Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Consumption in College Students †Free Samples to Samples

Question: Discuss about the Consumption in College Students. Answer: Introduction: Market research via electronic means has become the most common way for businesses to handle consumers and customers airing out their varying opinions (Libaiet al, 2013). Apparently, the social media platform has becomes one of the most used advertising resources that are being used by business. In that case, a research should be done on how the platform is fairing especially when it comes to dealing with products which are not very popular to the consumers because of their health effects like energy drinks(Attila et al, 2011). Red bull energy drink Australia is a beverage that contains high concentrations of caffeine but no contents of alcohol. Red bull Australia has recently become one of the main beverages being used by people in Australia and therefore becoming popular and famous. However, the marketing trends and methods of the businesses producing the drink are currently limited (Cha et al, 2010). To earn some profit, the businesses have been focusing on advertising and promoting the drinkin tweeter platform through videos, tweet statements, links etc. This report gives an account of the research that was conducted. Interpreting the marketing strategy of Red bull Australia and providing managerial implications. The objective for the research included: To identify the type of tweets or information that the red bull energy drink posted in their tweeter account. The scope of the study was limited to the Red bull energy drink only. The study revolved around what the drinks information posted on its twitter account and the responses that the consumers gave. The study also focused just on the marketing of the drink and the consumers around Australia only. The study concentrated on the latest 100 tweets only out of all the total number of tweets that were received in Red bullstwitter account in the year 2017. These tweets represented the direct replies, retweets, referral linksand hashtags among other things. The tweets were downloaded from the account and presented for the study. The analysis of the tweets was done by first categorizing the tweets into six main categories and two other categories. The data gotten from the categories was certainly in form of qualitative data. It was analyzed by use of graphs which ended up showing the percentage of each category out the total number of tweets. As mentioned earlier, the marketing of energy drink is becoming a popular norm in the state of Australia simply because of the limitations accompanying advertising responsibility and increased close competition from other energy producing companies (Australian Beverages, 2017). According to Chambers, 2014,Red bull being one of the most uprising and popular energy drinks in Australia, seemed to be working its way up the market because of the positive vs negative effects of twitter advertising platform. The responses that t received from the customers represented different ideas, feeling and opinions in regard with the drink itself and other related aspects of the drink (Yunusa et al, 2011). According to Cotelo et al, 2016, the following tweets are some of the tweet categories: the commercial tweets which are those tweets that contain messages to do with business development or growth verses non-commercial tweets which are those tweets contain messages that are beyond business dealings and promotions. Cessation tweets (tweets that contain messages with a final decision), embedded tweets (tweets that bring out ones own content or idea to a twitter account. This is according to Tare et al, 2014), promotional tweets which are those that are used in promoting or reaching a certain market or consumer group and pro-energy tweets which are the tweets that represent the real time message or idea of an individual. However, there are many other ways of classifying consumer response tweets, e.g.: positive vs negative tweets, emotional tweets, factual tweets, positive vs negative verses negative and emotional tweets among other aspects. The categories that were used in the research study were the six main categories and the other classification which was whether the tweet was negatively, positively or emotionally tweeted. Categorizing Criteria Another criteria for categorizing some of the tweets that were listed in the study was the positive vs negative verses negative and emotional tweets. The positive vs negative tweets are those tweets that are said to be agreeing with the main tweet. Positive tweets support the main tweet in the website while the negative tweets go against the main tweets message. Also, they were mostly the tweets that always made sense when read. The emotional are meant to express the customers emotional feelings about the topic or the message in the main tweet. Emotional tweet can be either joyous, exciting, sad or motivational (Jansen et al, 2009). The analysis showed that the product promotional tweets represented 22% and 78% represented the other aspects.Commercial tweets was represented by 18% product commercial, 10% event commercial, 12% news commercial and completely 60% different commercial aspects. Non-commercial tweets were represented by8% event, 11% news, 32% othersand 60% different non-commercial aspects. Embedded tweets were represented by 17% hashtags, 8% company web link and 75% other aspects. Cessation tweets were represented by 71% neutral, 24% positive and 5% other aspects. Pro-energy tweets were represented by 10% actual pro-energy tweets and 90% other aspects.Positive vs negative tweets were represented by 76% and 24% respectively. Emotional tweetswere represented by 5% joyous, 5% sadistic, 5% excitement, 8% motivational and the emotionless tweets took 77%. These results are certainly derived from the raw data in the twitter account and graphs below. Through Redbull Australias twitter account, it can be concluded that they are mostly promoting sports or music events rather than focusing on the brand as an energy drink. The account is active in terms of responding to their customers and by re-tweeting, however they are not engaging in a dialogue or generating any buzz. The content posted as tweets is mostly about promoting their website and gaming events. The internal team at Redbull Australia should be advised to improve their account page by creating more buzz around the brand and engaging with followers(Saxton and Waters, 2014). They should be thorough with their research. Conclusion It is clear that tweets can be divided into six main different categories. Also, the study showed that one can categorize consumer tweets responses in many different ways. This helps the drink to know what its consumers think about drink. However, most of the above categorized tweets hadpositive and negativereactions to the study that was conducted byredbull energy drink. The information in this report also concluded that the drink isgrowing its market and that its marketing management is becoming effective and efficient. Refernces Attila, S. and akir, B., 2011. Energy-drink consumption in college students and associated factors.Nutrition,27(3), pp.316-322. Yunusa, I. and Ahmad, I.M., 2011. Energy-drinks: composition and health benefits.Bayero journal of pure and applied sciences,4(2), pp.186-191. Cha, M., Haddadi, H., Benevenuto, F. and Gummadi, P.K., 2010. 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