fogel, A. Furino, & G.Gottlieb (Eds. ), Mental health policy for older Americans: Protecting minds at risk. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Albert, M. S. , Jones, K. , Savage, C. R. , Berkman, L. , Seeman, T. , Blazer, D. , & Rowe, J. W. (1995). Predictors of cogniti ve change in older persons: MacArthur studies of successful aging. Psychology and Aging, 10, 578–589. Alexopoulos, G. S. (1997, November 6). Epidemiology, nosology and treatment of geriatric depression. Paper presented at Exploring Opportunities to Advance Mental Health Care for an Aging Population, meeting sponsored by the John A. Hartford Foundation, Rockville, MD.

Dead and Breakfast Essay

The person who killed dusty could have been anyone of these people, they all had motive but only one of them was desperate enough to kill one of his closest friends. (7:20)The murderer must have been wearing gloves when he set the table again because he left traces of sodium, carbon, iron, and gold. When the Murderer saw his chance, he took it. 7:25)Right when the table had been set and no one was around he slipped the Potassium cyanide into Dustys cup. Now potassium cyanide is a hard thing to come by and only someone who had worked with it for many years would have known the right amount to give to Dusty to make him drop dead. (7:35) Dusty returns down stairs to finish his breakfast. (7:40) Dusty takes one drink then five minutes later he drops dead. Now let me fill you in on how all this evidence plays into this. Mr. Horace Throat had been experiencing some money problems with the mob and really need this auction to go well. Horace was counting on Dusty to help him out but when he let him down, he snapped. Horace had been working in metal finishing for many years and he used the same gloves as he did to work as he did to place the cyanide in the drink, which is how the traces of gold ended up on the table. Second Dusty was the only one of that group of people who had already had potassium cyanide on him because he was already doing work for Dusty. Horace Throat killed one of his closest friends and best buyers of many years just for money to pay off the mob.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Flow of Gold and Silver Dbq

Chantelle DuncanMr. Richman AP world 1/22/12 DBQ on Flow of silver in mid-16th to 18th century The increasing flow of silver during the mid-16th to early 18th century had a very large impact on the economic and social parts of many countries through effect on land, trade, and value of silver. The huge influx of silver brought many economic problems in both Spain and China. Antonio Vasquez de Espinosa, a Spanish priest appears indignant at the huge amount of silver being taken and stolen from the mines in the west indies some paying no 20 % tax and/or registry fee and shipping silver out to the Philippines and china. doc 6) As shown in document 2, a Spanish scholar, named Tomas de Mercado, tells of the problems that the sudden influx of silver is causing Spain. â€Å" The streets of Manila in the Spanish territory of the Philippines could be paved with granite cobblestones brought from China†¦ in Chinese ships coming to get silver for China† De Mercado is showing anger in the amount of Asian ships coming to receive silver, the large amount of which is undoing the Spanish economy.Wang Xijue, a Ming dynasty court official reports to the emperor (document 3) that Chinese economy is declining, with cheap grain despite poor harvest â€Å"due to the scarcity of the silver coin† The government . The large amount of silver coming in created problems socially as well. Xu Dunqiu Ming, a writer, tells in an essay that seems directed at the general public, of the unfairness of dye shops in the commercial city of Hangzhou. Dye shops must now be paid with sliver from a moneylender, instead of livestock or crops.Borrowing from a money lender instead of trading animals or food is plunging china’s poorer class of people even further into debt, as well as changing the economy type of the Chinese people. (doc 5) Socially, other problems occurred as well. Greed became serious, as shown in doc 1, where Ye Chunji, a county official, says â€Å"the frugal ma n with only one bar of silver currency can have something left over, whereas the extravagant man with a thousand can still not have enough† on the topic of limiting wedding expenses. Wang Xijue in Doc 3. ells of how due to the government requiring silver though dispensing little, farmers are receiving less returns and thus less land is being cultivated. British merchant Ralph Fitch tells of his trip to the West Indies, telling of how the Portuguese use Chinese goods bought in china to trade for obscene amounts of silver in japan, which they go back to china and use to bring home luxury goods to the west indies. (doc 4) In conclusion, the huge influx of silver posed both a social and economic problem in mid-16th to 18th century in Asia and parts of Europe.

Jane Goodall Research Paper

Jane Goodall Jane Goodall once said, â€Å"I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Doolittle. † Obviously you can tell from this quote that Jane Goodall was very passionate about animals. She was an ethologist, which is a person who studies the behavior of animals, and more specifically a primatologist. She studied chimpanzees in Africa and made ground breaking discoveries about the similarities between primates and humans. So in a nutshell, the research of Jane Goodall was revolutionary and it changed the way that we view ourselves.Before she was conducting powerful research in Africa, she started out as a normal child. She was born on April 3, 1934, in London, England. She had always loved animals and this was easily seen when at the age of 4 she slept with earthworms in her bed and stayed in a hen house for 5 hours to see her hen lay an egg. See loved all animals but her infatuation with primates stemmed from receiving a stuffed chimpanzee which she named Jubilee, at the a ge of 2. This was from Current Biography. Jane had always dreamed of going to Africa to be among nature but it took her several years to make it there.Finally, one of her friends invited her to her family’s farm in Kenya. She finally got to Africa in 1957 at the age of 23. Jane greatly enjoyed being in Africa and once there she was determined to find the paleontologist, Louis Leakey. She was able to meet him and when she did she found out he was doing a study on apes. He ended up letting her be the main field worker. The scientific community thought that it was crazy to let a woman with no science education run a study. Leakey was aware of these conceptions but didn’t pay them any mind.So in the year 1960, Jane set off for Gombe, Africa to begin researching. Just before Goodall was getting ready to start the study, many researchers discouraged her, telling her that she would never get close to the chimps and it would be a waste of time. Jane didn’t head any of t his advice. She knew that she was going to this study her way and that she would be successful. The first two months were a little disappointing for Jane. She would walk through the underbrush and only be able to hear the chimps screeching from high above and rarely, even catch a glimpse of a chimp.When she thought that everything was going terribly, she found a place she called, the â€Å"peak. † The peak was a clearing about 100 ft. above the jungle floor. Jane could sit there and observe the chimps’ natural behavior. It was here where Jane started gathering her first observations. She saw the chimps greet one another with hugs and kisses and walk hand in hand. Once she even witnessed a male take a female’s hand and gently kiss it. Jane was able to conclude from these first few observations that chimps are very social creatures like us.In no time at all, Jane had made a discovery that shocked the science world. She had observed chimps on several occasions stra tegically, hunt down and kill other animals. Until then it was believed that chimpanzees were herbivores. Another ground breaking discovery that Goodall made around that same time was that chimps made tools to help them do things. According to PBS, she saw a chimp pick out a grass stem, whittle it with his teeth, and use it as a sort of fishing pole to scrape insects out of the ground.No one had ever recorded seeing any creature other than a human create a tool. This made people rethink the definition of a human. Even though Goodall was making discoveries, she still wasn’t pleased with the fact that she wasn’t able to get close to any chimps yet. Her new focus was to do just that. She would sit on the forest floor and watch as the chimps walked by. Eventually they warmed up to her and came closer. Suddenly the chimps were aggressive toward her but after a few weeks it stopped and the chimps let her follow them while hunting for food.Soon she was even able to start inte racting with them a little. She had a special connection with a chimp she named David Grey Beard. He was the first chimp she actually made physical contact with. Many of Jane’s peers didn’t like her because she named her subjects, and told stories about them instead of recording data. A lot of them didn’t trust the authenticity of her discoveries. Jane disregarded all of this negativity. She called herself an â€Å"old fashioned naturalist. † In fact she said she would have stopped if she had had to things the official way.In the end, Goodall’s discoveries were validated and some of her research techniques have been adopted by the scientific community. So in conclusion, the research of Jane Goodall was revolutionary and it changed the way that we view ourselves. She discovered that chimps were omnivores ancd used tools; are social creatures just like humans; and was able to have contact with a wild chimp which no one else had done. So after hearing about Jane Goodall can you say that you are that much different than a chimp?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Improving roads Essay

If someone goes on a hill or a high place and has a look at what is going on, down on the vast area, he will see a lot of curved lines that are like snakes, creeping in each other and there are some tiny objects that are moving like thousands of insects. Living in modern cities needs more traveling during the day because people go to different work places. This is a good reason for having a liable transportation system that is able to transfer every body from one place to another one. Some people think that governments should pay attention to this matter and spend more money to build more roads and highways. They prefer fast cars and a good route to ride their vehicles because they have to work or shop and there is not enough time for all of them. I believe, governments should have a general view about transportation and it means that there are some other issues that must be considered at the same time. If we spend more money on public transportation system, a lot of people can use it and they don’t have to buy a car to pollute the environment and also we would not have so many car accidents that suffer a lot of families and are a waste of money, and time. These days, every one is aware of air pollution and a great deal of damage to the environment that are caused by fuels. If the number of private vehicles increases, we can not breathe well. There are different diseases in children who live in polluted cities. Nature is changing and some areas in the world have had â€Å"acid rain† that destroyed a lot of trees in forests. Have you thought what would happen to our planet if this situation continues We must improve public transportation system and make people use it and refuse riding private cars to help ourselves. When we read a newspaper or listen to the news on radio or at T.V., we notice how many car crashes happen in a day. A lot of people die or are damaged. Families are sad and every body thinks why all these should happen. If we encourage people to take public transportation, they would be safer and the amount of psychological and economical effect on the society would decrease. As a result, I think government should spend and even invest more money on public transportation to prevent more pollution in cities and let people  live in healthy condition. Also by improving public transportation we avoid more accidents and consequently decrease death toll.

