Saturday, December 28, 2019

Eating Disorder Case Study Essay - 887 Words

Eating Disorder Case Study Mother is concerned that daughter is not eating enough, restricting food intake for 8 months because she feels fat, feels she needs to lose ten pounds, feels that her thighs and stomach are to large, reporting 35 lb weight loss over last 8 months, denies any eating problems, began menarche at age 16 periods normally regular, stop three months ago, exercises daily 20 min. to 2 hours, experiences low energy, chronic constipation and lightheadedness, favorite TV show is â€Å"America’s Next Top Model† and reports â€Å"feeling down in the dumps† for about nine months, college student, good grades, finding it difficult to concentrate, admits to feeling worthless and having no†¦show more content†¦Objective Data Provided: Objective Needed: In Italics 5’8†, 105lbs, Temp, BP looking for hypotension, Pulse looking for bradycardia, RR, mental status exam- appearance, attitude towardShow MoreRelatedCase Study-Eating Disorder2481 Words   |  10 Pagesindividuals with eating disorders get help early on during the disorder there is a high success rate of long-term recovery. Sarah is part of one the highest rated risk groups for eating disorders. People between the ages of ten to twenty-five are at the most risk for developing an eating disorder. Sarah is entering her teenage years and is encountering a lot of changes with her boy and her emotions. Eating disorders are also usually referred to as female diseases. Eating disorders are not limitedRead MoreEating Disorder Case Study: Chhaya1842 Words   |  8 Pagesand leisure activities are thrown to the wayside because Chhaya feels guilt whenever she experiences pleasure in non goal-directed activities. Although Chhaya has seemingly tried to control many aspects of her life, this tendency turned into an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, after two major life events: finding out she did not receive valedictorian and the relationship with her first male interest ending. These events occurred within one month of each other at the end of Chhaya’s junior year inRead More The Prevalence Of Anorexi a Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder1723 Words   |  7 PagesNervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder How prevalent is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders? Without the knowledge of research, one is likely to think eating disorders are quite prevalent in society today. However, research proves that eating disorders, in general, are not as prevalent as one might think without any knowledge of the subject. Prevalence of an eating disorder refers to the number of cases of an eating disorder within a population. When discussingRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa And The Binge Eating.eating Disorders870 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTION Eating disorders are characterized by a serious disturbance of behavior of food: eating too much or too little, as well as a great concern regarding the size and shape of her body. This short paper is on anorexia nervosa, mental bulimia and the binge eating.Eating disorders are not a function of will but are rather modes unhealthy supply which empower. The voluntary eating of smaller portions or larger than usual is common, but for some people, it becomes a compulsion and eating behaviorsRead MoreThe Journal Of Child Psychology Psychiatry And The International1316 Words   |  6 PagesPsychiatry and the International Journal of Eating Disorders are both academic sources which deal with the topic of eating disorders. However, because genre and discipline vary between the texts, the use of evidence differs. While â€Å"Research Review: What We Have Learned about the Causes of Eating Disorders- a Synthesis of Sociocultural, Psychological, and Biological Research† combines infor mation with an emphasis on psychology, â€Å"Biological Therapies for Eating Disorders† focuses strictly on biology. â€Å"ResearchRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa889 Words   |  4 PagesANAD Eating Disorder Statistics about thirty million people in America of all ages and genders suffer from one of the three main eating disorders. Many people suffer from more than one of the eating disorders. Only 1 in 10 individuals receive the treatment that is needed to recover(ANDA). Often eating disorders are known to be triggered by outside factors in their life, but studies show that it is more likely to be a part of their genetics. According to Webster the definition of an â€Å"Eating Disorder†Read MoreEssay on Family Dysfunction and Anorexia: Is there a correlation?1227 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Each year millions of people in the United States develop serious and often fatal eating disorders. More than ninety percent of those are adolescent and young women. The consequences of eating disorders are often severe--one in ten end in death from either starvation, cardiac arrest, or suicide. Due to the recent awareness of this topic, much time and money has been attributed to eating disorders. Many measures have been taken to discover leading causes and eventual treatment for those sufferingRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Eating And Eating Habits Essay1195 Words   |  5 Pagesbulimia nervosa This article compares the times of day and purging habits to see if there is a correlation between the two. The study was conducted over a 4 month time period, then at the end of the four months subjects where required to follow up with and eating disorder examination. The results showed that those who ate in the evenings had a decrease in binge eating and purging. This article was beautifully written and contained plenty of research to back their findings. Chat Group Therapy ForRead MoreTypes Of Perfectionism And Levels Of Recovery From Eating Disorders740 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction The research study examined possible correlations between various types of perfectionism and levels of recovery from eating disorders. The researchers conducted their experiment by comparing different conceptions of perfectionism across a healthy control group and fully recovered, partially recovered, and current (active) eating disorder groups. The researchers who conducted this experiment were Anna M. Bardone-Cone, PhD, Katrina Sturm, BA, Melissa A. Lawson, MD, Dr. Paul RobinsonRead MoreThe Effects Of Eating Disorders Among Adolescents1215 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood experiences are very influential in molding the perspectives regarding body image among individuals. Emotional invalidation coming from ones parents has been shown to be positively correlated with an increased rate of eating disorders among male and female adolescents. Research conducted by Shisslak et al. (1995) showed that among a sample of university students 91% of the women reported attempting to contr ol their weight through a variety of dieting strategies. There are many factors

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Comparison of Rhetorical Effects - 777 Words

â€Å"The Terrifying Normalcy of AIDS† by Stephen Jay Gould Quote | Effect | How? | 1. The Terrifying Normalcy of AIDS (Title) | The effect of the oxymoron in the title is to present just how common AIDS has become in society. | The phrase â€Å"terrifying normalcy† is an oxymoron because something that is truly frightening can never be normal in society. The author uses this phrase in the title to allow the reader to know that AIDS is affecting way more people than we think. | 2. Page 754, â€Å"unblemished future† | The effect of this phrase is to describe the boundaries that modern technology has with the fast pace of development that is occurring. | The big corporations seem to believe that â€Å"technology is the solution to all human†¦show more content†¦| 8. Page 756, â€Å"Our species†¦ from nature.† | The effect of this phrase is to reemphasize just how weak and susceptible the human race is. | The use of the word â€Å"independence† suggests that there is a bond between us and the animal kingdom. Our race has been unable to separate from nature because we are just as vulnerable as the animals are to contract a disease without a cure. Until we can sure this disease we will be nature’s slave. | 9. Page 756, â€Å"†¦ and I suspect that†¦ an AIDS vaccine will one day be produced.† | The effect of this sentence is to connect the essay back to the first paragraph. | The author connects to the introduction by stating that technology will eventually be able to produce a vaccine.Show MoreRelated exploring rhetorical modes 2 Essays739 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿University of Phoenix Material Exploring Rhetorical Modes Rhetorical Modes Worksheet Chart Complete the following worksheet on rhetorical modes for academic essays using the information shared in â€Å"Use Effective Methods of Development† in The Everyday Writer Plus. Rhetorical Mode Explain in your own words (using complete sentences) when a writer would use this mode. Narrative Narrative is telling a story to someone with a lot of detail. Description Description writing paints a picture withRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Bacon s The Four Idols And Charles Darwin s Natural Selection Essay920 Words   |  4 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Bacon and Darwin In order to engage an audience in a piece of work, an effective beginning must be implemented so that the reader is inclined to continue being invested in the work. In both Francis Bacon’s The Four Idols and Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection, an effective beginning is introduced to grab the attention of the audience. Both authors then use other rhetorical strategies, such as comparison and deductive reasoning to strengthen their argument, enabling the readerRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesDevi Thapa LLD 100A October 22, 2017 Rhetorical Analysis of Social and Personality Development in Childhood article Introduction Rhetorical analysis is important because it breaks down the writing into parts and then explains how different each parts work together effectively in relation to the topic, audience and purpose. In this rhetorical analysis assignment, I analyzed Ross Thompson’s 2017 article, â€Å"SocialRead MoreTips for Effective Narration709 Words   |  3 PagesRhetorical mode Narration Narration is usually used to tell a story or a series of events or to describe something that occurred. It is used as way of vivifying an incident and is, therefore, close to the rhetorical tool of description. Tips for effective narration are to put accounts in chronological order with the beginning segueing into the continuance, the climax coming towards the end and the ending bringing an unexpected and usually satisfactory denouement to the whole. Narration has toRead MoreTerm Definition Source Of Definition1183 Words   |  5 Pagesedu/glossary-rhetorical-terms#1 let us go forth and lead the land we love J.F.Kennedy, inaugrial speech Allusion A reference to a well known person, place, or thing in history or literature The Pequod in Moby Dick The pequot people were driven to extinction Anadiplosis The retorical repetition of one or several words, specifically repetition that ends one clause at the beginning of the next MenRead MoreEffectiveness of the Rhetorical Devices Used in the Manjeet Kripalani and Cindy Kimbbe Articles1148 Words   |  5 PagesIn this assignment there will be an analysis of the effectiveness of the rhetorical devices used in two of the articles in the assignment. First, I will address two of the rhetorical devices that were presented in â€Å"Ban Outsourcing? Bad Idea† by Manjeet Kripalani. Second, I will review the rhetorical devices that were presented in the article â€Å"Outsourcing: the good, the bad and the inevitable†, by Cindy Kibbe. The articles are both strong in opinion and detail with persuasive arguments; the analysisRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Enough Has It s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution 1131 Words   |  5 Pages A Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution† In â€Å"Enough Already, It’s Time We Decriminalize Prostitution† Patty Kelly persuades the readers that the American government should make the prostitution legal. She introduces the three reasons and the facts from both sides of decriminalization and criminalization towards prostitution to support her thesis. This essay was written and first published in the local newspaper of Los-Angles Times in 2008Read MoreCom/155 Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Essay1750 Words   |  7 PagesAppendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is usedRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Swami Vivekananda’s Speech788 Words   |  4 Pagesfull of diligence, and appropriate highly-cultured rhetoric techniques like metaphors, parallelism, simile, and various pronouns made an indelible impression on the numerous human minds of those times. First, it is important to underline the rhetorical introduction of Swami Vivekananda. Indeed, Hindu monk surprised and quite shocked a lot of attendants on the meeting with non-standard intro: â€Å"Sisters and Brothers of America† (1). There was no addressing to Mrs. or Ms., as well as he did not startRead MoreRhetorical Modes Matrix883 Words   |  4 PagesMaterial Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. Rhetorical Mode Purpose Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used. Structure Explain what organizational method works best with each rhetorical mode. Provide 2 tips

