Sunday, November 10, 2019

Different Religions of the World Essay

There are many religions in the world. They practice many different ways. There is Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. I like to study about different religions. Islam worships the God Allah, which means God in Arabic Muslims religion is Islam. Mohammed is the prophet to follow and he was the last prophet. Muslims have three holidays. There is Ramadan, Eid and Eid-el-haj. Each year all the Muslims go to Mecca. Muslims believe women should not show their bodies, this keeps the men from sinning. Muslims holly book is the Qur’an. All Muslims pray five times a day and every Friday go to mosque. Muslims must pray in Arabic. Judaism was founded in Israel by a man named Abraham. Jews worship God. Jews have a holly book called Torah. Jews do not believe the Messiah has come yet. They speak and read Hebrew, and do it the most for prayer. Jews pray in a particular way. They have a special holiday called Hanukkah, which is the same as Christmas in America. The different thing is they use a menorah. A menorah holds candles that Jews light each night of Hanukkah. Jews have special celebrations called bar and bat mitzvahs too. This is a family celebration of a boy or girl celebrating being grown up. The new man or woman must prove themselves by saying parts of the Torah. Jews eat special food called kosher and is blessed by their preacher who is called Rabbi. This is for God. Christianity was founded in Israel by Jesus of Nazareth. Christians worship God just like the other religions. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Christians can be free and pray when they feel the need. However, most still attend church, which is like a Muslims mosque. Christians celebrate two religious Holidays Easter and Christmas. Easter is the celebration when Jesus rose on the third day. There is also Good Friday and most things close on this day. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Jesus was born in a manor in Bethlehem, and his mother was Marry. Her husband was Joseph. Jesus was a gift from God because he was born of a virgin. Even though Christians are free, they still have strong faith. In conclusion, all of these religions have their own special ways, but the important part is that they all worship God. God is who made this world. These religions just worship God in a different way from each other. They also live life in a little different way. This is what makes the world special. I am Muslim, but I also like learning about different religions.

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