Socratic Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Socratic Philosophy - Essay Example The original speech given by Socrates was written by Xenophon, but Plato's version is still considered to be the most reliable source of gaining information about the history of the Socrates. There is no assurance considering how close are Plato's words to the words employed by Socrates in the actual speech at the time of his trial but it is believed that they are as closest as they can be. The speech given by Socrates was an attempt to defend himself from the accusations that were presented in the court against him. These charges included his corruptive activities in order to deliberately corrupt young minds along with his belief in atheism and creation of new deities. Plato was the only one who was able to revive the existence of Socrates in that court and his true state of mind. 'The apology' begins with the confusion that Socrates explained during the trial which said that he does not know if people of Athens, which were presented in the courts as the jury have been convinced by his accusers to join the jury. According to Plato's version of Socrates, he believed in the instant usage of words that came right from his mind rather than the usage of metaphors and perhaps words that over elaborate. The speech clearly presents Socrates notion of philosophy, which was an integral part of his undeveloped wisdom and his belief that philosophy can never be there unless one a dmits the intensity of Ignorance. The Trial: There three men who accused Socrates were Anytus, son of Anthemion who according to Socrates became a part of the indictment to represent the anger of the politicians and craftsmen. Socrates explained the eminence of virtue and that it cannot be taught while providing evidences to prove that many Athenians have sons who are in many ways mediocre as compared to the greatness that they had to offer. He precedes with real life examples of Pericles and Thucydides to strongly support the notion. Anytus was aggravated by Socrates' offensive remarks and impolite behavior that persuaded Anytus to convict him for various charges. The second man to represent the accusations was Meletus, the only speaker during Socrates' defense speech. Socrates mentions that Meletus joined the indictment to represent the poets; he also describes Meletus's appearance as a young hook-nosed man who is not known to many. During their discussion Meletus permits Socrates to bombard him with baffling queries that entrapped him in Socrates little conspiracy. Meletus accused Socrates of atheism and his belief in demi-gods. The third and the final accuser was Lycon, a remarkable rhetorician who as per Socrates joined the indictment on behalf of the rhetoricians. Along with Lycon, Nails is also believed to be an accuser who strongly represented the indictment and the charges pressed against Socrates. Nails became a democratic politician right after the downfall of the four hundred; he accused Socrates for his active part as one of the thirty tyrants who were solely responsible for the execution of his son, Autolycus. Socrates was faced by a set of two accusations which he had to defend himself from. The first set of accusations comprises of his conviction in various sorts of crimes and his big mouth that has only offensive words to convey. This set of accusations

Friday, September 27, 2019

Narrative about family during a holiday gathering Assignment

Narrative about family during a holiday gathering - Assignment Example However, his abilities, experience and luck are the factors which help in his life. It took a few months when he got a suitable job for himself and showed his satisfaction with the environment and rules. The distress and depression that he has faced in the past few months needed to be relieved. Once again, a family gathering was organized to celebrate his success and I took the responsibility of all the arrangements. Since it is not a party arranged for a young teenager, it took me a while to think of the setups needed. He is no more a high school kid but is the manager of a multinational business with his sons getting education from the best universities in the state. I was much worried of keeping in view their living standards and prepare things higher than their expectations. Mary took the responsibility of making his favorite chocolate cookies topped with honey and peanuts, Kate decorated the wide lawn of our house with flowers and sophisticated decoration material and I made calls to all the family members for the party. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers and the lights are giving a pleasant view of the beautifully decorated place. The family members sitting on the chairs gossiping about their life affairs were having a pleasant time together. Children playing, running, talking and giggling around the chairs, rooms and people. Mother Mary asked me â€Å"Is jack busy grabbing some surprise for us?† Obviously he was on time and always opted for the unusual surprises on such occasions. The picnic arranged for him after his high school was memorable especially for the gifts he brought for all of our family members and the guitar he brought for me specially. â€Å"What would the surprise be?† Mary asked again out of curiosity bringing me back to the real world. I smiled and hugged her for the impatience she showed and asked her to wait a

Sources of Stress and Anxiety in Adolescent Students Study Assignment

Sources of Stress and Anxiety in Adolescent Students Study - Assignment Example Stress is the response or the reaction that a body shows when faced with disturbances that may be external or internal in nature and is actually a process by which one meets the challenges and threats in our daily lives (Myers, 2005). In an adolescent, if stress enhances the learning abilities it is known as good stress (â€Å"Eustress†), but if it inhibits or suppresses the capabilities and inherent potentialities of the adolescent, then it is bad stress (â€Å"Distress†) and must be avoided. An adolescent may face stress owing to parental pressure to excel in their studies, poor time management while organizing studies, while planning for their future which may often be hampered by parental interference, and also often due to impending school report cards and the parental reaction thereafter. This article will examine these causal factors for ‘adolescent stress related to studies’, and will explore its outward manifestations in various ways, like psycholo gical, physiological and social dysfunction in adolescents, and interventions to lessen stress. â€Å"Children are constantly being subjected to stress and conflict in their external environment: from family school and work, and nature; and in their internal environment: from their feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness and loneliness† (Arnold, 52). Stress may manifest itself in various ways, which may in effect cause our bodies to function differently as a reaction to the stressful situation. Khalid in his research papers on adolescent students has shown that over one-third (35.5%) of adolescents have had stress (Khalid, 33-37) while Bawens and Jack in their papers have concluded that adolescent stress comes mostly from school and are related to disproportionate amounts of assignments amounting to huge workload, frequent class examinations, biased behavior of the school teachers and the indignity of lagging behind the school peers in class studies.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Will American Airline and US Airways merge going to cause monopoly in Essay

Will American Airline and US Airways merge going to cause monopoly in major city'airfare - Essay Example Once the two airlines merge, they will operate as a single entity within the airline industry. Combining these firms’ business is seemingly detrimental to major city airfare. In this respect, there are diverse and dynamic arguments with regard to monopolization of major city airfare. The American Airlines-US Airways merger, however, is less likely to cause airfare monopoly in major cities. In their domestic and international operations, both American Airline and US Airways operate alongside other major airlines such as Delta and United Airlines. Monopoly over airfare would have to outperform other major airline in terms of air ticket prices. In this respect, the American Airlines-US Airways merger has limited chances of controlling airfare due to high competition in the industry. Although the merger could make American Airlines the biggest airline globally (Rosenbloom, 2014), the airline will still have to face stiff competition from other major airlines both locally and internationally. Without necessarily accounting for all major airlines, American Airlines will have to face Delta, United, and Southwest airlines as far as the domestic airline industry is concerned. Due to the competition factor, the firm, even after the merger, cannot base its primary operational strategy on airfare control. Airfare in major cities remains influenced by demand and supply factors, aspects that the merger would have to address before realizing monopolized airfares. Airfare-based monopoly will be difficult to realize in a highly competitive industry. Debates on the American Airlines-US Airways merge contend that air ticket prices could increase following the move (Rosenbloom, 2014). Critical to note, however, is that customers are rational as far price and utility are concerned. With or without the merger, consumer tastes, preferences, and decisions will still be critical to account for. This merger

Critical dialogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical dialogs - Essay Example However, one has to have impressions to a substance despite not knowing it (Bronner 17). Therefore, democracy is viewed as a complete system and tries to accomplish incompleteness. Fitche together with Kant, made a donation to critical theory by reinforcing the ideas of the theory. They and termed it as a dual relationship between nature and persons in terms of ideas. In addition, he stressed on key thoughts such as that of alienation improvement and importance of freedom. Alienation of improvement (disagreement between mind and nature) this is always occurred when there is the disparity of purposeful effort of concern with involvement of freedom. (Bronner 18). On the other hand, language is also key factor when studying emotional realm; the relationship between history of individual subject and the determination of the subject, in addition, record is made perfect though language; language expresses one event better and it is also a mechanism which conveys accuracy of the subject. (Bronner 101). Therefore, better understanding of communication will allow one to discuss a topic well whether in politic of proper context; this implies that it will provide a participant the proper value it stands in it place. Hence reducing chances of misinterpretation of the subject or object; this implies that an individual will improve his or her ability understand issues of life. Therefore, clear understanding about key theory nurtures one’s conceptual abilities; it outlines qualitative and quantitative interpretation of a research analysis. Thurs, one can easily show that critical theory is more of encouraging to an issue than destructive; brings a function of positivity than indifference in essence that it brings certainty in when judging (Bronner 102). Decision making is made easier since an outline for judgment is provided; an individual can easily for the procedures set for wise decision

