Monday, February 24, 2020

Aviation System Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Aviation System Safety - Assignment Example In the past we had been getting complaints of malfunctioning air conditioning unit on our Boeing 737 series. Six out of 10 air crafts have such problems much to our ignominy. Because of this problem we have lost many of our frequent flyers. Some of the Pilots have refused to fly the plane. The paucity of apt spare parts simply adds fuel to the fire. But after such a pandemic problem of mal functioning of the A.C units, I along with board members had decided to completely replace the critical components of the A.C units on all our jets. The results of our move were truly remarkable as we no longer faced any problem related to the A.C units. None of our planes after the replacement have been grounded due to inaction of the A.C. later that year we also earned ourselves a reputation of being a five star air line in terms of safety. Today we face stiff competition from all corners. Our rival airlines get the spares from Boeing earlier; our planes are late because of sloth of air traffic controller leading to delayed flights. These problems only compound to further delaying of our flights. Unfortunately we are blamed for it. All our efforts seem to go in vain. The vast majority (80%+) of incidents & accidents are caused by human error. Error is a natural condition of being human! It is a primary function of personal development. We are all error prone, even the most experienced engineers and managers including myself. Management should not be surprised when Human Error occurs! But they should be surprised if systems of work are not robust enough to contain that error.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Business Enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Enviroment - Essay Example Environmental scanning drives an organization's strategic planning process-the quality of the planning depends on the quality of the scan. The scanning manager faces a lot of challenges because the external environment is changing rapidly in complex ways; there are numerous sources of information and this information is often ambiguous. (Auster and Choo, 1994). The organisation has to use this information to make consequential decisions or long-term commitments by the organisation. Scanning involves several modes of information seeking. Aguilar (1967) usefully differentiates between searching for information about a specific question, and viewing information or being exposed to information without a specific information need in mind. According to Auster and Choo (1994). Scanning could range from a casual conversation at the lunch table or a chance observation of an angry customer dumping a product, to an extensive market research programme to identify business opportunities. At a conceptual level then, environmental scanning may be seen as an extended case of information seeking, in that scanning not only includes searching for particular information, but also simply being exposed to information that could impact the firm. (Auster and Choo, 1994). Duncan (1972) defines the environment as "the totality of physical and social factors that are taken directly into consideration in the decision-making behavior of individuals in the organization" (p. 314). Draft et al. (1988) suggest that a firm's external environment can be divided into six environmental sectors including: 1. Customer sector refers to those companies or individuals that purchase the products made by the respondent's firm, and includes companies that acquire the products for resale, as well as final customers. 2. Competition sector includes the companies, products, and competitive tactics: companies that make substitute products; products that compete with the respondent firm's products; and competitive actions between the respondent's firm and other companies in the same industry. 3. Technological sector includes the development of new production techniques and methods, innovation in materials and products, and general trends in research and science relevant to the respondent's firm. 4. Regulatory sector includes federal and provincial legislation and regulations, city or community policies, and political developments at all levels of government. 5. Economic sector includes economic factors such as stock markets, rate of inflation, foreign trade balance, federal and provincial budgets, interest rates, unemployment,and economic growth rate. 6. Socio-cultural sector comprises social values in the general population, the work ethic, and demographic trends such as an increasing number of women in the work force (Daft et al., 1988, pp. 137-38). By understanding the above environmental sector a company can better understand how to deal with the requirements of each sector. There is a general model proposed by Mintzberg (1973) which deals with managerial use of information acquired from the external environment. According to this framework, a manager's interpersonal roles provide access and exposure to

