Thursday, November 21, 2019

CT #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CT #2 - Essay Example Then consider taking your products to markets that requires them (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). Another possibility that can help take your business to a next step is amalgamation, a combination of firms (two or more) to one new firm. One of the combined firms runs that new firm. Amalgamations and mergers are perfect decision that leads to maximizing the growth of the company (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). This will help reduce the production costs and thus products will be offered at prices that are more competitive hence, capturing large market shares. Having many traffic and web pages on internet that doubles every time, there is a need to make your web site to be more visible. It is also important to program and design your web site in a very excellent since your web page contents are the ones that will attract or draw visitors to your site and make them permanent to your site (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). Expanding globally is more than just growing in terms of customers and sales. This will enable integrate the best technologies for more successful business (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). There will also be increased market shares that will enable realize sustained

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