Henrys Law Constant Of Glyoxal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Henrys Law Constant Of Glyoxal - Research Paper Example The enhancement of KH was linked to the sulfate: carbonyl molar ratio rather than the absolute concentration of sulfate ions in bulk solution. The profound sulfate effect was only observed in glyoxal and formaldehyde, but not methylglyoxal. Chemical analysis suggested that this sulfate mediated reaction was reversible. Meanwhile, Time of Flight-MS (TOF-MS), NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) suggested the unknown product was sulfate containing product. For ionic strength effect, KH of formaldehyde, methylglyoxal and glyoxal were investigated in NaCl solution with concentrations ranging from 25mM to 4M. Our observation suggested that the formation of hydrogen bonding between chloride ions and diol groups of the hydrated carbonyls lead to "salting-in" effects in concentrated NaCl solution. The partitioning process of these small, reactive carbonyls was not sensitive to the ionic strength of wet aerosols and the profound effects of sulfate on glyoxal KH supported the hypothesi s that sulfate play an important role in glyoxal gas/aqueous phase partitioning. The Henry law constant KH is a key parameter that aids in the... 2.2 Experimentation Methods 6 3.0 Results and Discussion 7 3.1 Formaldehyde 7 Product Identification 9 3.2 Glyoxal 10 3.3 Methylglyoxal 13 4.0 Conclusion 14 Work cited 16 Appendix 25 1.0 Introduction The Henry law constant KH is a key parameter that aids in the determination of the magnitude, rate and flux direction between the aqueous and the gas solution. Due to the insufficient thermodynamic data and poor understanding in gas/particle partitioning behaviors of glyoxal and other oxidation products from both anthropogenic and biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), discrepancies between field measurements and SOA models were large (Volkamer et al., 2006). In particular, the partitioning process of C2, C3-bifunctional species, formed in significant yields from the photo-oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons, isoprene, terepene, alkenes as well as alkynes, remain unclear [Yu et al., 1995; Yu et al., 1997; Yu et al., 1998; Yu et al., 1999; Warneck, 2003]. Field measurements have revealed that these low molecular weight, bi-functional species are important precursors for SOA in cloud-processing [Blando and Turpin, 2000; Warneck, 2003]. Laboratory evidence suggests that, the rate-limiting step in SOA formation of isoprene photo-oxidation was the oxidation of first-generation reaction products which leads to the formation of up to four functional groups of the carbon skeleton. Therefore, the partitioning of chemical species containing multifunction groups could be more likely a critical step for formation of SOA in other systems as well (Kroll et al, 2006). Recently, glyoxal was used as an activity indicator for photo-oxidation attributed to its high abundance after onset of sunlight and short lifetime, while formaldehyde worked

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Historiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Historiography - Essay Example Trying to connect atrocities and brutal, ferocious events such as conquests and annihilation of peoples with the theory is a bit problematic, though. When thinking of men like Hernan Cortes, the Spanish conquistador that has invaded America and eventually slaughtered the Native Americans extremely viciously, or like Hitler, which ascended to power in Germany in 1933 and was responsible for the most horrible murders of over 6,000,000 people, theres a difficulty in attributing the word "great" to them. Lets take the case of Cortes, for example. He had arrived in North America and at first befriended the Native Americans, accepting their gifts, enjoying their hospitality and planning some kind of cooperation with them. However, as time went on, major differences started to be evident between the Spanish army that mingled with the Native Americans. For example, the Spanish had a hard time understanding the religious customs and traditions the latter had. They saw some of their rituals as barbaric and primitive, since they involved human sacrifice and body mutilation. In time, tensions grew between the two groups until they reached a boiling point. From that point on, what happened was debatably inevitable. But was it really? Cortes was singlehandedly responsible for the brutal killing of many Indians, and what had previously started as an amicable friendship turned into a most gruesome bloodbath. Cortes refused to back down and was relentless in his quest to vanquish the Native Amer icans. His motive was to eradicate the natives and become a governor for this newly discovered land, gain in respect, status and wealth, and use the local resources to establish a thriving Spanish colony in this new land. In other words, he was driven by greed, a hunger for power and self-motivation. Lets take another example, one from recent time. Hitler has ascended to power through democratic

Writing an event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing an event - Essay Example The intricacies of a busy family life then was the culprit for my entering school almost two months after the official opening of classes. I gathered, they just forgot. I can still remember the fear I have inside with my heart throbbing ferociously. There I was in my crisp new uniform with a heavy bag loaded with books sheepishly creeping in the classroom accompanied by my mother. Her warm hands clasp my cold sweaty palms. There she was, the teacher, smiling and beckoning me to her side. She briefly made a short, rather loud introduction in front of those staring, rather, glaring eyes attached to little children seated in their respective desks. I somehow wondered how in the world did I get an instant desk. And how come they all seem to know each other – whispering to each other (aloud) –when I could hardly recognize any of them? My mother started to bid me goodbye but I refused to get my sweaty hand’s grasp out of her warm palm. No, mommy! Don’t leave me here with these strangers all staring at me like I am some alien from another world – so I thought. With relentless reassurance from Miss Cruz (who started to take my hand off from my mother) and my mom who promised she would stay only outside the classroom where I can still see her and wait until classes are over – did I finally succumb. Anyway, they added, recess is almost near. What is the world does that mean? I wondered. After being seated, a girl right beside my desk, in braids and spectacles, Rebecca, started to talk to me. She asked me what my name was and offered to assist me in the topic they were discussing when my entrance rudely interrupted them. She appeared friendly and her spectacles prevented me from seeing her stare. After that tragic, drastic, nerve-wrecking day, as a naà ¯ve girl of five, I started my academic journey of which until now, several challenging years after, I still

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Work Plan for Interior Designer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Work Plan for Interior Designer - Assignment Example Interior designers work usually runs in a well laid out sequence. The designer starts by determining the client’s requirements, tastes and preferences before undertaking the project. At this point, they have to consider the number of the building users and hence making enough interior space for them to move comfortably making sure that the taste of client does not hinder motion within the building. After the initial considerations, the interior designer has to make the preliminary sketches of the design plans. These plans will enable them to identify the material they need for the projects such as lighting, furnishes, furniture, tiles, carpets, and decorations. After the preliminary designing, the interior designer has to make a preparation of the final plans usually by the use of the appropriate computer software and present the same to the client. In a case the client is not satisfied by the expected appearance, the interior designer has to make the corrections and adjustments to suit the client's needs. After the designing process, the interior designer has to make an estimate of the cost of the project and create a realistic timeline for the implementation of the same. They then have to oversee the project implementation to ensure that everything goes along with the plan. It is also imperative that they carry out a post-project survey to make sure that the final product satisfies the client. Interior designing is multifaceted and the designer has to work closely with other professionals within the construction industry such as structural engineers, architects, and builders. It is therefore imperative that they are able to read blueprints. It is also compulsory for interior designers to be adequately knowledgeable of building codes as well as inspection regulations.

Family centred care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Family centred care - Essay Example The author has rightly presented that the family plays a vital role in the nursing of the patient. Since the discovery of this fact, there has been vast interest on the topic of family-centered care. For purposes of establishing the role of the nurse in family centered care, the essay has its basis on a case study. The patient, Joan, who is in hospital, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. It is evident that she has a family, a husband. In planning the discharge of this patient, the nurse has to consider a number of issues. Some of these issues are the feelings that her husband has, and the fact that he may be unable to cope with her condition, managing Joan’s agitation, assessing the risk that the disease brings about to Joan. In addition, the nurse should consider the stress that Joan’s disease puts on the relationship between the members of the family and the possibility that the family might have limited knowledge on the disease and may need guidance on how to cope. The paper will focus on four major topics with regard to family centered care. The first of these is the risk posed by Alzheimer’s. Secondly, the paper will look into the issue of the stress that Joan’s sickness could cause on the relationship between members of her family. The third topic entails the possible reasons for Joan’s agitation and the best way to manage it. The last issue to be discussed is the feeling that the family members may have towards Joan, and with regard to her condition and the part, they play in caring for her.... This kind of care, the institute adds, is applicable to patients of all age groups, and is recommended in all settings that deal with health care. This would mean that for the sake of quick recuperation of patients, the family would have to be heavily involved in the process of nursing, while acquiring relevant and vital information on what steps to take from the nurse in charge of their sick relatives. In the case study, Joan has dementia. Joan is set for discharge from the health facility where she has been. Family centered care begins from within the hospital. This means that the family is also heavily involved in the decision to discharge. At this point, the family needs to get reassurance that Joan is in a stable enough condition to go home. In addition, the dependent state of the patient warrants their involvement for purposes of establishing whom her primary caregivers will be and where she will be living (Davidson et al. 2007). Before the nurse releases her into the care of h er family, it is important that they come up with a family care plan that will aid in assessing the situation at home (Gulanick & Myers 2011). An example of the nurse’s family care plan is as shown. Table 1: Family care Plan for Joan with dementia Family Problem Goal of care Objectives of Care Intervention Measures Method of nurse-family contact Resources Evaluation -little knowledge on risks posed by Alzheimer’s . - possible source of stress for family - patient agitated - To put the patients at ease -Prevention of self-harm by patient Enabling the family to empathize with the situation and learn the understand the sickness -provide health teachings to the family on Alzheimer’s