Friday, December 20, 2019

Graduation Day Essay - 1303 Words

For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school, and for some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the independent journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but turned out to be one of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasnt graduation ceremony there wouldnt have been an accident. On June 13, 2011, I woke up a happy and excited 17 year old for it was my graduation day and that meant no more high school, no more nagging teachers, and no more drama. I met my friends and my boyfriend Andrew in the school parking lot and away we went to practice graduation. After we had practiced†¦show more content†¦After we had walked out and took our seats I couldnt help but to stare at the empty seat next to me and wonder where he was at. I called his house but no one picked up. After calling a repeated amount of times his friend Ryan w as able to get through to his parents. His parents had told Ryan that there was an accident and after we graduate they will tell us where Andrew is at. As soon as Ryan got off the phone he told me not to worry and that he probably broke his leg or something and that he was in a hospital somewhere and that we will know where after we get our diplomas. After a couple of speeches and a few diplomas later it was almost my rows turn to walk across the stage and claim our diplomas. Right before we were to stand up and walk toward the stage I got the worst news of my life. I got a call from Andrews frantic older brother. He asked if I had walked yet I told him no and demanded to know where Andrew was. After a few minutes of heavy breaths I heard the words, Jenn, Andrews.... Andrews dead. The words echoed in my ears. I dropped my phone and just sat there. I couldnt move, speak or even cry, I just sat there and stared. After a few minutes I guess you could say it hit me. The tears came roll ing off my face. Advisors and school employees ran to meShow MoreRelatedMaya Angelou s Graduation Day862 Words   |  4 PagesWhen an individual hears discouraging comments about themselves, their confidence lowers, however, when a person hears uplifting and encouraging compliments, their confidence rises. These ideas appear multiple times throughout Maya Angelou’s, â€Å"Graduation Day†. The story refers to a young girl graduating the eighth grade. Maya Angelou encountered many people who challenged her personal growth because of the words spoken to her. Although common belief states words have no power, words have the powerRead MoreMaya Angelou s Graduation Day1038 Words   |  5 Pagesgeneral chain of command. It is the power within the words that lends significance to the inspirational speeches and songs held so dearly in the hearts of many. Due to their significant daily presence, words hold an immense power. In Maya Angelou’s â€Å"Graduation Day,† she carefully describes the intense negative power one man’s words have on an entire community. Angelou also illustrates a very emotional positive power that a boy’s words have in lifting the congregation’s spirits up. Words are depicted asRead MoreThe Day Of My High School Graduation Speech1512 Words   |  7 Pagesand the moment that helped me coming back to the reality. May 24, 2014 was the day of my high school graduation ceremony. I somehow felt unready and uncomfortable inside. I did not want to leave my school, my teachers, and especially my friends. Apart from that, I still wanted to wear my school uniform to school. I am the type of person that doesn’t want to think what to wear to school the next day. It seems like I am a lazy person, but the uniform also gave me the feeling of identity,Read MoreGraduation Day1385 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Graduation Day† As the beautiful sky happily accompany sunrays, that shined down on the entrance of the field house where the ceremony of my graduation took place. Someone above must have known it was my graduation day and blessed me with a beautiful day. I was so excited, that the night before the graduation I couldn’t sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation and if he’d even show up. I waited for this moment for four long years and I will make the best of itRead MoreDescriptive Essay On Graduation Day1505 Words   |  7 Pages Monday, May 16th, graduation day. It’s 5:37 in the morning and I remember this cause I never wake up earlier than 8 unless I have to, but today I didn’t have to. It’s the day culminating twelve years of hard work and dedication into a three hour ceremony in which I will actually have to do something with my life other than a routine I believe I’ve perfected throughout these last four years. I roll o ver and pick up my phone, a dim light comes through a slit in my window shades just to remind me howRead MoreNarrative Analysis Of Graduation Day772 Words   |  4 Pagesand books that brought a wide range of ideas to mind to then ink it to the story. Like all story they start with a beginning, setting the scene of the narrative. The starting of this story begins explaining the most important day of every year 12’s life, Graduation day. Until the story sets the scene of the rest of the story starting off in the past about a young girl starting year 12 along with all her other school friends. Throughout the story there is always a rising action. For example, itRead MoreGraduation Speech : Day And That Moment1248 Words   |  5 PagesThat day and that moment I remember coming back from school after taking our final exam in geology my best friend who I thought of him as my brother and I. I remember that day as if it was yesterday I still feel like going through the actions over and over every time I go to sleep. It was a really hot day, the sun was so hot and the air was so dry. We meat out side of the school talked about how we performed on our tests and how our answers were. We were joking laughing having fun. Until he saidRead MoreAnalysis Of Graduation Day By Maya Angelou728 Words   |  3 PagesAre encouraging words the uniting force when fighting injustice? In â€Å"Graduation Day,† Maya Angelou addresses how encouraging words affected the injustice she faced as a child. Angelou informs her audience about the influence encouraging words had on her and the people in her community. These uplifting words united her community in a time of overwhelming bias. Encouraging words unite oppressed people to fight injustice. Spiritual words unite communities to fight injustice and practice in good worksRead More Graduation Speech: No Day But Today Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesMrs. Meke told me never to start a paper with a dictionary definition, but it only seemed fitting to site Merriam Webster today. Graduation is the act of acceptance of an academic degree or diploma. Never have Merriam and Webster been more off their mark. Graduation is much more than a simple ceremony, it is the culmination of 12 years of work, friendships, and the little moments that still make us smile. High school was more than its name leads you to believe. It wasn’t just school, it taughtRead MoreAn Example of a Graduation Speech653 Words   |  3 Pageswriting papers, doing homework, taking an occasional pop quiz, and of course taking countless exams, it is that time that we all anticipate†¦Graduation! Purpose Statement: Since the majority of us are seniors, and graduation is a little less than a month away, I am going to provide you with some historical background information and some fun facts about graduation in order to make the occasion even more meaningful than it already is. Road Map: Most of you could probably agree that high school was

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Personal Assessment Of The School Year - 1743 Words

1. Write a letter to parents explaining at least 4 ways (2 informal and 2 formal) of how you will assess your students. Justify your response. Parents, I would like to inform you that during the school year I will be implementing four different types of assessments on your children. These assessments will be in place to find out how they are performing in reading. There will be two informal and two more formal assessments that I will be doing throughout the year. One of the informal ways that I will assess your child will be by something called a running record. The running record is performed while in their reading groups. I will simply write down any mistakes or corrections that your child makes as they read. The second informal†¦show more content†¦The second formal way that your child will be assessed is through standardized testing. This test will be given towards the end of the school year. â€Å"Standardized reading tests are machine-scored instruments that sample reading performance during a single administration† (Vacca, J., Vacca, R., Gove, Burkey, Lenhart, McKeon, 2015, p. 149). This will be in a quieter and more controlled atmosphere that the whole class will participate in at the same time. All of these processes will help you and me to see how your child is reading, if they are on the appropriate level, and even how much they have progressed through the year. I look forward to a very exciting year with you and your child. If you have any questions about any of the information that I have shared with you please do not hesitate to email, call, or even set up a conference to discuss. 2. A student in your class hesitates between words while she reads. You notice that she looks around the page while she hesitates. Discuss your intervention plans in order to develop reading fluency. A student in my class is hesitating between words while she reads. I have noticed that she looks around the page while she hesitates. The first thing I would do would be to start with the echo reading method, where I will read and she will repeat what I say. â€Å"This strategy allows the teacher to provide learner’s with a great deal of support† (Vacca, J., Vacca, R., Gove, Burkey,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Visual Analysis free essay sample