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Visiting Ireland Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Visiting Ireland - Research Paper Example At the moment, I am going to convince you to visit Ireland instead of another country by elaborating on the Irish geography, ancient attractions, the magnificent natural environment, excellent infrastructure, and the vibrancy of the country’s multicultural background. Geography Let us begin with the unique Irish geography. For a country covering about 70,000 square kilometres of land surface, Ireland is approximately the size of West Virginia in United States (Kockel, 1994). However, in spite of its small size, Ireland has more than its fair share of major attractions, for everyone who values and appreciates the beauty of nature, blend with a touch of human ingenuity. For a country with ancient history and civilisation that rivals Mesopotamia, the beauty of visiting Ireland is that you get that rare opportunity of experiencing the lives of ancient Mesolithic stone age inhabitants and modern exuberant lifestyle in urban centres at the same time. Ireland is the home of scenic la ndscapes, with rich history and multicultural setting that spreads from the capital city Dublin to the smallest hamlet in the countryside ( 2012). Ancient heritage To appreciate the progress that humanity has made up to the contemporary society, it is important to look back to the ancient civilisations, which have left an indelible mark on the Irish landscape. You should visit Ireland because it offers you the opportunity of seeing and experiencing the cradle of human civilisation in Europe. Ireland has historical artefacts, buildings and structures that have resisted the powerful forces of nature and they continue eliciting awe and admiration from harshest critics and sceptics. The Blarney Castle, Boyne Valley, Cahir Castle, Ceide Fields and Christ Church Cathedral are just a few of the must see historic sights and buildings in Ireland. Others include Hill of Tara, Clonmacnoise, Dublin castle, Glendalough and Newgrange (Cronin, 2003). The Blarney castle was build be fore AD 1200 and the King Muster Cormac McCarthy rebuilt the imposing building after its destruction in 1446(, 2012). The Blarney Castle houses the Blarney Stone, a mysterious artefact that is shrouded with mythical and legendary tales. The most popular myths surrounding the existence of the Blarney stone is that Biblical Jacob used it as a pillow. Prophet Jeremiah according to the myth brought the stone to Ireland. The stone is an important Christian artefact because it is believed that Blarney Stone existed during the exodus of Jews from Egypt and Moses struck it with his staff to produce clean water for the thirsty Israelites in the wilderness. Thus, Blarney Stone is a valued medieval artefact and is said to possess mysterious powers ( 2012). Boyne Valley is a must see for anyone with interests of ancient technology and history. The valley contains valuable information about the â€Å"burial tombs of Knowth and Newgrange† ( 2 012). These tombs are over 5,000 years old, exceeding the great pyramids of Egypt and the Stonehenge of England in age (Peillon and Slater, 1998). Build during the medieval neolith age, Boyne Valley is recognized world heritage site. For tourists interested in ancient agrarian practices, the Ceide Fields is the place to visit. Ceide fields are the oldest farming systems in the world, dating back to over 5,000 years ago.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Critically assess the proposition that it is essential to distinguish Essay - 1

Critically assess the proposition that it is essential to distinguish between refugees and other migrants - Essay Example In other words, democracy was introduced after the French Revolution that modified the monopolistic perspective of reign. Moreover, globalization completely altered the concept of geographical locations, and people began to migrate from one country to another for a better living standard. It was observed that Western countries confronted a higher percentage of migrants from eastern part of the globe, such as, Asia, Africa, etc. One of the significant factors of such migration has been the developed region of Western world, which forced Asians and Africans to migrate from their homeland, in order to earn a higher amount, as well as, enjoy other facilities that are not even available in eastern region of the world yet. Until 19th century, immigrants were not categorized, and all used to enjoy the same benefits and confront similar issues; however, in recent century, steps have been taken to differentiate migrants into different categories, such as immigrants, asylum-seekers, refugees, etc. In specific, this paper will discuss and analyze such proposition relation to the distinction between refugees and o ther migrants. In other words, individuals coming after forced migration and other immigrants will be discussed and compared in this paper, in order to decide whether their distinction is essential or useless. In broader terms, refugees can be considered none other than migrants; however, it is essential to distinguish them from other categories due to a number of factors. In terms of definition, race, religious, political, and social reasons have been associated with well-founded fear related to self-persecution that is expressed by an individual, and referred as a refugee. Moreover, such individual is always outside his homeland and shows fear on outcomes that may occur after his arrival in the home country. In this regard,