Monday, September 23, 2019

Eastern Europe Under Communist Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Eastern Europe Under Communist Rule - Essay Example Since 1968 there was a reform that began within the party, no further political or economic reforms were considered by the party, for fear of a similarly disastrous loss of control over society. In contrast, even the shock that followed 1953 in East Germany, producing the enormous purges that it did, did not prevent some few future policy alterations.As brought out, it is clear that despite some regions of Eastern Europe having communist influence prior to the Second World War, such as Poland, Eastern Europe would not have become communist without the interference of the Soviet Union in the post-war years. This is inferred by the fact that following the War, Stalin was forced to bring about communists into the governments of the popular of Eastern-European states to make sure that only countries that implemented communist governments surrounded the USSR, introducing communism upon these states in spite of his promises of free elections. It can also be seen that in the post-war years' Soviet intervention in elections was current, suggesting that maybe without this intervention results would have been different from those which were obtained, and many states in Eastern Europe would not have become communist. This is clear in the case of Poland, which did actually have a communist party, however, this was dissolved by Stalin in 1941 as it was a potential threat, and then reformed under Stalin’s main concern as he developed Polish communists in Moscow. After the War, Stalin recognized a Soviet government in Poland.

Airport Monitors Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Airport Monitors - Assignment Example The flights coming in and out during the peak of the storm were canceled until better weather. The runways became full of snow because of the storm but have been quickly cleared. The runways currently in use are runways 03, 04, and 09. The typical runways sizes are 8,000 to 12,000 in length. The runways are made out of concrete and in good condition. Each runway has lights and can be used during all conditions. The airport has most of the planes out of a base and moving passengers. There are 5 jets and 1 multi-engine aircraft at the Detroit Metro Airport not in use. The average number of flights per day is 660 commercial air flights, 579 air taxis, and 26 GA Transients. The airport has 13 different radio frequencies. Overall, the airport has decent runways and many flights scheduled to depart and many flights scheduled to arrive. The twenty-mile radius around the airport is cluttered with incoming and outgoing flights. The second airport chosen is the Chicago O’Hare International airport. The airport is located in Chicago, Illinois. The airport examination was performed at 6:10 pm on February 3rd, 2011. The airport is usually quite a busy airport. Chicago was recently hit with a large blizzard that forced the airport to cancel almost every flight. The weather at the time of observation is cold and sunny. The previous weather caused many delays and cancelations. The twenty-mile radius surrounding the airport shows very few flights coming or going. There are only 8 flights total within a twenty-mile radius. At the time of observation, there is no aircraft based at the airport. Under normal weather conditions, the airport has on average 1533 commercial flights, 764 air taxis, and 20 GA transients. The average total air traffic is 2317 flights each day. The current runway conditions are snowy and icy. The airport has five runways currently operating. Three of the runways are made of asphalt and two are made  of concrete.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Shiller and Fama can won the Nobel Prize Essay

Why Shiller and Fama can won the Nobel Prize - Essay Example According to their views, their study impacts the way individuals choose to save and how governments choose to stimulate economies. They explain that poor pricing can lead to economic bubbles and result into financial market crash leading to a financial crisis. The methods the three economists form a useful tool in academic research. Their theories and studies are clear and simple such that any person who is not in the finance major can understand what they discuss on asset prices (Nobel Media AB, 1). Fama stipulates that it is nearly impossible to predict short term changes in stock prices. If a person is interested in stock investment, the knowledge of how stocks trade in the past week may not help predict what will happen in the coming week (Nobel Media AB, 1). He carries out a demonstration that shows the assimilation of new information as dividend announcements and stock splits into share values. Shiller comes along to demonstrate long-term pattern in stock price changes (Nobel Media AB, 1). Through his research, he demonstrates that the stock prices fluctuate more than underlying fundamentals such as dividend yields. Hansen put his thoughts on research and helped answer the questions of stock prices by using his generalized method of moments, and using statistical models that incorporated asset prices. The findings of the three economists led to the popularity of index funds to the general public. The study of risk and field of behavioral finance was exposed to the public domain for scrutiny. Carrying out the right predictions of asset prices for the future is a hard task. Even so, it is possible to foresee the future broad course of these prices basing the analysis on longer periods such as the next three or five years to come (Nobel Media AB, 1). These findings were the attributes of the laureates, Fama, Hansen, and

Shawshank Redemption vs Romulus My Father Essay Example for Free

Shawshank Redemption vs Romulus My Father Essay Belonging refers to a sense of feeling accepted or welcome either physically or spiritually to a group or club. â€Å"A feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time†. This statement suggests that a strong relationship is created or evolved over a period of time, it is evident in todays society through terms such as â€Å"childhood friends†. The sentiment â€Å"A feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time† is portrayed in my text â€Å"Romulus my Father† by Raimond Gaita and my related text the movie â€Å"The Shawshank Redemption† directed by Frank Darabont. In â€Å"Shawshank Redemption† the year is 1947 and Andy Dufresne is ordered to serve two life sentences in Shawshank Prison for the murder of his wife and her lover. Inside, Andy is subjected to violent attacks from brutal guards and fellow inmates. Slowly, he begins to make friends ,one of the most most important friendship is the one he forms with Red, who has also been convicted of murder and is Shawshanks resident black-market dealer. During his time in prison, Andys previous experience as a banker earns him favour with the guards and especially the warden ,as he begins to manage their financial affairs, soon moving on to laundering money for them. In return, Andy is permitted special privileges , which includes working in the wardens office and being able to establisha prison library for the inmates. Eventually Andys innocence is proven. However, by this time, Andy is nowhere to be found and the warden and Shawshank are left sinking in a sea of scandal. Through his time in imprisonment he creates many friendships and alliances with the guards and the inmates, however he never gives up his belief in himself and he never looses his sense of belonging to the outside world like many of the inmates. He refuses to become institutionalized. He always believed in his innocence and believed he belonged on the â€Å"outside†. Like Raimond in Romulus my father Andy Dufresne both characters do not conform to their surroundings. Raimonds surroundings being mental illness and Andy’s being institutionalization. This is due to a strong sense in their own personal belonging they know where they belong and how they belong and their surroundings will not effect nor change this. The two main characters also find or in Andy’s case creates an area where they feel safe and secure . For Andy this was his library . A place where he feels at home away from the violence of the prison. A place where he can be who he use to be, a place to belong away from the harshness of prison life . A glimmer of his past . Raimond also has a place where he feels safe and that was anywhere his dog was . His dog provides feeling of safety of being needed by another living being . Of felling a sense of belonging and acceptance that no human could replicate. Time serves as both a source of torment as well as the backdrop for the slow, eventual achievement of Andy’s escape to where he feels he belongs, his seemingly impossible goal for nearly twenty-eight years. Shawshank redefines the passage of time for the inmates, especially for the â€Å"lifers† like Andy and Red, who can only look forward to death. Hours can seem like a lifetime, and every day seems indistinguishable from the next, adding to the loneliness and burden of imprisonment. Ironically, however, time also proves to be the means of Andy’s escape and salvation and gives him hope throughout his quarter-century in Shawshank. It is ironic that the inmates feel as they don’t belong in jail, there is a scene in the movies where one of the inmates Brooks is release from prison after spending a life sentence who is released and feels that he doesn’t belong this is evident thought the quote â€Å"I cant believe how fast thing move on the out side† her refers to the world as the â€Å"outside† this projects a sense of not belonging to society. Brooks then goes on to say â€Å" maybe I should get me a gun, n rob the food way so they’d send me home† . He feels more sense of belonging inside a prison than he does out in the real world. He feels outcast not through his actions but through the passage of time â€Å"the world went and got themselves into a big dam hurry† . The passage of time in Shawshank redemption has created a strong relationship between the inmates and the prison a feeling of belonging, time has changed the world they once knew to a totally different world that is alien to them, thus institutionalizing them to a world they feel comfortable. ‘Romulus, My Father‘ composed by Raimond Gaita is an autobiographical memoir of his fathers life. It explores the Assimilation to Australian Culture in the Eyes on Raimond Gaita general hardships of migrants moving from Europe, and how he comes to belong to Australia. In â€Å"Romulus My Father† the most profound sense of belonging exists with the narrator himself. The narrator delivers his observations in a reflective and thoughtful tone. The high modality of verb choice suggests a pleasant nostalgia about events in the book. Particularly his recollections of his father, notions such as, â€Å"I loved him too deeply†¦ no quarrel could estrange us† displays the sense of belonging \ he feels with his father. This is evident even after Christina dies. He observed, â€Å"We came together as son and husband with the woman whose remains lay beneath us†. Raimond’s aspect of belonging is that of family and culture. Juxtaposed against Raimond’s belonging is the suffering of Christina in her displacement. For the mother her inability to belong is described by Raimond as, â€Å"a troubled city girl, she could not settle†¦. in a landscape that highlighted her isolation†. Raimond’s melancholy tone conveys how Christine could not fit into the community and in Australia. As a result her isolation and alienation lead her to betray the institution of family juxtaposed by â€Å"I felt awkward with her,† which shows his relationship with his mother has lost the familial belonging it once contained. The landscape plays a harsh role in ‘Romulus, My Father’, as ‘the landscape is one of rare beauty, to a European or English eye it seems desolate’ page 14. Relating to culture shock also, Romulus ‘could not become reconciled to it’ as ‘the eucalypts of Baringhup, scraggy except for the noble red gums on the riverbank, seemed symbols of deprivation and barrenness. page 14. This lack of belonging even in the landscape of Australia for Romulus creates the notion that he felt connected to his native lands in Europe, and without that connection he feels as though he does not belong. However, this can also be viewed that Romulus does not understand the land and therefore cannot appreciate its unique beauty, highlighted where ‘he set fire to the stock in order to kill the snake†¦an immigrant unused to the tinder-dry conditions of an Australian summer’ page 28. Romulus was then harshly unaccepted as ‘The local newspaper ridiculed the New Australian for his folly. ’ He partially redeemed himself in the eyes of locals where he saved Neil Mikkelsen from dying after he fell from a ladder. This can be contrasted to Raimond’s perception of the Australian landscape, one who had grown up with the land, ‘the key to the beauty of the native trees lay in the light which so sharply delineated them against a dark blue sky†¦the sight provoked a surge of affection for my primitive home. pg 62. Belonging shapes who we are. â€Å"Romulus My Father† by Raimond Gaita explores how â€Å"A feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time†. â€Å"The Shawshank redemption† directed by Frank Darabont explores the need for belonging by gamers seeking a place in society and how time can disconnect one from somewhere they one belonged. Together these texts allow us to examine bo th positive and negative aspects time has on belonging.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chutiya Ram Essay Example for Free