I have chosen to make an analysis of gender regarding a particular advertisement for Newport-pleasure Cigarettes found in Entertainment Weekly issued September 3, 2010. The ad depicts two persons, a man and a woman, on date at a bar. They are playing darts and are clearly enjoying themselves. The ad targets an audience of men and women roughly at the age of 18-30. The main significance of this ad is to show the audience three things: that smoking can help you have a good time, that it can make men look more attractive, and that if you smoke it is an easy and almost effortless way to become a focus for women all around you. The ad uses common themes and labels that are unoriginal and also extremely fabricated. Target Audience This ad aims to target men and women. However, the ad focuses on targeting men looking to find ways to â€Å"pleasure† women. When men think of the word â€Å"pleasure†, they think of one thing and one thing only, but I wont get into details. The ad insinuates that male gene is only after finding mates of the opposite sex. These days, plenty of guys are getting drunk almost every night, prowling for women with whom they can â€Å"hook up† (Kimmel, 54). The writer of this ad could narrow the target audience down even more if the man in the scene were smoking a Newport-pleasure cigarette. Props are also very important in this advertisement. The woman is holding a dart as they play the game and they are both wearing nice clothes, implying that only men and women who are very successful people smoke cigarettes Newport-pleasure cigarettes. â€Å"When one thing is so dominant, then its no longer a choice† (Orenstein, 60). The scenario also adds to how the advertisement labels the male gender to being only after scoring women. Scenario The advertisement for Newport-pleasure illustrates an ideal situation that is very relatable for both single men and women. The couple are both laughing and having a high-quality time with each other. In my opinion, these two lovebirds are on there first or second date. Although I feel the more targeted audience is men, the main focus in this advertisement is the girl. She is obviously attractive and seems to have a great personality. The more appropriate description would be, â€Å"socially acceptable.† The gentleman in the picture is somewhat blurred and the only clear-quality object is the lady, implying that the male gender has only one thing on their which is women and only women. She is falling for this man a little bit more every second. This entails that women are turned on by men who smoke cigarettes. The ad urges that because this man smokes Newport-pleasure cigarettes he has that much more of an edge in seducing this woman. As the kids would say, â€Å"that guy is cool!† and it’s all because he smokes. What are they trying to prove? As I stated earlier in my analysis the ad illustrates three main stereotypes and clichà ©s used in selling Newport-pleasure cigarettes, the first being that smoking can enhance your ability to have a good time. The two middle-aged adults in the photograph are smiling ear-to-ear and loving every second that passes by. Unfortunately that is not the case at all. Smoking can dampen the mood for a lot surrounding peers with its awful smell and stuffy aroma in targeting women to have smoke being a main aphrodisiac. The next pigeonhole presented is that smoking can make you look more attractive. Studies show that the majority of men and women find smoking cigarettes unattractive with the opposite sex, but this ad pushes the other extreme. It gives rise to the female gender being appealed to stained teeth, bad breath, and a dry mouth. I’m not sure what the girl in this add is thinking but if were in that situation I wouldn’t kiss a mouth like that! The third and final stereotype is that if you smoke it is an easy and almost effortless way to become a focus for someone of the opposite sex. This advertisement is showing that the woman in this picture is showing interest in this man, as well as desire and curiosity. On the contrary, in reality they would take one look at that mouth full of smoke and say, â€Å"next!† Conclusion This Newport-pleasure advertisement exploits the number one cardinal rule in marketing today: sex sells. It targets young men and women of our country into thinking they can score any â€Å"hot babe† or any â€Å"sexy man† they so desire. The ad presents one couple that is out on date, having a blast, laughing and conversing, and it’s all because they smoke cigarettes (at least that’s what it implies). Newport-pleasure marks the gender of women for falling head over heels for men who smoke, which is certainly not always the case. Also, it marks men for being ignorant that they might think that smoking can actually get them to the top of their game. Even though the Newport-pleasure ad is unrealistic and illogical it is still quite imaginative. If it were that easy for me to impress the ladies I’d be smoking five packs a day of the sex-reeling, persona boosting Newport-pleasure Cigarettes. Works Cited Kimmel, Michael. â€Å"Men Will Be Boys.† The New York Post. 7 Sept. 2008. Rpt. In Writing Communites Identities. Ed. Cynthia Debes et al. 6th ed. Plymouth, MI: Hayden- Mcneil Publishing, 2009. 53-55. Orenstein, Peggy. â€Å"What’s Wrong with Cinderella?† The New York Times Magazine. 4 Dec. 2006. Rpt. in Writing Communities and Identities. Ed. Cynthia Debes et al. 6th ed. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2009, 56-64.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Analyzing an E Commerce Website http//

Question: Discuss about the Analyzing an E Commerce Website Answer: Introduction Aims The main aim of the report is to evaluate the strategy used by the website The features used in the website to make it attractive and appealing is evaluated for the preparation of the report. The requirement that is required to be implemented for the transformation of the website to hit the global market is analyzed from the current web design. Overviews The current website of the company THE ICONIC is designed with large images and not much information is used in the website thus is difficult for the user to get information about the website. The website deals with selling clothes, shoes and accessories of different brands and at the top left corner of the home page a login option is provided for the user from where the user can login into the website and purchase products ( 2017). A login is necessary for purchasing from the website. Beside the login option a search function is added such that the user can search for the product they want and find it easily for purchasing or viewing the details of the product. The name of the E-commerce website is displayed as a heading and the details of the delivery and the return option offered by the website is also displayed under the menu bar. Over all the look and feel of the website is good and more details is required to be added for making it a global website. Overview of the business and description of the website The main business of the company is to sell clothes of different brands for mens and womens and it had its origin from Sydney. It is an online retailer of sportswear launched in the year 2011 ( 2017). The business of the iconic is growing as a home based fashion community retailer and currently have a stock of 700 brands and more than 50,000 items in the store. Different products of international brands are sold by the website and it has its main ware house in Sydney. The website of the company also lists the brands whose products are sold by the company and the user can click on their favorite brand for viewing all the products available on the website of that brand. The website shows the products under different categories and new products such as shoes, watches and wallets are also sold by the website. The website can boost the basic of an individual and it can be used as the one stop wardrobe for an individual. Identification of the main business feature of the website The main business feature identified form the website review is that the website acts as a one stop solution for the people searching for different products of a brand or the people searching sportswear from different products. The user of the website can add their favorite brand such that they does not have to search for different branded products. A floating help button is used for user assistance such that the user can reach the customer care representatives and solve their queries immediately. Identification of the positive and negative aspects of the website The identified positive aspects found from the evaluation of the website are as follows: Simple to utilize interface The site is offering the keepsakes and blessings. The plan of the site is extremely direct and alluring. Every one of the pages are settled, and the general structure is level. The essential area and the pages are given at the highest point of the each page. The primary page of the site is home, and different pages are the item page, Company arrangements page, about page. Every one of the pages are recorded in the menu bar. The clients can without much of a stretch explore starting with one page then onto the next page. The item class is recorded in the menu bar. The clients can peruse every one of the things or item from a menu bar. All the arrangement of the site is obviously unmistakable and simple to utilize. Client enlistment The clients can purchase items from the site. Clients can enlist in the site from enrollment choice. A client must be recorded before purchasing any item from this site. The enrollment page contains the client's full name, contact number, address, email address, client id, and secret key. At the point when a client enlists on the site a connection will be sent to the enrolled email address. By clicking this connection, the clients can affirm their enrollment. After enlistment, the client can purchase the item or include the things in their shopping basket. Without enrollment, the client can not add the item to their shopping basket. Item index From the item list, the clients can peruse the item. The item inventory is isolated in two distinctive item. Principally the item portrayal speaks to the different items from the site. Especially the item inventory helps the clients to discover the item effectively. Shopping basket Shopping truck is utilized for conveying shopping things. Principally the shopping basket is utilized as a part of the shopping center or shopping complex. In this site, the shopping basket is utilized for the store all the item which are picked by the clients. The clients can pick the item and add it to the shopping basket for further purchase. The identified negative aspects found from the evaluation of the website are as follows: Website Interface The website is designed for normal user and the users with certain disabilities like colour blindness cannot be able to distinguish the text and the images and thus may face problem is using the website. Exchange Forum The database connected with the website is required to be secured from unauthroised access because it contains the important records of the customer and the transaction details and level of certification is required to be used for maintaining a transparency with the customer and secure the website. Criticism frame In the input shape, the clients can give their criticism with respect to the item, administration, office and different things. The clients need to include their name, contact number, address, item portrayal, and criticism in regards to their shopping. Analysis of the website design For the analysis of the website a sitemap of the website is required to be created and the navigation of the web pages is required to be analyzed. High resolution images are used for designing the website and the fonts size used for the contents of the website are readable. The needs of the user can be fulfilled by the user design and the design is not similar with the traditional design followed by the other e commerce websites and thus it makes it unique ( 2017). The uniqueness of the design can make create annoyance for some of the user regarding the usability of the website but it is helpful for the future growth of the organization. Relationship between the applied business model and the website life cycle stage A life cycle driven business model is used for the business process and sustainably develop the business and reach the global market for upgrading the current business process of the organization. A lots of thing is required to be considered for running the business globally such as sharing of the resources, sharing of the economy, eco design, circular economy, etc. the use iof wrong business model can lead to loss of customer that leads the company not to achieve the business goals (Toufaily, Ricard and Perrien 2013). The main hotspot of the company is required to be included in the website such that the users can have all the information about the company and believe in the company (Rabetino et al. 2015). The trust between the customer and the company is required to be created and the website acts as a mediator for building the trust and it should be designed analyzing the global demands and the point of attraction. A table is created for the demonstration of the relationship between the business model and the website life cycle. Life Cycle/ Business Model Sharing Circular Supply Chain Collaboration Products Design of the Product Rematerialization and upcycle Dematerialization Co creation Eco Effiency Production Sharing of assets Sustainable sourcing Production on demand Distribution Sharing of assets Eco packing and sustainable sourcing Sales and marketing Driven by community Maintenance and Use Product as a service and Peer to peer End of Life Refurbish, upgrade, take back service, implement new strategy Conclusion and Recommendations From the above report it can be concluded that ]the current website of the company The Iconic needs some modification and improvement and the current strategy of the business is required to be modified for launching their business worldwide. The requirement of the user and the current trend of the e commerce industry is required to be analyzed for the up gradation of the website and change the current strategy of the business process and lead the business to the top position in the market. Currently the website have issues with its unique design and more content is required to be added each of the page of the website to make it more informative and the specification of the products sold by the website must be detailed and the dimension and appropriate universal sizes should be used for making easy for the global customer about the size of the product they purchase from the store. Reference (2017). Clothes Online | Shoes Online | THE ICONIC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2017]. Toufaily, E., Ricard, L. and Perrien, J., 2013. Customer loyalty to a commercial website: Descriptive meta-analysis of the empirical literature and proposal of an integrative model. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), pp.1436-1447. Rabetino, R., Kohtamki, M., Lehtonen, H. and Kostama, H., 2015. Developing the concept of life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, pp.53-66.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Consumption in College Students †Free Samples to Samples

