Friday, December 20, 2019

Graduation Day Essay - 1303 Words

For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school, and for some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the independent journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but turned out to be one of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasnt graduation ceremony there wouldnt have been an accident. On June 13, 2011, I woke up a happy and excited 17 year old for it was my graduation day and that meant no more high school, no more nagging teachers, and no more drama. I met my friends and my boyfriend Andrew in the school parking lot and away we went to practice graduation. After we had practiced†¦show more content†¦After we had walked out and took our seats I couldnt help but to stare at the empty seat next to me and wonder where he was at. I called his house but no one picked up. After calling a repeated amount of times his friend Ryan w as able to get through to his parents. His parents had told Ryan that there was an accident and after we graduate they will tell us where Andrew is at. As soon as Ryan got off the phone he told me not to worry and that he probably broke his leg or something and that he was in a hospital somewhere and that we will know where after we get our diplomas. After a couple of speeches and a few diplomas later it was almost my rows turn to walk across the stage and claim our diplomas. Right before we were to stand up and walk toward the stage I got the worst news of my life. I got a call from Andrews frantic older brother. He asked if I had walked yet I told him no and demanded to know where Andrew was. After a few minutes of heavy breaths I heard the words, Jenn, Andrews.... Andrews dead. The words echoed in my ears. I dropped my phone and just sat there. I couldnt move, speak or even cry, I just sat there and stared. After a few minutes I guess you could say it hit me. The tears came roll ing off my face. Advisors and school employees ran to meShow MoreRelatedMaya Angelou s Graduation Day862 Words   |  4 PagesWhen an individual hears discouraging comments about themselves, their confidence lowers, however, when a person hears uplifting and encouraging compliments, their confidence rises. These ideas appear multiple times throughout Maya Angelou’s, â€Å"Graduation Day†. The story refers to a young girl graduating the eighth grade. Maya Angelou encountered many people who challenged her personal growth because of the words spoken to her. Although common belief states words have no power, words have the powerRead MoreMaya Angelou s Graduation Day1038 Words   |  5 Pagesgeneral chain of command. It is the power within the words that lends significance to the inspirational speeches and songs held so dearly in the hearts of many. Due to their significant daily presence, words hold an immense power. 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