Chutiya Ram Essay Tour Dutt was born on March 4, 1856 in Bengal and she died on August 30, 1877, in the prime of her youth, at 21. She is often called the Keats of the Indo-English literature for more than one reason her meteoric rise on and disappearance from the literary firmament, as also for the quality of her poetry. James Darmesteter pays a befitting tribute to her, The daughter of Bengal, so admirable and so strangely gifted, Hindu by race and tradition, and an English woman by education, a French woman at heart, a poet in English, prose writer in French, who at the age of 18 made India acquainted with the poets of French herself, who blended in herself three souls and three traditions, died at the age of 21 in the full bloom of her talent and on the eve of the awakening of her genius, presents in the history of literature a phenomenon without parallel. Literary Achievements Toru Dutt’s literary achievements lay more in her poetic works than in her prose writings. Her poetry is meagre, consisting of A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields and Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan. But she compels attention as KRS Iyengar puts it. Her poetry has sensitive descriptions, lyricism and vigour. Her only work to be published during her lifetime was A Sheaf, an unassuming volume in its overall get-up. The Examiner in its August 1876 issue published the review of her book. Edmund Gosse, the then reviewer expressed his surprise To find Miss Toru Dutt translating, in every case into the measure of the original, no less than 166 poems, some of them no less intricate in form than perplexing in matter. He calls it an amazing feat and a truly brilliant success. A review in the Friend of India says. †¦ the versification is generally good, and the translations, we believe, intelligent and faithful. In selecting poems for translation Toru focused attention on the Romantics of French literature, although she also included Chenier, Courier, Lamartine and a few others of the transition period as well as Brizeux, Moreau, Dupont and Valmore who were not Romantics. In France, the Romantic school was born towards the close of the 18th century and in the beginning of the19th, as in England. They asserted the free-play of imagination, simple and direct diction and freedom from any restrictions. The poems that she translated were probably those which could touch the cord of her imaginations and sentiments patriotism, loneliness, dejection, frustrations, illusions, exile and captivity. One remarkable thing about her translation is that she has been able to capture the spirit of the original. No wonder, then, that Edmund Gosse, in his review says, If modern French literature were entirely lost, it might not be found impossible to reconstruct a great number of poems from its Indian version. Not that she has blindly translated. In fact, she has changed words and phrases of the original and substituted them by more appropriate ones without any hesitation which make her work exact and yet free. The verses maintain the rhythm of the original. Though European by education and training, Toru was essentially an Indian at heart. From her childhood her mother had imbued in her love for the old legends from the Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Her readings of the old Sanskrit classics gave her first-hand knowledge of the charming stories. Her woman’s imagination wove myriad coloured picture and she embarked upon her work, Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan, which appeared in 1882, with Introductory notes by Sir Edmund Gosse. Critics have hailed Ancient Ballads as the best work in English. It shows her keen interest in the Indian translations. According to Lotika Basu, a literary critic, Ancient Ballads, for the first time reveals to the West the soul of India through the medium of English poetry. In fact, scholars are profuse in their praise of this work for its finely-knit verses full of vigour and variety. The stories included are of Savitri, Lakshman, Prahlad, Sindhu and others. Toru wrote two novels Bianca and Le Journal de Mademoiselle d’Arvers. The former, an incomplete romance, is in English and the latter in diary form, is the story of Marguerite and is in French. The manuscripts of these works were discovered after her death amid her papers. Both these works have simple plots which sustain the story element, the language is poetic and the characters are clearly drawn. Toru was proud of India’s cultural heritage, her flok-lores, myths and legends, and its rich classical literature. Though English by education, she was an Indian through and through. E. J. Thompson wrote about her, Toru Dutt remains one of the most astonishing woman that ever lived †¦. Fiery and unconquerable of soul. These poems are sufficient to place Toru Dutt in the small class of women who have written English verse that can stand.

