Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Critically assess the proposition that it is essential to distinguish Essay - 1

Critically assess the proposition that it is essential to distinguish between refugees and other migrants - Essay Example In other words, democracy was introduced after the French Revolution that modified the monopolistic perspective of reign. Moreover, globalization completely altered the concept of geographical locations, and people began to migrate from one country to another for a better living standard. It was observed that Western countries confronted a higher percentage of migrants from eastern part of the globe, such as, Asia, Africa, etc. One of the significant factors of such migration has been the developed region of Western world, which forced Asians and Africans to migrate from their homeland, in order to earn a higher amount, as well as, enjoy other facilities that are not even available in eastern region of the world yet. Until 19th century, immigrants were not categorized, and all used to enjoy the same benefits and confront similar issues; however, in recent century, steps have been taken to differentiate migrants into different categories, such as immigrants, asylum-seekers, refugees, etc. In specific, this paper will discuss and analyze such proposition relation to the distinction between refugees and o ther migrants. In other words, individuals coming after forced migration and other immigrants will be discussed and compared in this paper, in order to decide whether their distinction is essential or useless. In broader terms, refugees can be considered none other than migrants; however, it is essential to distinguish them from other categories due to a number of factors. In terms of definition, race, religious, political, and social reasons have been associated with well-founded fear related to self-persecution that is expressed by an individual, and referred as a refugee. Moreover, such individual is always outside his homeland and shows fear on outcomes that may occur after his arrival in the home country. In this regard,

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