Thursday, December 26, 2019

Comparison of Rhetorical Effects - 777 Words

â€Å"The Terrifying Normalcy of AIDS† by Stephen Jay Gould Quote | Effect | How? | 1. The Terrifying Normalcy of AIDS (Title) | The effect of the oxymoron in the title is to present just how common AIDS has become in society. | The phrase â€Å"terrifying normalcy† is an oxymoron because something that is truly frightening can never be normal in society. The author uses this phrase in the title to allow the reader to know that AIDS is affecting way more people than we think. | 2. Page 754, â€Å"unblemished future† | The effect of this phrase is to describe the boundaries that modern technology has with the fast pace of development that is occurring. | The big corporations seem to believe that â€Å"technology is the solution to all human†¦show more content†¦| 8. Page 756, â€Å"Our species†¦ from nature.† | The effect of this phrase is to reemphasize just how weak and susceptible the human race is. | The use of the word â€Å"independence† suggests that there is a bond between us and the animal kingdom. Our race has been unable to separate from nature because we are just as vulnerable as the animals are to contract a disease without a cure. Until we can sure this disease we will be nature’s slave. | 9. Page 756, â€Å"†¦ and I suspect that†¦ an AIDS vaccine will one day be produced.† | The effect of this sentence is to connect the essay back to the first paragraph. | The author connects to the introduction by stating that technology will eventually be able to produce a vaccine.Show MoreRelated exploring rhetorical modes 2 Essays739 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿University of Phoenix Material Exploring Rhetorical Modes Rhetorical Modes Worksheet Chart Complete the following worksheet on rhetorical modes for academic essays using the information shared in â€Å"Use Effective Methods of Development† in The Everyday Writer Plus. Rhetorical Mode Explain in your own words (using complete sentences) when a writer would use this mode. Narrative Narrative is telling a story to someone with a lot of detail. 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