Monday, December 9, 2019

Analyzing an E Commerce Website http//

Question: Discuss about the Analyzing an E Commerce Website Answer: Introduction Aims The main aim of the report is to evaluate the strategy used by the website The features used in the website to make it attractive and appealing is evaluated for the preparation of the report. The requirement that is required to be implemented for the transformation of the website to hit the global market is analyzed from the current web design. Overviews The current website of the company THE ICONIC is designed with large images and not much information is used in the website thus is difficult for the user to get information about the website. The website deals with selling clothes, shoes and accessories of different brands and at the top left corner of the home page a login option is provided for the user from where the user can login into the website and purchase products ( 2017). A login is necessary for purchasing from the website. Beside the login option a search function is added such that the user can search for the product they want and find it easily for purchasing or viewing the details of the product. The name of the E-commerce website is displayed as a heading and the details of the delivery and the return option offered by the website is also displayed under the menu bar. Over all the look and feel of the website is good and more details is required to be added for making it a global website. Overview of the business and description of the website The main business of the company is to sell clothes of different brands for mens and womens and it had its origin from Sydney. It is an online retailer of sportswear launched in the year 2011 ( 2017). The business of the iconic is growing as a home based fashion community retailer and currently have a stock of 700 brands and more than 50,000 items in the store. Different products of international brands are sold by the website and it has its main ware house in Sydney. The website of the company also lists the brands whose products are sold by the company and the user can click on their favorite brand for viewing all the products available on the website of that brand. The website shows the products under different categories and new products such as shoes, watches and wallets are also sold by the website. The website can boost the basic of an individual and it can be used as the one stop wardrobe for an individual. Identification of the main business feature of the website The main business feature identified form the website review is that the website acts as a one stop solution for the people searching for different products of a brand or the people searching sportswear from different products. The user of the website can add their favorite brand such that they does not have to search for different branded products. A floating help button is used for user assistance such that the user can reach the customer care representatives and solve their queries immediately. Identification of the positive and negative aspects of the website The identified positive aspects found from the evaluation of the website are as follows: Simple to utilize interface The site is offering the keepsakes and blessings. The plan of the site is extremely direct and alluring. Every one of the pages are settled, and the general structure is level. The essential area and the pages are given at the highest point of the each page. The primary page of the site is home, and different pages are the item page, Company arrangements page, about page. Every one of the pages are recorded in the menu bar. The clients can without much of a stretch explore starting with one page then onto the next page. The item class is recorded in the menu bar. The clients can peruse every one of the things or item from a menu bar. All the arrangement of the site is obviously unmistakable and simple to utilize. Client enlistment The clients can purchase items from the site. Clients can enlist in the site from enrollment choice. A client must be recorded before purchasing any item from this site. The enrollment page contains the client's full name, contact number, address, email address, client id, and secret key. At the point when a client enlists on the site a connection will be sent to the enrolled email address. By clicking this connection, the clients can affirm their enrollment. After enlistment, the client can purchase the item or include the things in their shopping basket. Without enrollment, the client can not add the item to their shopping basket. Item index From the item list, the clients can peruse the item. The item inventory is isolated in two distinctive item. Principally the item portrayal speaks to the different items from the site. Especially the item inventory helps the clients to discover the item effectively. Shopping basket Shopping truck is utilized for conveying shopping things. Principally the shopping basket is utilized as a part of the shopping center or shopping complex. In this site, the shopping basket is utilized for the store all the item which are picked by the clients. The clients can pick the item and add it to the shopping basket for further purchase. The identified negative aspects found from the evaluation of the website are as follows: Website Interface The website is designed for normal user and the users with certain disabilities like colour blindness cannot be able to distinguish the text and the images and thus may face problem is using the website. Exchange Forum The database connected with the website is required to be secured from unauthroised access because it contains the important records of the customer and the transaction details and level of certification is required to be used for maintaining a transparency with the customer and secure the website. Criticism frame In the input shape, the clients can give their criticism with respect to the item, administration, office and different things. The clients need to include their name, contact number, address, item portrayal, and criticism in regards to their shopping. Analysis of the website design For the analysis of the website a sitemap of the website is required to be created and the navigation of the web pages is required to be analyzed. High resolution images are used for designing the website and the fonts size used for the contents of the website are readable. The needs of the user can be fulfilled by the user design and the design is not similar with the traditional design followed by the other e commerce websites and thus it makes it unique ( 2017). The uniqueness of the design can make create annoyance for some of the user regarding the usability of the website but it is helpful for the future growth of the organization. Relationship between the applied business model and the website life cycle stage A life cycle driven business model is used for the business process and sustainably develop the business and reach the global market for upgrading the current business process of the organization. A lots of thing is required to be considered for running the business globally such as sharing of the resources, sharing of the economy, eco design, circular economy, etc. the use iof wrong business model can lead to loss of customer that leads the company not to achieve the business goals (Toufaily, Ricard and Perrien 2013). The main hotspot of the company is required to be included in the website such that the users can have all the information about the company and believe in the company (Rabetino et al. 2015). The trust between the customer and the company is required to be created and the website acts as a mediator for building the trust and it should be designed analyzing the global demands and the point of attraction. A table is created for the demonstration of the relationship between the business model and the website life cycle. Life Cycle/ Business Model Sharing Circular Supply Chain Collaboration Products Design of the Product Rematerialization and upcycle Dematerialization Co creation Eco Effiency Production Sharing of assets Sustainable sourcing Production on demand Distribution Sharing of assets Eco packing and sustainable sourcing Sales and marketing Driven by community Maintenance and Use Product as a service and Peer to peer End of Life Refurbish, upgrade, take back service, implement new strategy Conclusion and Recommendations From the above report it can be concluded that ]the current website of the company The Iconic needs some modification and improvement and the current strategy of the business is required to be modified for launching their business worldwide. The requirement of the user and the current trend of the e commerce industry is required to be analyzed for the up gradation of the website and change the current strategy of the business process and lead the business to the top position in the market. Currently the website have issues with its unique design and more content is required to be added each of the page of the website to make it more informative and the specification of the products sold by the website must be detailed and the dimension and appropriate universal sizes should be used for making easy for the global customer about the size of the product they purchase from the store. Reference (2017). Clothes Online | Shoes Online | THE ICONIC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2017]. Toufaily, E., Ricard, L. and Perrien, J., 2013. Customer loyalty to a commercial website: Descriptive meta-analysis of the empirical literature and proposal of an integrative model. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), pp.1436-1447. Rabetino, R., Kohtamki, M., Lehtonen, H. and Kostama, H., 2015. Developing the concept of life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, pp.53-66.

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