Tuesday, May 5, 2020

It240 Work Group Scenarios free essay sample

Assignment: Work Group Scenarios For this exercise, let us assume that the processes required have been completed so that we may now add users and then create a work-group in the ACMExx. COM Domain. To clarify the required steps before we would be prepared to add users lets review the steps in a broad sense: Create a â€Å"Shared† Folder on the desktop Install and configure a WINS Install and Configure a DHCP Server Create a SCOPE and determine how the addressing of users will be handled Create a Client Reservation and test the DHCP Server Create an ACTIVE DIRECTORY Add a second DOMAIN CONTROLLER of ACMExx. COM Create an ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT, known as SALES. Once these steps have been completed, we are then ready to add users to the organizational unit. After the users are in the system, we may then create work-groups within the ORGANIZZATIONAL UNIT: â€Å"SALES†. We will then set security profiles (aka privileges) for the types within the group. We will write a custom essay sample on It240 Work Group Scenarios or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example; Sales Manager, Sales Staff (sales-persons), finally Sales Admin Asst. The access levels could be described and determined as the â€Å"Sales Manager† would have access to all shared and private (Sales-persons private or protected documents on the server). Each individual sales-person would then retain access to all the shared documents as well as their own personal or protected documents. Lastly, the Sales Admin Asst, could have â€Å"read-only† access to all shared and protected Sales-persons documents within the work-group for the purpose of performing his/her required duties. By performing the actions required to facilitate this network, many users now have trusted access to certain files and documents within their team or company, so they may work together and the managers and executives can keep track of the work as well.

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