Question: Discuss about the Consumption in College Students. Answer: Introduction: Market research via electronic means has become the most common way for businesses to handle consumers and customers airing out their varying opinions (Libaiet al, 2013). Apparently, the social media platform has becomes one of the most used advertising resources that are being used by business. In that case, a research should be done on how the platform is fairing especially when it comes to dealing with products which are not very popular to the consumers because of their health effects like energy drinks(Attila et al, 2011). Red bull energy drink Australia is a beverage that contains high concentrations of caffeine but no contents of alcohol. Red bull Australia has recently become one of the main beverages being used by people in Australia and therefore becoming popular and famous. However, the marketing trends and methods of the businesses producing the drink are currently limited (Cha et al, 2010). To earn some profit, the businesses have been focusing on advertising and promoting the drinkin tweeter platform through videos, tweet statements, links etc. This report gives an account of the research that was conducted. Interpreting the marketing strategy of Red bull Australia and providing managerial implications. The objective for the research included: To identify the type of tweets or information that the red bull energy drink posted in their tweeter account. The scope of the study was limited to the Red bull energy drink only. The study revolved around what the drinks information posted on its twitter account and the responses that the consumers gave. The study also focused just on the marketing of the drink and the consumers around Australia only. The study concentrated on the latest 100 tweets only out of all the total number of tweets that were received in Red bullstwitter account in the year 2017. These tweets represented the direct replies, retweets, referral linksand hashtags among other things. The tweets were downloaded from the account and presented for the study. The analysis of the tweets was done by first categorizing the tweets into six main categories and two other categories. The data gotten from the categories was certainly in form of qualitative data. It was analyzed by use of graphs which ended up showing the percentage of each category out the total number of tweets. As mentioned earlier, the marketing of energy drink is becoming a popular norm in the state of Australia simply because of the limitations accompanying advertising responsibility and increased close competition from other energy producing companies (Australian Beverages, 2017). According to Chambers, 2014,Red bull being one of the most uprising and popular energy drinks in Australia, seemed to be working its way up the market because of the positive vs negative effects of twitter advertising platform. The responses that t received from the customers represented different ideas, feeling and opinions in regard with the drink itself and other related aspects of the drink (Yunusa et al, 2011). According to Cotelo et al, 2016, the following tweets are some of the tweet categories: the commercial tweets which are those tweets that contain messages to do with business development or growth verses non-commercial tweets which are those tweets contain messages that are beyond business dealings and promotions. Cessation tweets (tweets that contain messages with a final decision), embedded tweets (tweets that bring out ones own content or idea to a twitter account. This is according to Tare et al, 2014), promotional tweets which are those that are used in promoting or reaching a certain market or consumer group and pro-energy tweets which are the tweets that represent the real time message or idea of an individual. However, there are many other ways of classifying consumer response tweets, e.g.: positive vs negative tweets, emotional tweets, factual tweets, positive vs negative verses negative and emotional tweets among other aspects. The categories that were used in the research study were the six main categories and the other classification which was whether the tweet was negatively, positively or emotionally tweeted. Categorizing Criteria Another criteria for categorizing some of the tweets that were listed in the study was the positive vs negative verses negative and emotional tweets. The positive vs negative tweets are those tweets that are said to be agreeing with the main tweet. Positive tweets support the main tweet in the website while the negative tweets go against the main tweets message. Also, they were mostly the tweets that always made sense when read. The emotional are meant to express the customers emotional feelings about the topic or the message in the main tweet. Emotional tweet can be either joyous, exciting, sad or motivational (Jansen et al, 2009). The analysis showed that the product promotional tweets represented 22% and 78% represented the other aspects.Commercial tweets was represented by 18% product commercial, 10% event commercial, 12% news commercial and completely 60% different commercial aspects. Non-commercial tweets were represented by8% event, 11% news, 32% othersand 60% different non-commercial aspects. Embedded tweets were represented by 17% hashtags, 8% company web link and 75% other aspects. Cessation tweets were represented by 71% neutral, 24% positive and 5% other aspects. Pro-energy tweets were represented by 10% actual pro-energy tweets and 90% other aspects.Positive vs negative tweets were represented by 76% and 24% respectively. Emotional tweetswere represented by 5% joyous, 5% sadistic, 5% excitement, 8% motivational and the emotionless tweets took 77%. These results are certainly derived from the raw data in the twitter account and graphs below. Through Redbull Australias twitter account, it can be concluded that they are mostly promoting sports or music events rather than focusing on the brand as an energy drink. The account is active in terms of responding to their customers and by re-tweeting, however they are not engaging in a dialogue or generating any buzz. The content posted as tweets is mostly about promoting their website and gaming events. The internal team at Redbull Australia should be advised to improve their account page by creating more buzz around the brand and engaging with followers(Saxton and Waters, 2014). They should be thorough with their research. Conclusion It is clear that tweets can be divided into six main different categories. Also, the study showed that one can categorize consumer tweets responses in many different ways. This helps the drink to know what its consumers think about drink. However, most of the above categorized tweets hadpositive and negativereactions to the study that was conducted byredbull energy drink. The information in this report also concluded that the drink isgrowing its market and that its marketing management is becoming effective and efficient. Refernces Attila, S. and akir, B., 2011. Energy-drink consumption in college students and associated factors.Nutrition,27(3), pp.316-322. Yunusa, I. and Ahmad, I.M., 2011. Energy-drinks: composition and health benefits.Bayero journal of pure and applied sciences,4(2), pp.186-191. Cha, M., Haddadi, H., Benevenuto, F. and Gummadi, P.K., 2010. Measuring user influence in twitter: The million follower fallacy.Icwsm,10(10-17), p.30. Gunja, N. and Brown, J.A., 2012. Energy drinks: health risks and toxicity.Med J Aust,196(1), pp.46-49. Jansen, B.J., Zhang, M., Sobel, K. and Chowdury, A., 2009. Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology Management,60(11), pp.2169-2188. Australian Beverages, 2017. Energy Drinks. [Online] Australian Beverages. Available at: [Accessed 26 Aug. 2017]. Libai, B., Muller, E. and Peres, R., 2013. Decomposing the value of word-of-mouth seeding programs: Acceleration versus expansion.Journal of marketing research,50(2), pp.161-176. Palmatier, R.W., 2017. Marketing research centers: community, productivity, and relevance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,45(4), pp.465-466. Chambers, R. (2014). Red Bull doesn't give you wings, settles misleading ads case - AdNews. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017]. Stephen, A.T. and Lamberton, C., 2016. A thematic exploration of digital, social media, and mobile marketing research's evolution from 2000 to 2015 and an agenda for future research.Journal of Marketing. Tare, M., Gohokar, I., Sable, J., Paratwar, D. and Wajgi, R., 2014. Multi-class tweet categorization using map reduce paradigm.International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),9(2), pp.78-81. Cotelo, J.M., Cruz, F.L., Enrquez, F. and Troyano, J.A., 2016. Tweet categorization by combining content and structural knowledge.Information Fusion,31, pp.54-64. Saxton, G.D. and Waters, R.D., 2014. What do stakeholders like on Facebook? Examining public reactions to nonprofit organizations informational, promotional, and community-building messages.Journal of Public Relations Research,26(3), pp.280-299.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Language Focus The Vocabulary Shift free essay sample

