Saturday, December 28, 2019

Eating Disorder Case Study Essay - 887 Words

Eating Disorder Case Study Mother is concerned that daughter is not eating enough, restricting food intake for 8 months because she feels fat, feels she needs to lose ten pounds, feels that her thighs and stomach are to large, reporting 35 lb weight loss over last 8 months, denies any eating problems, began menarche at age 16 periods normally regular, stop three months ago, exercises daily 20 min. to 2 hours, experiences low energy, chronic constipation and lightheadedness, favorite TV show is â€Å"America’s Next Top Model† and reports â€Å"feeling down in the dumps† for about nine months, college student, good grades, finding it difficult to concentrate, admits to feeling worthless and having no†¦show more content†¦Objective Data Provided: Objective Needed: In Italics 5’8†, 105lbs, Temp, BP looking for hypotension, Pulse looking for bradycardia, RR, mental status exam- appearance, attitude towardShow MoreRelatedCase Study-Eating Disorder2481 Words   |  10 Pagesindividuals with eating disorders get help early on during the disorder there is a high success rate of long-term recovery. Sarah is part of one the highest rated risk groups for eating disorders. People between the ages of ten to twenty-five are at the most risk for developing an eating disorder. Sarah is entering her teenage years and is encountering a lot of changes with her boy and her emotions. Eating disorders are also usually referred to as female diseases. Eating disorders are not limitedRead MoreEating Disorder Case Study: Chhaya1842 Words   |  8 Pagesand leisure activities are thrown to the wayside because Chhaya feels guilt whenever she experiences pleasure in non goal-directed activities. Although Chhaya has seemingly tried to control many aspects of her life, this tendency turned into an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, after two major life events: finding out she did not receive valedictorian and the relationship with her first male interest ending. These events occurred within one month of each other at the end of Chhaya’s junior year inRead More The Prevalence Of Anorexi a Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder1723 Words   |  7 PagesNervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder How prevalent is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders? Without the knowledge of research, one is likely to think eating disorders are quite prevalent in society today. However, research proves that eating disorders, in general, are not as prevalent as one might think without any knowledge of the subject. Prevalence of an eating disorder refers to the number of cases of an eating disorder within a population. When discussingRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa And The Binge Eating.eating Disorders870 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTION Eating disorders are characterized by a serious disturbance of behavior of food: eating too much or too little, as well as a great concern regarding the size and shape of her body. This short paper is on anorexia nervosa, mental bulimia and the binge eating.Eating disorders are not a function of will but are rather modes unhealthy supply which empower. The voluntary eating of smaller portions or larger than usual is common, but for some people, it becomes a compulsion and eating behaviorsRead MoreThe Journal Of Child Psychology Psychiatry And The International1316 Words   |  6 PagesPsychiatry and the International Journal of Eating Disorders are both academic sources which deal with the topic of eating disorders. However, because genre and discipline vary between the texts, the use of evidence differs. While â€Å"Research Review: What We Have Learned about the Causes of Eating Disorders- a Synthesis of Sociocultural, Psychological, and Biological Research† combines infor mation with an emphasis on psychology, â€Å"Biological Therapies for Eating Disorders† focuses strictly on biology. â€Å"ResearchRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa889 Words   |  4 PagesANAD Eating Disorder Statistics about thirty million people in America of all ages and genders suffer from one of the three main eating disorders. Many people suffer from more than one of the eating disorders. Only 1 in 10 individuals receive the treatment that is needed to recover(ANDA). Often eating disorders are known to be triggered by outside factors in their life, but studies show that it is more likely to be a part of their genetics. According to Webster the definition of an â€Å"Eating Disorder†Read MoreEssay on Family Dysfunction and Anorexia: Is there a correlation?1227 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Each year millions of people in the United States develop serious and often fatal eating disorders. More than ninety percent of those are adolescent and young women. The consequences of eating disorders are often severe--one in ten end in death from either starvation, cardiac arrest, or suicide. Due to the recent awareness of this topic, much time and money has been attributed to eating disorders. Many measures have been taken to discover leading causes and eventual treatment for those sufferingRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Eating And Eating Habits Essay1195 Words   |  5 Pagesbulimia nervosa This article compares the times of day and purging habits to see if there is a correlation between the two. The study was conducted over a 4 month time period, then at the end of the four months subjects where required to follow up with and eating disorder examination. The results showed that those who ate in the evenings had a decrease in binge eating and purging. This article was beautifully written and contained plenty of research to back their findings. Chat Group Therapy ForRead MoreTypes Of Perfectionism And Levels Of Recovery From Eating Disorders740 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction The research study examined possible correlations between various types of perfectionism and levels of recovery from eating disorders. The researchers conducted their experiment by comparing different conceptions of perfectionism across a healthy control group and fully recovered, partially recovered, and current (active) eating disorder groups. The researchers who conducted this experiment were Anna M. Bardone-Cone, PhD, Katrina Sturm, BA, Melissa A. Lawson, MD, Dr. Paul RobinsonRead MoreThe Effects Of Eating Disorders Among Adolescents1215 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood experiences are very influential in molding the perspectives regarding body image among individuals. Emotional invalidation coming from ones parents has been shown to be positively correlated with an increased rate of eating disorders among male and female adolescents. Research conducted by Shisslak et al. (1995) showed that among a sample of university students 91% of the women reported attempting to contr ol their weight through a variety of dieting strategies. There are many factors

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