Characteristics of a Failed State

Characteristics of a Failed State The termÂÂ  failed stateÂÂ  is often used to describe a stateÂÂ  perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of aÂÂ  sovereign government. In order to make this definition more precise, the following attributes, are often used to characterize a failed state: loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical forceÂÂ  therein, erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions, an inability to provide reasonable public services, and An inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community Common characteristics of aÂÂ  failing stateÂÂ  include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory; non-provision of public services; widespread corruption and criminality; refugees and involuntary movement of populations; and sharp economic decline A state could be said to succeed if it maintains, in the words ofÂÂ  Max Weber, aÂÂ  monopoly on the legitimate use of physical forceÂÂ  within its borders. When this is broken (e.g., through the dominant presence ofÂÂ  warlords,ÂÂ  paramilitaryÂÂ  groups, orÂÂ  terrorism), the very existence of the state becomes dubious, and the state becomes aÂÂ  failed state. The difficulty of determining whether a government maintains a monopoly on the legitimate use of force (which includes the problems of the definition of legitimate) means it is not clear precisely when a state can be said to have failed. This problem of legitimacy can be solved by understanding what Weber intended by it. Weber clearly explains that only the state has the means of production necessary for physical violence (politics as vocation). This means that the state does not require legitimacy for achieving monopoly on the means of violence (de facto) but will need one if it needs to use it (de jure). The term is also used in the sense of a state that has been rendered ineffective (i.e., has nominal military/police control over its territory only in the sense of having no armed opposition groups directly challenging state authority; in short, the no news is good news approach) and is not able to enforce its laws uniformly because of high crime rates, extremeÂÂ  political corruption, an extensiveÂÂ  informal market, impenetrable bureaucracy, judicial ineffectiveness, military interference in politics, cultural situations in which traditional leaders wield more power than the state over a certain area but do not compete with the state, or a number of other factors. TheÂÂ  Crisis States Research CentreÂÂ  defines a failed state as a condition of state collapse -ÂÂ  i.e., aÂÂ  stateÂÂ  that can no longer perform its basic security and development functions and that has no effective control over its territory and borders. A failed state is one that can no longer reproduce the conditions for its own existence. This term is used in very contradictory ways in the policy community (for instance, there is a tendency to label a poorly performing state as failed a tendency the Crisis States Research Centre rejects). The opposite of a failed state is an enduring state and the absolute dividing line between these two conditions is difficult to ascertain at the margins. Even in a failed state, some elements of the state, such as local state organisations, might continue to exist. Indicators of state vulnerability The indexs ranks are based on twelve indicators of state vulnerability four social, two economic and six political. The indicators are not designed to forecast when states may experience violence or collapse. Instead, they are meant to measure a states vulnerability to collapse or conflict. All countries in the red (Alert, FSI of 90 or more), orange (Warning, FSI of 60 or more), or yellow (Moderate, FSI of 30 or more) categories display some features that make parts of their societies and institutions vulnerable to failure. Some in the yellow zone may be failing at a faster rate than those in the more dangerous orange or red zones, and therefore could experience violence sooner. Conversely, some in the red zone, though critical, may exhibit some positive signs of recovery or be deteriorating slowly, giving them time to adopt mitigating strategies. Social indicators Demographic pressures:ÂÂ  including the pressures deriving from high population density relative to food supply and other life-sustaining resources. The pressure from a populations settlement patterns and physical settings, including border disputes, ownership or occupancy of land, access to transportation outlets, control of religious or historical sites, and proximity to environmental hazards. Massive movement of refugees and internally displaced peoples:ÂÂ  forced uprooting of large communities as a result of random or targeted violence and/or repression, causing food shortages, disease, lack of clean water, land competition, and turmoil that can spiral into larger humanitarian and security problems, both within and between countries. Legacy of vengeance-seeking group grievance:ÂÂ  based on recent or past injustices, which could date back centuries. Including atrocities committed with impunity against communal groups and/or specific groups singled out by state authorities, or by dominant groups, for persecution or repression. Institutionalized political exclusion. PublicÂÂ  scapegoatingÂÂ  of groups believed to have acquired wealth, status or power as evidenced in the emergence of hate radio, pamphleteering and stereotypical or nationalistic political rhetoric. Chronic and sustained human flight:ÂÂ  both the brain drain of professionals, intellectuals and political dissidents and voluntary emigration of the middle class. Growth of exile/expatcommunities are also used as part of this indicator. [edit]Economic indicators Uneven economic development along group lines:ÂÂ  determined by group-based inequality, or perceived inequality, in education, jobs, and economic status. Also measured by group-based poverty levels, infant mortality rates, and education levels. Sharp and/or severe economic decline:ÂÂ  measured by a progressive economic decline of the society as a whole (using: per capita income, GNP, debt, child mortality rates, poverty levels, business failures.) A sudden drop in commodity prices, trade revenue, foreign investment or debt payments. Collapse or devaluation of the national currency and a growth of hidden economies, including the drug trade, smuggling, and capital flight. Failure of the state to pay salaries of government employees and armed forces or to meet other financial obligations to its citizens, such as pension payments. Political indicators Criminalization and/or delegitimisation of the state:ÂÂ  endemic corruption or profiteering by ruling elites and resistance to transparency, accountability and political representation. Includes any widespread loss of popular confidence in state institutions and processes. Progressive deterioration of public services:ÂÂ  a disappearance of basic state functions that serve the people, including failure to protect citizens from terrorism and violence and to provide essential services, such as health, education, sanitation, public transportation. Also using the state apparatus for agencies that serve the ruling elites, such as the security forces, presidential staff, central bank, diplomatic service, customs and collection agencies. Widespread violation of human rights:ÂÂ  an emergence of authoritarian, dictatorial or military rule in which constitutional and democratic institutions and processes are suspended or manipulated. Outbreaks of politically inspired (as opposed to criminal) violence against innocent civilians. A rising number of political prisoners or dissidents who are denied due process consistent with international norms and practices. Any widespread abuse of legal, political and social rights, including those of individuals, groups or cultural institutions (e.g., harassment of the press, politicization of the judiciary, internal use of military for political ends, public repression of political opponents, religious or cultural persecution.) Security apparatus as state within a state:ÂÂ  an emergence of elite orÂÂ  praetorian guardsÂÂ  that operate with impunity. Emergence of state-sponsored or state-supported private militias that terrorize political opponents, suspected enemies, or civilians seen to be sympathetic to the opposition. An army within an army that serves the interests of the dominant military or political clique. Emergence of rival militias, guerrilla forces or private armies in an armed struggle or protracted violent campaigns against state security forces. Rise of factionalised elites:ÂÂ  a fragmentation of ruling elites and state institutions along group lines. Use of aggressive nationalistic rhetoric by ruling elites, especially destructive forms of communalÂÂ  irredentismÂÂ  (e.g., Greater Serbia) or communal solidarity (e.g., ethnic cleansing, defending the faith). Intervention of other states or external factors:ÂÂ  military or Para-military engagement in the internal affairs of the state at risk by outside armies, states, identity groups or entities that affect the internal balance of power or resolution of the conflict. Intervention by donors, especially if there is a tendency towards over-dependence on foreign aid or peacekeeping missions.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflective Essay on Art and Famous Artists