This is one of the most dramatic stylistic shifts from informal to formal style. Researchers looked at the way strain builds up around a fault. (less formal style) Researchers observed the way strain accumulates around a fault. (academic style) Choose a verb from the list that reduces the informality of each sentence. Note that you may need to add tense to the verb from the list. Red cue assist create determine fluctuate investigate raise establish increase eliminate 1. Expert Systems can help out the user in the diagnosis of problems. . This program was set up to improve access to medical care. . Research expenditures have gone up to nearly $350 million. 4. The use of optical character readers (Occurs) should cut down the number of problems with the U. S. Mail service. 5. Researchers have found out that this drug has serious side effects. 6. Building a nuclear power plant will not get rid of the energy problem completely. We will write a custom essay sample on Language Focus: The Vocabulary Shift or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 7. Researchers have been looking into this problem for IS years now. 8. This issue was brought up during the investigation. 9. Engineers can come up with better designs using CAD. 0. The emission levels have been going up and down.Reduce the informality of each sentence by substituting a single verb for the one in italics. 1 The implementation of computer-integrated- manufacturing (JIM) has brought about some serious problems. 2. The process should be done over until the desired results are achieved. 3. Plans are being made to come up with a database containing detailed environmental information for the region. 4. Subtle changes in the earths crust were picked up by these new devices. 5. Proposals to construct new clear reactors have met with great resistance from environmentalists.Nouns and Other Parts of Speech English has a very rich vocabulary derived from many languages. Because Of this, there may be more than one way to express an idea. You should strive to choose words that are less informal in nature and also precise. In lectures, you will likely heartless formal speech; however, in writing you should use a more formal form if one exists. Which of the underlined words would be more suitable for an academic paper? 1. The government has made good I inconsiderable progress in solving environmental problems. 2.We got I obtained encouraging results. 3. The results off lot of I numerous different projects have been pretty good I encouraging. 4. A loss of jobs is one of the things that will happen consequences if the process is automated. Supply a more academic word or phrase for the one underlined in each sentence. 5. The reaction of the officials was sort of negative. 6. The economic outlook is mighty nice. 7. The future of Federal funding is up in the air. 8. Americas major automakers are planning to get together on the search needed for more fuel efficient cars.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How do Hamlets Soliloquies reveal his Changing thoughts and Moods throughout the play Essay Example

How do Hamlets Soliloquies reveal his Changing thoughts and Moods throughout the play Paper The play Hamlet is basically about life and death. We see this through the character Hamlet. Hamlets character is not one dimensional, their are many sides to his personality. We can tell this by the way his mood varies throughout the play. Only in the soliloquies does Hamlet reveal his true self, and we the audience begin to develop a better understanding of his complex character. A soliloquy is a speech in which a character (in this case Hamlet) reveals to the audience his thoughts and feelings which he is unable to express to other characters in the play. So in other words, soliloquies give a voice to Hamlets thoughts. This is why soliloquies are so important, because a character can express his most inner thoughts with out judgement from fellow characters in the play. The three soliloquies I have studies are like signposts in the play. They guide us through Hamlets mind at different points in the play. The main focus of my analysis will be on different actors interpretations of this play, as well as the actual content and language of these three different soliloquies. The first soliloquy I am studying is in act one scene two. We will write a custom essay sample on How do Hamlets Soliloquies reveal his Changing thoughts and Moods throughout the play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How do Hamlets Soliloquies reveal his Changing thoughts and Moods throughout the play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How do Hamlets Soliloquies reveal his Changing thoughts and Moods throughout the play specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this first soliloquy Hamlet talks about how if it wasnt for gods laws (sixth commandment, a religious law), he would committee suicide. This is due to the world at war, his deceased father, and how his mother has remarried. O, this too too solid flesh would melt.. his canon gainst self-slaughter. Hamlet continues to tell us, the audience, about how he is irritated (or you could even say maddened) with life and how purposeless everything in this world seems to be. weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seems to me all the uses of this world! As well as how the world is corrupt. He expresses this by comparing his immediate world to a garden overrun, polluted by foul-smelling weeds. . tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature posses it merely. Hamlet is not really mourning his fathers death in this soliloquy, but he is infuriated with his mother for remarrying his uncle so soon after his fathers death. That is should come to this! But two months dead- nay not so much, not so excellent a King. After this Hamlet continues to explain how nothing can happen to make this situation any better. But this does not mean Hamlet will do nothing, and accept everything. This is not good enough for Hamlet, something has to be done. The audience is drawn to feel this way because we can tell Hamlet is a clever man (we can tell this by the way Hamlet contemplates situations, which he sees as wrong, in his mind e. g. his mother remarriage. Also Hamlet is clever enough to keep his thoughts to himself hence he only expresses his feelings in soliloquies). Hamlet also compares his father and uncle. The way Hamlet does this is by comparing them as a Hyperion to a satyr. This comparison of the two men makes his father sound grand, powerful, beautiful and as a mythical creature. Therefore suggests that Hamlet feels that his deceased father is the rightful king, and Claudius is inferior to the King Hamlet. This also seems that this is the only way Hamlet can talk about his father compared to Claudius. In addition, this over explanation dramatises these two characters. Also this makes King Hamlet almost seem like a God, and as for Claudius well he is seen as a servant (compared to his father). This suggests that King Hamlet will always be superior to Claudius, even in death. We, the audience, can also see that these are Hamlets true inner thoughts as they almost flow out of his mouth as he gets caught up in the moment. Ad this soliloquy is full of interpretations, rushes of thought and language, which also suggests that Hamlet is getting caught up in the moment. The language in this soliloquy resembles a train of thought. The words flow together with commas that continue this flow. As well as studying the text of Hamlet, I am also studying two versions of Hamlet in the form of a play. The two films I watched each portrayed these soliloquies in different ways. The first noticeable difference between the two is the fact that, the Peter Brooks version concentrates on the actors face that plays Hamlet. While the Mel Gibson version focuses more on the setting. I do not think that the reason for this is one is a low budget film while the other is not. I think that both versions want to portray Hamlet in different ways. The Peter Brooks version portrays Hamlet as a strong minded character, focusing on every word that Hamlet speaks. While the Mel Gibson version also does this (but not nearly as much), but as a lot of the focus is on the setting, this suggests that Hamlets words can not express his true feelings as well. It is though the setting dramatises the words that Hamlet speaks. This also is a reason for why in the Mel Gibson version, of this soliloquy, has been cut down. The only similarity there is in both films is that; the actors never look at the camera. I think that this suggests that Hamlet does not need to prove himself to anyone; he is not trying to convince us, the audience, that his feelings are right (or the right way to think and feel). Hamlet believes that his are beliefs are true and know one will change his mind. Hamlets character does not need to keep a hold of the audience by addressing them with looks or suggestive posses. So already in this first soliloquy we see how intelligent Hamlet is, how he thinks over situations. He does not just sit back and take things as they come. It is though Hamlet already, sub-consciously, knows that Claudius is unlawfully the king. So from here the audience feels like Hamlets character is strong minded, intelligent and a deep thinker. At the moment the audience does not know if Hamlet is going to be brave enough to change things. Though, we do get the sense that Hamlet will just take things as they come. This is where the audience claps their first sense that action may happen in the near future. Hamlet is also seen as almost as brave, as it seems he is going to change this to make them seem right. He is not seen as a coward for this very reason, as well as, he has not committed suicide. But this is mainly down to the fact that it is a sin. So maybe he is not so brave. However the audience looks past this as not an act of coward ness but as an act of bravery to stand-up in what he believes in. The second soliloquy that I am studying is in act 2. Here Hamlet express disapproval of the way he can not act to avenge his dead father. . hat a rouge and peasant slave am I! Hamlet later explains how he is going to trap Claudius. Hamlet is also frustrated how actors can act with feelings, while hamlet has lots of motivation (and reasons) to avenge his father yet he can not act on this. Is it not monstrous that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion force his soul so to his own conceit.. Hamlet is also still trying to make sense of the world. I think in this solil oquy we, the audience, see how intelligent and self-aware Hamlet really is. He even considers himself as a coward. And this is the first time we the audience think Hamlet is actually a coward, and actually start to wonder is Hamlet is going to live up to what he is saying. Am I a coward But I am pigeon livered, and lack gall To make oppression bitter Alliteration is used in this Soliloquy. Out of the soliloquies I am studying, this is the first that I have seen alliteration. The use of alliteration makes the words stand clear from the rest, it emphasises them. This means they must be important for such emphasis to be laid upon them. Especially the way, even when u read them, they make u spit them out. It is though they are disgusting, poisoned, and almost shameful. These words are said as hamlet is questioning about how he does nothing to avenge his father. So this shows the way he is ashamed of the way he does nothing. Bloody, bawdy villain! With Hamlets realisation of how he has done nothing to avenge his father, he comes up with an idea. Hamlet will watch his uncle to see how he reacts when he sees a play of a murder which resembles King Hamlets. Hamlet also shows his disgust in Claudius by calling him a creature. This shows that Hamlet thinks that for someone to murder, they must (almost) not be human. Hum I have heard That guilty creatures sitting at a play Have by the very cunning of the scene Been struck so to the soul The Mel Gibson version of this concentrates on the anger that Hamlet is feeling. This is shown by the way Hamlet is standing. It is as if Hamlet can not bear it anymore (all his anger) and needs something to be done. The Mel Gibson version also starts about half way down the soliloquy. This is because half way down, in the soliloquy, Hamlet starts to get going therefore gets more aggressive. Also Hamlets character is seen as more unpredictable as three quarters down the script, Hamlet does calm down. This is because he has finally thought of a plan. The Peter Brooks version is different. In this version Hamlet is seen calmer and in deep thought more than the Mel Gibson version. This is expressed in the way that the actor is sitting down. Also bloody bawdy villain is left out. This too makes Hamlet seem less aggressive. The way none of the script is cut out, makes Hamlet seem as though he is able to work through is feelings and emotions, therefore a more stable and in control character In this soliloquy we see how Hamlets mood has changed more aggressive and more frustrated. Though this seems to work best for Hamlet, as with theses feelings he later is able to come up (finally) with a plot. Hamlets character becomes more complex in this soliloquy. We no-longer think of Hamlet as a man whom will act on his feelings. Now of a man, who is scared to act on his feelings, yet knows he is a coward and he should, but physically he cant. This is maybe because he is not yet mentally prepared. It seems that Hamlet has to be frustrated with his feelings and hate himself for not acting, to then later be able to mentally carry out what he first intended to do. The third soliloquy I am studying is in act three scene one. In this soliloquy Hamlet is still discussing the meaning of life and death. Hamlet is scared of what happens after death. To be, or not to be. This is all before a meeting with Ophelia. This soliloquy does not advance the story. Instead it shows us a lot about how Hamlet thinks things through. Also in this soliloquy Hamlet is still delaying murder. Hamlet is spilt; on one hand he wants revenge for his father, on the other, he is an intelligent student which is teachings go against ghosts. This soliloquy is also different to the rest in the way that he reflects on general issues. There are no direct references about other people. This is maybe because Hamlet has now almost totally withdrawn himself from the world. Hamlet discusses how, if you cant win a battle, you can still fight. But what is the point? Hamlet is thinking things through; this intelligence makes him a coward. to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them Onomatopoeia is used in this soliloquy. This makes the words come alive and stand out. This is needed as it is about death. Which, discussing death seems to be very important to Hamlet. shuffled off this mortal coil Ophelia is mentioned right at the end of this soliloquy. I think this is to show that Hamlet is not as alone as he thinks he is. He could rely on Ophelia and talk to her, yet he keeps his feeling to himself. The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered. In the Peter Brooks version, there is emphasis on part of this speech. This shows that, in this version Hamlet is seen to be thinking about death, and is scared of it as it has been mentioned several times. The emphasis is shown by a pause by the actor when saying To die-to sleep Also in this version there are longer pauses which show deep thought. And even a slight struggle to contemplate these ideas. But as he is still discussing them it shows they are important. Hamlet is sitting down in this version. He never stands up. This shows us how there is no aggression. As well as the fact that he never raises his voice. This version is less emotional. It is more serious, the actor uses a lower tone of voice in some areas of the speech. The camera zooms in on Hamlets face, yet he never looks at it. This suggests that Hamlet is trapped inside his head. Also this is shown by the way Ophelia doesnt come into the scene (this has been excluded from this version). The Mel Gibson version is more about setting. It is set by the grave of Hamlets diseased father. This version is set here to show how Hamlet must (or so he feels) live up to gat revenge for his father. Also this emphasis on the scenery shows how death is inside Hamlets mind. This version of Hamlet makes his character seem less calm. The actor gets angry, clams down, moves around (e. g. lays on the floor) at certain points. All these emphasis how complicated Hamlets mind is. And how confused he still is As well as how unpredictable his character is. Yet again we see, in this soliloquy, how intelligent Hamlet is. How he contemplates important situations in his mind. Death plays a very important role in this soliloquy. Hamlet is constantly thinking about it. Though in this soliloquy we see how frightened Hamlet is of death. Also this soliloquy shows how alone Hamlet is, as there is no mention of anyone (only when Ophelia enters the room). So this soliloquy shows how Hamlet is trapped, he is far too intelligent for this play and therefore is alone. This is shown in the way that he has cut himself off from the world (almost entirely). Soliloquies are extremely important in this play. Without them we would know nothing of Hamlets intellect, how he plans to get revenge, and what he is really like. Only in soliloquies do we, the audience, get to see the real Hamlet. This means that none of the other characters in the play really know what he is like. This is maybe why Hamlet cuts himself off from the world, because he knows that he can not tell anyone what he is truly thinking, hence he trusts no one. This lack of trust in people comes from the murder of his father. Hamlets moods and thoughts change a lot throughout the play. Without the soliloquies we would find it hard to understand Hamlet, and therefore the play. These soliloquies help the audience understand why Hamlet does the things he does e. g. excludes himself from the world. Soliloquies are important in this play as they reveal how Hamlets character. These soliloquies also show how Hamlet takes it upon himself, alone, to find out the truth. As well, the soliloquies in the play reflect the tension in Hamlets mind; he resists the outside ideas while continuing his own ideas inside his mind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Conversation Lesson About the Equality of lMen and Women

Conversation Lesson About the Equality of lMen and Women Debates in class can help English learners practice a wide range of functions including agreeing and disagreeing, negotiating, collaboration with other students, and so on. Often students need help with ideas and thats where this lesson plan can help. Below you will find cues to the discussion concerning equality between men and women to help get students discussing issues related to the debate. Provide ample time for the discussion and then time the debate. This will help encourage precise language use. This debate can easily be carried out between the men and women in the class, or those who believe the statement is true and those who do not. Another variation is based on the idea that having students support opinions that are not necessarily their own during debates can help improve students fluency. In this manner, students pragmatically focus on correct production skills in conversation rather than striving to win the argument. For more information on this approach please see the following feature: Teaching Conversational Skills: Tips and Strategies. Aim Improve conversational skills when supporting a point of view Activity Debate about the question of whether men and women are truly equal. Level Upper-intermediate to advanced Outline Review language used when expressing opinions, disagreeing, making comments on other persons point of view, etc.Write a few ideas on the board to encourage discussion of the equality between men and women: the workplace, the home, government, etc.Ask students if they feel that women are truly equal to men in these various roles and places.Based on students responses, divide groups up into two groups. One group arguing that equality has been achieved for women and one that feels that women have not yet attained true equality to men. Idea: Put students into the group with the opposite opinion of what they seemed to believe in the warm-up conversation.Give students worksheets including ideas pro and con. Have students develop arguments using the ideas on the worksheet as a springboard for further ideas and discussion.Once students have prepared their opening arguments, begin with the debate. Each team has 5 minutes to present their principal ideas.Have students prepare notes and make a rebuttal to the expressed opinions. While the debate is in progress, take notes on common errors made by the students.At the end of the debate, take time for a short focus on common mistakes. This is important, as students should not be too involved emotionally and therefore will be quite capable of recognizing language problems - as opposed to problems in beliefs! Men and Women: Equal at Last? You are going to debate whether women are finally truly equal to men. Use the clues and ideas below to help you create an argument for your appointed point of view with your team members. Below you will find phrases and language helpful in expressing opinions, offering explanations and disagreeing. Opinions, Preferences I think..., In my opinion..., Id like to..., Id rather..., Id prefer..., The way I see it..., As far as Im concerned..., If it were up to me..., I suppose..., I suspect that..., Im pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., Im convinced that..., I honestly feel that, I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt,..., Disagreeing I dont think that..., Dont you think it would be better..., I dont agree, Id prefer..., Shouldnt we consider..., But what about..., Im afraid I dont agree..., Frankly, I doubt if..., Lets face it, The truth of the matter is..., The problem with your point of view is that... Giving Reasons and Offering Explanations To start with, The reason why..., Thats why..., For this reason..., Thats the reason why..., Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that... Yes, Women Are Now Equal to Men Many governments have both male and female representatives.Many companies are now owned or managed by women.A lot of progress has been made since the 1960s.Television series now portray women as successful career makers.Men now share in the raising of children and household responsibilities.Many important laws have been passed to ensure equality in the workplace.In many places, a married couple can choose whether the man or the women takes leave from work to look after the newly arrived baby.People arent discussing equality anymore. It has become a reality.Have you ever heard of Margaret Thatcher? Excuse Me? Women Still Have a Long Way to Go Before They Are Equal to Men Women still earn less than men in many work situations.Women are still portrayed in a superficial manner in many television shows.Look at international sporting. How many professional female leagues are as successful as their male counterparts?Most governments still are made up in their majority of men.We are having this debate because women are not equal. Otherwise, there would be no need to discuss the matter.Women are often not given enough responsibility based on the possibility that they might become pregnant.The number of sexual harassment suits have increased over the past 10 years.Hundreds of years of history cant have been changed in a mere 30 odd years.Have you ever watched Bay Watch?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Friendship honesty Essay Research Paper Example