Reflective Essay on Art and Famous Artists The Olive Trees† by Vincent van Gogh caught my eye as soon as I saw it. Van Gogh has always fascinated me with his dramatic use of color and the thick texture he used while painting. After doing some research, I learned that he painted â€Å"The Olive Trees† in 1890 after voluntarily entering an asylum at Saint-Remy (MoMA). It has been said that van Goghs talent flourished in the last two years of his life while at Saint-Remy. Although he died at the ripe age of thirty-seven, he was a busy man. He created over 200 oil paintings during his life. Some of his most famous pieces are The Starry Night, Portrait of Dr. Gachet, and Irises (Artquotes). â€Å"The Olive Trees† is an oil on canvas painting that measures 28 5/8 x 36† (MoMA). This piece is in the post-impressionist style. Post-impressionists extended Impressionism while rejecting its lack of emotions. Artists continued to use vivid colors, thick application of paint, distinctive brush strokes, and real-life subject matter (Topofart). The post-impressionist style is seen throughout most of van Goghs works and especially in â€Å"The Olive Trees†. Van Gogh used thick oil paint combined with wide rough brushstrokes to create texture in this piece. This technique called â€Å"impasto† is evident in many of his other works such as â€Å"The Starry Night† (Frank). The subject of the picture is olive trees. These trees could be found all around the asylum he admitted himself to. This painting seems to have a lighter mood than some of the other paintings he completed right before his death. It seems that he, â€Å"found happiness† or something that got his mind off of the deep depression and mental sickness he had. The viewer can see it in this piece by looking at the use of color and dancing lines he used to create a happy, but mellow mood in the piece. This technique can also be seen in his other works such as â€Å"Starry Night†. Not only did he use color and line to lighten the mood of the piece, but he also used shape. Van Gogh painted the olive trees, mountains, and clouds all by using organic shape. This creates a flow of line, mass, and space. By using these effects, van Gogh creates a visual rollercoaster for the viewer to follow. At first glance, the viewers eyes roll from the grass up to the olive trees, and then across the blue colored mountains. By using this flow of line, the painting has a unique balance to it which allows no space to appear empty. The painting seems lively and the olive trees create a mood of dancing across the landscape. Van Gogh created a well balanced atmosphere by using the light colored clouds to balance out the blues used in the mountains. The clouds also help to balance the arrangement of greens he used for the foreground and olive trees. This is called symmetrical balance. I believe van Gogh used this in his work not only create a well flowing piece, but also to get the viewers eyes to move across the painting. By doing this, he keeps the viewers eyes from staring at one section of the painting. Instead, the viewer receives an emotional grasp from the flow of line, color, and texture that the painting offers. Overall, I really enjoy this piece of art. Although it is not one of van Goghs most-known pieces, it is one of my favorites. I tend to go against the grain and choose things that I find interesting instead of going with the â€Å"social norm†. His use of color and texture is what keeps me looking at his work. I think the mood and emotion that he gave off by this painting could not be done with any other color. Obviously van Gogh had a message and an emotion that he wanted to portray in this piece, and I think he conveyed it perfectly. I think van Gogh was conveying a since of hope and happiness from this piece. His use of line and texture creates movement in the painting and a sense of joy. The bright cloud contrasts against the olive trees and seems to brighten the piece not only through color, but emotionally as well. The painting is a joy to look at and will remain that way for a long time to come. Works Cited Famous Vincent Van Gogh Paintings. Artist Quotes Art Quotes Famous Artists Fine Artists. Web. 17 Apr. 2010. . Frank, Patrick, and Duane Preble. Prebles Artforms: an Introduction to the Visual Arts. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson /Prentice Hall, 2009. Print. Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Art Reproductions, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Paintings. Art Reproductions Oil Painting Reproductions. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. . MoMA | The Collection | Vincent Van Gogh. The Olive Trees. Saint Rà ©my, June-July 1889. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. . Diego Rivera Diego Rivera was born into a wealthy family in Mexico. From the age of ten, Rivera studied art at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City (Biography). He was sponsored to continue study in Europe by the governor of Veracruz (Biography). After his arrival in Europe in 1907, he began to study art with a number of well known artists. A few years later Picasso and Georges Braque began getting world-wide exposure with their new type of art, Cubism. From 1913-1918, he devoted himself almost entirely to the cubist school of art (Arttrader). In 1920, Rivera left France and spent a short time in Italy. While there, Rivera studied frescoes and the popular works from the Renaissance period (Biography). In 1921, Rivera returned to Mexico to start on what I personally believe to be some of his best works. He began to paint murals in auditoriums, schools, and other various government buildings. Most of his art carried political influence which he believed in. Rivera was a communist and his work shared that of his political beliefs and how he felt about the Mexican people. He began to develop his own native style based on large, simplified figures and bold colors. Although his paintings were beautiful, his attacks on the church and political beliefs made him a controversial figure. (Biography). Some of his best known works during this time are: En el Arsenal, Creation, and The Flower Carrier. Rivera painted frescoes in this style for many years up until his death in 1957 (Biography). I chose to do my paper on one of his pieces with a Cubist influence. It was completed in 1912 while he was in France. The artwork is called â€Å"Cubist Landscape†. It is an oil on canvas that measures 25  ¾Ã¢â‚¬  x 35  ½Ã¢â‚¬  (MoMA). I chose this piece of art because it reminds me of my grandmother. She was a quilter, and at first glance, this painting reminds me of a patchwork quilt. Cubism was a huge influence in Riveras earlier career, and this was one of his first works in France. The content of this piece is a landscape filled with trees of different colors and a colorful sky with a mountain in the background. To me, it looks like you are looking at four different paintings that have been sat on top of each other at different angles. The use of the cubism style in this painting is very evident due to not only the name, but the way the object of the picture and background are â€Å"chopped† up and distorted throughout the piece. Rivera used big chunks of dif ferent objects to make this piece so it is not as distorted as the works of Picasso. I believe he did this so the viewer would not lose emphasis on the emotion Rivera was trying to get the viewer to feel. Rivera balanced the painting by using the Cubist style to section the painting out in to different pieces. The eye is specifically drawn to the lighter-green tree in the front. This tree is standing straight while all the other trees are bent and leaning in different directions. By doing this, Rivera made the tree in the front the subject of the piece, and made your eyes be drawn directly to this object. Line also played a role in the emotion and emphasis on the tree. He emphasized the front tree even more by making it more detailed and by giving the trunk of it texture. It stands straight up compared to the other ones to symbolize strength and power. The background of the artwork is where the emotion in the painting is created. The background is colored in a patchwork of the color wheel. Greens, reds, oranges, blues, violets, and yellows are all woven into the background to create a happy mood that surrounds the trees. The other trees also fall into the back ground and are red and blue. I think the added color that surrounds the subject gives the piece a lighter feeling and makes the viewer want to smile. I also like the use of impressionism in the piece. Around the border of the painting, Rivera dashed color on the background to create a meadow-like scene to the piece. The use of different color reminds me of wild flowers swaying in the breeze. He created what the eye would actually see in a meadow by using wide, short brush strokes. The way he painted the background reminds me of the brushstrokes used in â€Å"Impression Sunrise† by Monet. His short brush strokes also give texture and movement to the piece. Short brush s trokes make the piece look soft in texture and give it movement as if there were a breezing blowing through the scene. Overall I really enjoyed this piece of art. Not only did it remind me of my grandmother, but it also gave me a new grasp on the Cubist style of art. I was not a fan of cubism until researching this piece because I did not â€Å"get it†. So many times when viewers see cubism we want to run away because we cannot understand what we are looking at. In this piece Rivera makes it very clear and there is no underlying meaning like some of the other Cubists work. It is direct and straight-forward and that is why I chose it. This piece has caused me to grasp new meaning and understanding of the Cubist style and I will definitely embrace what I have learned. Works Cited Art Trader. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. . Diego Rivera Biography. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. . MoMA | The Collection | Diego Rivera. Cubist Landscape. 1912. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. . Georgia OKeeffe Georgia OKeeffe was born November 15th, 1887 in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. She grew up most of her life in Wisconsin but moved away to go to the Chatham Protest and Episcopal Institute in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1900. After graduating in 1904, she studied art at the Art Institute of Chicago and at the Art Students League in New York (Georgia). She is well known for her artwork and has won many awards such as the Gold Medal of Painting, the Medal of Freedom, and was presented the National Medal of Arts in 1985 by President Ronald Reagan (Georgia). It is said that OKeeffe revolutionized modern art in both her time and to the present. She painted natural scenes which she vividly portrayed with a close-up view. She used art to convey that nature is as powerful as the widespread industrialization of the period of her time. Georgia OKeeffe married Alfred Stieglitz in 1924 (Georgia). He was a famous photographer who put his wifes work in his gallery. In 1916, Georgias work was first exhibited and this is when her art began to be seen and appreciated. In 1949, OKeeffe moved to New Mexico where her art took on a new dimension. She painted bones and desert scenes which captured the calmness and bareness of the desert (Georgia). During her career as a painter, OKeeffe has mostly been remembered for her abstract style of art. She painted many things you would see in nature. She painted them as she saw them, not has how most would see them. She created her style of art by zooming in on the object and painting things that the naked eye would not be able to see. This was her representation of the flower or other object she was painting. Her style of art has been viewed all over the world and she is one of the most famous American artists to this day. I chose â€Å"Lake George, Coat and Red† to do my paper on because the piece jumped out at me. The painting is oil on canvas and it was created in 1919 (MoMA). This abstract piece is rich in texture and the mood of it warms your heart and lightens your mood. Georgia not only used line to create happiness in her piece, but she also used the bright reds in the background to accent the dark color of the painting. She used red and blue because they contrast one another, and it is a great way to catch the viewers eye. Not only did OKeeffe use red and blues in the painting, she also used greens, yellows, and orange. Im not sure if each color was meant to represent different types of emotions, but it gives the piece a center or â€Å"wholeness† since she used every color. Not only is the color balanced in this piece, but the way she used the value in each hue also creates a centralized feel. Since the subject of the piece is a dark blue, I think OKeeffe used the small white ball in the upper portion of the painting to create a small mass that contrasts the heavy blues she used for the subject. Her use of thick lines and texture also contributes to the balance of the piece and gives the subject a since of flow and gracefulness that draws your eyes from the lower left-hand corner of the piece on towards the upper right-hand corner. The paintings size is 27 3/8† x 23  ¼Ã¢â‚¬  (MoMA). This is an average size piece for her, and I think she used this size to get the viewer to see the painting up close and visually â€Å"feel† the texture and the movement of the piece. Not only did the size of the canvas play a role in how she wanted the viewer to feel, but the medium she used did as well. Georgia OKeeffe used a lot of oil paints to make her art because of the way she could create texture throughout each piece with this medium. She also used oil paints because she could blend each color easily to create the hue she wanted. Scale also played a huge part of OKeeffes work because most of her abstract art is a zoomed-in version of what the eye can see. By using this blown-up scale, OKeeffe can make the viewer feel the emotion of the object. Overall, I think that Georgia OKeeffe mastered abstract art and I will continue to be a fan. She has forever changed the way art will be viewed and will be an inspiration for many artists to come. I would not change anything about this piece because the size, color, texture, medium, and line all play a part in what OKeeffe wanted to portray in this piece. Works Cited Georgia OKeeffe Biography. Lakewood Public Library (Lakewood, Ohio). N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. . MoMA | The Collection | Georgia OKeeffe. Lake George, Coat and Red. 1919. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. . Paul Cà ©zanne Paul Cà ©zanne was a French painter born January 19, 1839. He developed artistic interests at an early age and was sent to Paris to study when he was twenty-three. He has often been called the father of modern art, who â€Å"strove to develop an ideal synthesis of naturalistic representation, personal expression, and abstract pictorial order† (Retro). While he was in Paris he studied the works of Monet, Delacroix, and Gustave Courbet (Retro). Cà ©zannes early paintings show little resemblance to his later and more important style. The subject matter is dark and depressing and includes fantasies, dreams, religious images, and a general theme concerned with death (Notable). Most of the work from this era of his life was harshly criticized and was never accepted in any art exhibitions. In the 1870s, Cà ©zanne began to change his style. He started using brighter colors and the religious subjects he once used in his paintings began to disappear (Notable). Cà ©zannes paintings from the 1870s clearly show the influence of Impressionism. He used short brushstrokes characterized by Monet and other early Impressionist to portray what the â€Å"eyes see rather than what the mind knows† (Frank). Some of his most known pieces from this time are â€Å"House of the Hanged Man† and â€Å"Portrait of Victor Choquet† (Notable). In the late 1870s Cà ©zanne moved back to his home in southern France and isolated himself from the art world. He began to create his own style of Impressionism, but he did not exhibit his art for almost twenty years (Notable). Cà ©zannes began to come out of his solitude during the 1890s. In 1895, a large number of Cà ©zannes paintings were shown, and public interest in his work slowly began to develop. By 1904 he was given an entire room at the Salon dAutomne (Notable). Unfortunately he died October 22, 1906 due to natural causes (Notable). Though he died right when he was getting large recognition for his work, Cà ©zanne will be remembered as a front-runner of modern art (Notable). The piece of Cà ©zannes work I chose was â€Å"Still Life with Fruit Dish†. This painting is an oil on canvas that measures 18 1/4 x 21 1/2 (MoMA). According to MoMA, [Still life was an important genre to Cà ©zanne, who made approximately two hundred such paintings over the course of four decades. In â€Å"Still Life with Fruit Dish† he created a shallow, compressed space that flattens the sculptural volumes of dish, glass, and fruit. This painting was a prized possession of the artist Paul Gauguin, who described the picture as an exceptional pearl, the apple of my eye. It was only when he needed money for medical care that Gauguin unhappily parted with it.] I completely agree with Gauguin. This painting is a fantastic example of how Cà ©zanne created his own style of Impressionism. If the viewer were to put Monets work next to it, you could see the resemblance of Impressionism, but he or she could also see both artists personal style difference. Monet was the pioneer of Impressionism, but personally, I prefer what Cà ©zanne did with this piece much more than â€Å"Impression: Sunrise† or â€Å"Water Lily Pond† by Monet. In â€Å"Still Life with Fruit Dish†, Cà ©zanne created most of the lines in the painting with thick, swift brushstrokes in the Impressionist style. Most of the lines in the painting are jagged and not very detailed. The lighting in the piece looks like it is coming from the right and is shining down on the table and the fruit bowl. By using light this way, Cà ©zanne put emphasis on the fruit bowl which is the subject of the piece. Cà ©zanne also positioned the knife to point directly toward the fruit bowl. This guides the viewers eyes from the lower-right-hand corner of the painting directly to the subject. Since this piece is in the Impressionist style, Cà ©zanne painted what the eyes actually see. Impressionists painted what they saw, so there is no underlying meaning to this piece like works of the Renaissance had. The colors Cà ©zanne used give emphasis on the subject. The background is a dark-colored wall. The tablecloth and fruit bowl are both bright white. Though blue is sometimes used to evoke sadness in a viewer, I do not believe Cà ©zanne was trying to create sadness in this piece. The colors he used for the fruits are realistic colors and their greens, yellows, and reds warm the painting dramatically. Cà ©zanne used thick texture in this painting, but it does not create movement or rhythm in the piece like the works of van Goghs did. I think here he used subtle texture just so the painting would not look bland and flat. The texture he used gives character to the fruit as well as the blue background. Overall, I really like this painting and wish I could have a copy in my house. So far it is my favorite painting I have written about. Cà ©zannes realistic proportion, contrast, and use of space also drew my eye to this piece. I like being able to view art and â€Å"know† what the artist wanted you to see and feel. When looking at this painting, I immediately â€Å"got it†. After reading about Cà ©zanne, I have definitely acquired more knowledge about the Impressionist style and gained a new love for his type of art. Works Cited Frank, Patrick, and Duane Preble. Prebles Artforms: an Introduction to the Visual Arts. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson /Prentice Hall, 2009. Print. MoMA | The Collection | Paul Cà ©zanne. Still Life with Fruit Dish. 1879-80. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. . Paul Cà ©zanne Biography. Oil Painting Reproductions : Museum Quality Art. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. . Paul Cà ©zanne Biography Life, Story, Death, School, Information, Born, House, Time, Year. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. . Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish painter and sculptor who lived from 1881-1973. He is best known for cofounding Cubism with Georges Braque. His father, Ruiz, was an artist and influenced Picassos early works. When Picasso was seven, his father began to give him formal training in drawing and painting (Answers). Ruiz was a traditional artist and instructor who believed that proper training required disciplined copying of famous artwork. Picasso became so preoccupied with art that he put his education second. After only six years of painting, Picassos father realized that his son was more talented than him (Answers). At the age of thirteen, Picasso took an entrance exam to the Barcelona School of Fine Arts. After creating his piece in only a week, he was accepted and began taking classes (Answers). Three years later his father sent him to Madrids Royal Academy of San Fernando which was one of the most recognized art schools in Spain (Answers). Shortly after enrolling at the Royal Academy, Picasso dropped out to move to Paris in the early 1900s. His first masterpiece was â€Å"Les Demoiselles dAvignon† which he created in 1907. It was thought of as being controversial because of its reference to the female body and masked faces he used (Answers). From 1909-1912, Picasso continued to work closely with Georges Braque to create what would be known as â€Å"Cubism† (Answers). Though Cubism is a huge part of Picassos work, the painting I chose has no cubist influence. My artwork is â€Å"Night Fishing at Antibes†. It is a 69† x 114† oil on canvas that Picasso completed in 1939 (MoMA). I chose this piece because I wanted to learn more about abstract art, and because I enjoy fishing. The subject of this painting was based on â€Å"Picassos observation of night scenes off the shore of Antibes in the South of France. Men went out and fished by the light of acetylene lamps; the lights attracted the fish to the surface, where they could be netted or speared† (Lenin). Some say that the painting has deeper meaning that relates to the outbreak of World War II, but after researching the topic heavily, I found that the idea is not for certain. The content in the painting is two fishermen in a boat. One has fishing line attached to his toe, and the other man is about to stab a fish with a spear. Two women are standing on a bridge to the right . One woman is holding a bicycle and eating an ice cream cone. Picasso used symbolism in his paintings, and there must be symbolism in this piece, but after my research, I could not find any concrete answers for why he painted â€Å"Night Fishing at Antibes† this way. Most art critics believe that Picasso painted this piece as a war protest much like â€Å"Guernica†, but he never announced that this was the paintings meaning (Answers). The size of the painting also has to do something with the meaning. This painting is almost twelve feet wide and seven feet tall. If the meaning of the piece is to protest WWII, Picasso created this painting to be the size of a billboard. This would help drive the underlying meaning of the painting and convey what Picasso wanted to say about the war with a bold message. Picasso created a well-lit piece by making the moonlight shine directly down on the water. This contrasts the fish on the right and makes the eyes look directly at it first. The piece is well balanced due to its large, dark background and small space of lightness. The viewers eyes go directly toward the fish on the right not only because of the lighting, but also due to the way Picasso used line. The spear has four straight, thick arrows pointing directly at the fish. This spear also looks like a trident. This could have some time of underlying meaning as well. The spear looks strong and bold. After guiding your eyes up the shaft of the spear, your eyes drift left across the arm of the fisherman. He is scaled much larger than the other fisherman in the boat and his eyes seem to be looking directly at the viewer. No other subjects in the painting are looking towards the viewer except for this fisherman. The spear and the fishermans arm are by far the strongest lines in the piece. They are at 90 degree angles, unlike any of the other lines in the painting. Though the piece is constructed with purely organic shapes, the painting does not convey a since of movement or rhythm. To me the piece seems like a snapshot in time catching everyone off guard. The colors Picasso used in the painting give the piece emphasis on what time of day it is. The viewer can tell the painting is a night scene because of the title, but I believe Picasso painted a night scene for an underlying meaning. Almost every color in the painting is dark except for the water on which the moon shines down on. The dark hues give the piece a cold and sad feeling. Just by the color alone, I can tell that I would not want to be in this scene. I really liked this work when I first saw it, but after doing research I have changed my view of it. Now knowing what was going on in the world at the time, I feel that this painting has a much deeper meaning than what I as young college student can grasp. I will always be a fan of Picassos work, but to be honest, I just do not understand a lot of what he wants the viewer to catch on to. I like the painting, but I am actually disappointed after writing this paper. Personally, I would have rather picked a piece that I could have understood than try to chase down the meaning of this painting. I spent more time doing research on the underlying meaning than I spent enjoying the painting. I felt like I was chasing my tail while doing the report on this piece. Nonetheless, I am still a fan of Picassos and maybe one day the message of this piece (if any) will hit me. Works Cited MoMA | The Collection | Pablo Picasso. Night Fishing at Antibes. Antibes, August 1939. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art. Web. 22 Apr. 2010. . Pablo Picasso Night Fishing at Antibes (1939). Lenin Imports UK Latest CDs, Cassettes, Vinyl , Movie, Art Memorabilia In Stock Art, Rock, Movie Loads More. Web. 21 Apr. 2010. . Pablo Picasso Night Fishing at Antibes (1939). Lenin Imports UK Latest CDs, Cassettes, Vinyl , Movie, Art Memorabilia In Stock Art, Rock, Movie Loads More. Web. 28 Apr. 2010. . Pablo Picasso: Biography from Wiki QA Combined with Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Encyclopedias. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. .