Friendship honesty Essay Research Paper Example Friendship honesty Essay Paper Friendship honesty Essay Paper Friendship can be defined as the common relationship that occurs between two persons. It is created when one is experiencing comfort and emotionally safe when sharing his/her ideas with the other. For one to be called a friend. so that individual should be in a place of demoing a better apprehension of the other and besides assures him or her to be by his or her side in every emotional crisis. There are many properties that are considered to construct true friendly relationship ; in this essay we consider three properties. First. friendly relationship is based on trust no affair any obstructions on the manner. Friendship means that there exists honestness between the parties. Finally. friendly relationship means that the parties are non self-seekers. When friends trust each other. it means that at any clip that one friend falls in problem the other will assist without holding a 2nd idea. One should be free in the sharing of secrets and emotions without any fright of being betrayed. When friends trust each other. one is able to offer pieces of advice and protection to the other when faced with challenges in hard state of affairss. In friendly relationship. people will be able to portion their exposures with their friends because they believe in each other that no 1 should take advantage of the openness. : Some of the elements associated with trust are good company. love. good resonance. relaxation. and comfort when together in all fortunes. Finally. if friends trust each other. so one will be able to foretell what the other is capable of making when any state of affairs might originate Friendship means that honestness prevails at all times. This means that the friends should be positive to each other and besides should present properties such as truthfulness and downrightness in any state of affairs. Friends should non move in any mode that demonstrates any signifier of misgiving. lying. cheating and even larceny of any sort. Honesty in friendly relationship means that the friends will state the truth about any action taken. being sincere. carnival. honest. and loyal towards the care of their relationship. When friends are honest to each other. one should be able to state another the negative properties possessed by him or her and seek to do the state of affairs better. Honesty in friendly relationship is besides created when there is a bond and trust created between the parties such that there is an unconditioned openness created in every person. Friendship is non based on self-seekers. This means that the friendly relationship is non created for the intent of holding something malicious to derive from the relationship. True friendly relationship fundamentally portrays altruism ; one should non see the other as taking advantage of him or her after set uping a relationship. In true friendly relationship. a relationship is created where people trust and love one another unconditionally. One should non take advantage of the other when problem overcomes another. Opportunists run off when the benefits flicker off. but true friendly relationship does non establish their relationship on stuff facets but on the emotional and psychological foundations. Therefore. friendly relationship is the lone relationship that is able to travel through hard state of affairss and fortunes. It is cemented on neutrality and unconditioned demands. Due to the fondness. trueness. regard. love. trust. honestness. and non-opportunists. friends are able to make a strong bond that brings together people in the society. This will promote the persons to hold good moral behaviour in the society as a consequence of all the specific qualities of friendly relationship.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Really Cut Government Spending

How to Really Cut Government Spending If the U.S. Congress is serious about cutting government spending, it must eliminate duplication, overlap, and fragmentation in federal programs. That was the message U.S. Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro had for Congress when he told lawmakers that as long as it keeps on spending more money than it collects, the federal government’s long-term fiscal outlook will remain â€Å"unsustainable.† The Extent of the Problem As Dorado told Congress, the long-term problem has not changed. Every year, the government spends more money on programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment benefits than it takes in through taxes. According to the 2016 Financial Report of the U.S. Government, the federal deficit increased from $439 billion in fiscal year 2015 to $587 billion in fiscal 2016. Over the same period, a modest $18.0 billion increase in federal revenue was more than offset by a $166.5 billion increase in spending, mainly on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and interest on debt held by the public. The public debt alone rose as a share of gross domestic product (GDP), from 74%at the end of fiscal 2015 to 77% at the end of fiscal 2016. By comparison, the public debt has averaged only 44% of the GDP since 1946. The 2016 Financial Report, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) all agree that unless policy changes are made, the debt-to-GDP ratio will surpass its historical high of 106% within 15 to 25 years. Some Near-Term Solutions While long-term problems require long-term solutions, there are some near-term things Congress and the executive branch agencies can do to improve the governments fiscal condition without eliminating or severely cutting major social benefits programs. For starters, suggested Dodaro, addressing improper and fraudulent benefits payments and the tax gap, as well as dealing with duplication, overlap, and fragmentation in those programs. On May 3, 2017, the GAO released its seventh annual report on fragmentation, overlap, and duplication among federal programs. In its ongoing investigations, the GAO looks for aspects of programs that could save taxpayer money by eliminating: Duplication: circumstances in which more than one federal agency, or more than one organization within an agency, is involved in the same broad area of national need and opportunities for more efficient service delivery exist;Overlap: when multiple agencies or programs have similar or identical goals, engage in similar activities or strategies to achieve them, or target similar beneficiaries; andFragmentation: circumstances in which more than one federal agency is involved in the same broad area of national need. As a result of the agencies’ efforts to fix the cases of duplication, overlap, and fragmentation identified in the GAO’s first six such reports issued from 2011 to 2016, the federal government has already saved an estimated $136 billion, according to Comptroller General Dodaro. In its 2017 report, the GAO identified 79 new cases of duplication, overlap, and fragmentation in 29 new areas across the government such as health, defense, homeland security, and foreign affairs.   By continuing to address, duplication, overlap, and fragmentation, and without entirely eliminating a single program, the GAO estimates the federal government could save â€Å"tens of billions.† Examples of Duplication, Overlap, and Fragmentation A few of the 79 new cases of wasteful program administration identified by the GAO its latest report on duplication, overlap, and fragmentation included: Sexual Violence Data: The Departments of Defense, Education, Health and Human Services (HHS), and Justice (DOJ) currently manage at least 10 different programs indented to collect data on sexual violence. The duplication and fragmentation results on wasted effort and a lack of understanding of the scope of the problem in the United States.Federal Grants Awards: The National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Food and Nutrition Service, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lack processes to ensure that their grants do not fund duplicate or overlapping programs already being funded by other agencies.Foreign-Assistance Data Quality: As a key step to addressing the potential overlap in the collection and reporting of foreign-assistance information, the Department of State, in consultation with the U.S. Agency for International Development and OMB, needs to improve data quality to ensure consistency in publically available information on how foreign aid is distributed and used. Military Commissaries: By better managing and coordinating purchasing for it commissaries across all military branches, the Department ofDefense could save an estimated $2 billion.Storage of Defense and Commercial Nuclear Waste: By better coordinating the agencies collecting data and analyzing options for the permanent storage of military high-level nuclear waste and commercial spent nuclear fuel, the Department of Energy could potentially save tens of billions of dollars. Between 2011 and 2016, the GAO recommended 645 actions in 249 areas for Congress or executive branch agencies to reduce, eliminate, or better manage fragmentation, overlap, or duplication; or increase revenue. By the end of 2016, Congress and executive branch agencies had addressed 329 (51%) of those actions resulting in about $136 billion in savings. According to Comptroller General Dodaro, by fully implementing the recommendations made in the GAO’s 2017 report, the government could save â€Å"tens of billions more dollars.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CT #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CT #2 - Essay Example Then consider taking your products to markets that requires them (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). Another possibility that can help take your business to a next step is amalgamation, a combination of firms (two or more) to one new firm. One of the combined firms runs that new firm. Amalgamations and mergers are perfect decision that leads to maximizing the growth of the company (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). This will help reduce the production costs and thus products will be offered at prices that are more competitive hence, capturing large market shares. Having many traffic and web pages on internet that doubles every time, there is a need to make your web site to be more visible. It is also important to program and design your web site in a very excellent since your web page contents are the ones that will attract or draw visitors to your site and make them permanent to your site (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). Expanding globally is more than just growing in terms of customers and sales. This will enable integrate the best technologies for more successful business (Zhao & Thomson, 2006). There will also be increased market shares that will enable realize sustained

Legal Method and Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal Method and Skills - Assignment Example It also helps the author maintain his or her consistency, and thus it makes it easier for the reader to follow to argument being made. The main feature of the OSCOLA system of referencing is that it uses the footnote system, rather than in-text citations2. An example of in-text citation is this: (Harvey, 2009). A footnote provides evidence for one’s claims by citing legal sources (for example, statutes, cases) as well as secondary sources (for example, books, journals, etc.) Footnotes are indicated by putting a superscript number after the relevant punctuation in the text. If a case is being cited, the name of the case must be given, the neutral citation and the volume and first page of the relevant law report. If necessary, the name of the court must be given as well. For example, in citing the case Phipps v Boardman3 the citation would be like this: [1967] 2 AC 46 (HL). Another example is this: In the case of Foss v Harbottle4, the Court sought to look into the rights of an individual shareholder against a company. The footnote would read: (1843) 2 Ha. 461. The footnotes and the punctuations should conform the underlying rules in the OSCOLA System. 2. According to a comparison made by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies5, Lexis Nexis has full text legislation and cases, and contains about 60 series of law reports. As for UK journals, it has Halbury’s Laws of England. ... It also has US material including a wide collection of US treaties, as well as material from the Commonwealth: Australia, New Zealand and Canada. On the other hand, WestLaw has the full text of legislation and cases including law reports but just 30 series. However, it gives links to journal references to these cases, unlike Lexis Nexis. It has around 50 full-text titles of journals, its legal journals index covers over 800 journals (in contrast to Lexis Nexis’s 60). It also has EU official publications, legislation, case law, international agreements, and the like. Like Lexis Nexis, it has access to international law materials, US treaties, and material for Australia and Canada (not New Zealand). Finally, Lawtel, which is another database that can be a useful resource for students, contains UK law and case reports similar to the above-mentioned databases, and provides summaries of case law, articles, parliamentary bills, statutes and statutory instruments, as well as command papers. Its interesting feature is the Lawtel Human Rights law, which provides Human Rights related judgments dating back to 1960, as well as human rights legal articles and legislation. It is also updated daily so that the law student or legal practitioner will find it to be of maximum convenience. 3. a. Round brackets are used when the year is not needed to identify the correct volume of the case. Square brackets are used when the year is needed to identify the correct volume of the case. b. The judge is Mr. Justice Griffith Williams c. William Hoskins (instructed by Greenwoods Solicitors) for the Defendant; Robert Glancy QC and Richard Cartwright (instructed by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors) for the Claimant. d. The material facts of the case are as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Evaluate the main factors you would consider for market selection into Essay

Evaluate the main factors you would consider for market selection into an emerging market country of your choice - Essay Example Before a business can fully begin operations in a foreign, a number of options must be explored and entry models developed and adopted that fit the market in question and its dynamics. Emerging economies have been at the centre of the current wave of international investment due to the potential they hold in terms of investment opportunities and the available market. The emerging economies are blocked together form the BRIC block, which has countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and china. India is currently one of the fastest growing economies with significant business potential due to its high population and political stability (Milhaupt, 2008). Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Indian growth and macroeconomics trend 4 Emerging markets entry modes 6 Trade theory and competitive advantage 8 Socio-political, cultural and demographic considerations 9 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 14 Introduction Block and Quayle (B & Q) is a British based multinational with subsidiaries in china, Ho ng Kong and Taiwan where the company offers its home improvement and DIY services. However, as a means of surviving the current economic instability and seeking new markets, the company seeks to open a new subsidiary in India to tap on the enormous potential the country (Kleinman & Hall, 2007). The business must also develop a much informed entry approach into the economy to help resume normalcy faster once the operations begin officially. In this paper, the factors affecting entry into the international market and more specifically emerging economies will be evaluated. This evaluation will majorly focus on the strategies that B & Q should develop in their quest to enter the Indian market (Bihar, 2013). Indian growth and macroeconomics trend The surging growth of the Indian economy has made it quite easier for multinationals and other smaller firms from other countries to invest in the country and tap on the enormous potential the country presents as an emerging economy. Currently, there has been a significant craze in the development of trade ties between emerging economies and firms from developed countries and this has been attributed to the positive trend of such economic blocks. The broadening economic recovery of India has created significant confidence between investors and other international firms and this explains the current surge of multinationals in the country. India has repositioned itself as one of the major international hubs of investments due to its large human resource, available market for goods and services and positive trends towards development (Sathyamurthi, 2012). The country’s growth rate has been on a positive trend heading towards double digit growth index with the international monetary fund placing the country’s growth index at 8.2% in 2011 financial year. The Asian development bank estimate that Indian middle class has the potential of growing from 1.2 million in 2030 to more than 1.4 billion in 2050, a figure that will translate into an increased national gross domestic product (Sathyamurthi, 2012). According to a study conducted by the oxford economics, Indian growth trajectory promises a better future which the multinationals like B&Q can explore to increase their profitability. In 2010, the country’s economic output stood at Rs 67 trillion, a figure that is expected to expand to over Rs 144 trillion in 2020. This, coupled with the positive demographic trends posted by the country depicts a future with a population

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Individual Work Critical Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual Work Critical Review - Assignment Example The group members worked on different tasks including creating a uniform design, video, and presentation of the content. According to Strang, (2013), once the big image is in focus, it is necessary to form the implementation approach and plan. This starts with a detailed assessment of several aspects including specific training needs, present and proposed technology. The web design we created had consistency both on mobile screens and desktop, where we found that it was easier to keep dependable brand uniqueness. There was also no extra style guides that needed to be linked to several parties, like different interventions for the desktop and mobile types of our site. This made it easy for individuals to distinguish the website, regardless of where, and how they would visit the site.The group members have enjoyed the reliability that has seen the success of the media website. Since the usability is vital for any website that is responsive and user-friendly, our group website visitors had better relationship with our brand especially when they recognized our Wix site on mobile, they also had knowledge of how to use it. According to Phillips and others (2012) usually a regular content and style is essential since the majority of users do not expect it to be unique because they use different devices. An important feature of good usability is meeting ones user’s expectations. If one manages to do that, then they may experience less trouble navigating their website. WiX site makes it easy for its readers to browse the site on the devices while maintaining a positive user’s experience. Moreover, a good experience raises the chance of many repeat visits (Strang, 2013). Our group website has experienced better usability that has ensured its success. The group also enjoyed a small maintenance cost since the website had a responsive design where one is only needed to sustain one website. Although the layout fluctuates, the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Economics and Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economics and Government - Essay Example More and more economies are opening themselves up for the free and unrestricted trade with partners from East and West. Countries like China and India have benefited a lot from the free trade and a drive towards globalization. Over the period of time, countries like China has been able to dominate the world trade market with exporting their goods and services to other countries. Though the free trade offers important benefits to improve the overall economic conditions of rich and poor countries however, it can also serve as an important deterrent for war. Globalization and integration of economic interests of the countries make it relatively difficult for countries to fight with each other. The complex nature of international free trade and how the economic interests are intricate with each other make it extremely difficult for the countries to wage war against each other. This paper will argue and discuss that free trade stops war between countries. Globalization and Free Trade Glob alization has emerged as one of the most important forces of change during recent times. What started as an economic move to open the borders and allow free trade has now made inroads into other fabrics of the society also. More importantly, changes are being observed at socio-political level where smaller and developing countries are transitioning towards democracy and improved economic performance. It is critical to note that globalization is really a diverse term and to define it appropriately may be a difficult task. Over the period of time, the explanations as well as the impact of globalization has really widened. Globalization, initially focused upon ensuring developing mechanisms and processes which can be put in place to allow nations to trade with each other with no or very restricted barriers to entry. Â  (Chanda, 2007) As a result of this drive towards the free trade, many nations including China and India benefited from open economies. Since developing countries are es sential providers of raw material and also possess cheap labor therefore the overall benefit was perceived to be transferred to poor countries. Through globalization, poor countries were allowed to benefit from their raw materials and cheap labor sources. Apart from this, poor countries also benefited from the transfer of technology which took place due to globalization. Developed countries, in order to avail the benefit of cheap labor and raw materials actually helped transfer of technology to the poor countries to take advantage from the latest technology to manufacture goods in more efficient manner. (Escobar, 2006) One of the moves towards achieving the free trade and ensure further trade liberalization, World Trade Organization was founded. World Trade Organization or WTO is considered as the apex body which formulates the rules of the game when it comes to trade between the countries and also monitor the same. WTO not only creates the agreements which reduce the barriers to en sure free trade between the countries but also mediate the disputes between countries arising due to trade. (Moore and Lewis, 2009) The overall debate on free trade and what are its pros and cons actually are based upon two set of important arguments. One set of arguments is based upon the moral arguments and other set of arguments is purely based upon the economic impacts of free trade. The moral set of arguments was based upon the assumption that the free

What Patriotism Means to Me Essay Example for Free

What Patriotism Means to Me Essay Patriotism, the word itself makes me think of people full of loyalty and pride. It makes me think of those who are loyal to their country, their country’s ideas, and those who fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their country. You might be asking yourself, â€Å"What does patriotism mean?† To me it means a major love of a country and the willingness to die for that country. I love my country and honor those who sacrificed everything for our country’s freedom. I am inspired by those patriots who have spoken out and fought for our freedom. I am also inspired by the men and woman today who are still fighting and sacrificing their lives for our glorious country. Our forefathers were dreaming of a country with liberty and justice for all. They sacrificed everything to make this dream a reality and that is true patriotism. They fought against the most powerful army at that time. There are many examples of patriotism in the patriots of the revolutionary war. â€Å"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.†-Nathan Hale those were his last words right before he was hung by the British on September 22, 1775. Those words truly define that he was a patriot. He spoke those words so confidently. There are many more such as, George Washington, who boldly lead our country into battle, Samuel Adams who founded the sons of liberty, Patrick Henry who boldly spoke, â€Å"Give me liberty or give me death.†, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, and Thomas Paine. In my opinion they were all good patriots with the same dream; to create a nation full of liberty, which they did successfully by risking their lives to create this nation, our nation, full of liberty and justice for all! We will fight to keep it this way!

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Problem Of Evil By John Hick | Analaysis

The Problem Of Evil By John Hick | Analaysis In this final paper I review the contemporary issue The Problem of Evil by John Hick on pages 143 to 147 of the Burr Goldfinger text. Hick has four main points in his article. First, that within the Christian doctrine there is no dilemma concern the existence of Evil because Second, the concept of Evil is necessary for the measuring of actions so that Third, human souls can choose to move nearer or farther from God, meaning that Fourth, our existence and world is a type of soul factory measuring and creating souls that are worthy to the presence of God. Some quick internet searches on John Hick reveals that he is a very well respected and prolific writer on the topic of God, Philosophy, Theology, and the relationship of Religion and Science ( Further he has several advanced degrees from some very prestigious universities to include a doctorate of philosophy from Oxford University and a doctorate in literature (or Letters it is not clear) from the University of Edinburgh. Hicks clear writing style and excellent arguments have clearly earned him a place of prominence within high academic circles. This article is in the section concerning God Religion. What is especially interesting, and suggests the overall quality of the thinking, is that Hick is able to turn the tables on an argument that at one time seemed to put a nail in the coffin of theology. Until reading this article, I did struggle with the dilemma of Evil against the existence of God. At first blush and even with some deeper inquiry they do seem to be at odds. These are reasonable questions: If God is all powerful and all good, why does Evil exist? Why do bad things happen to good people? And so on. Through a well thought out argument Hick addresses this, and further suggests, cleverly being able to stay within the theology and thinking of Christian doctrine, that a creator God given the goals and temperament of the Christian God, would see Evil as a necessary requirement for a world designed to create souls worthy of His presence. Summary of Article Hick has written an extensive essay outlining a philosophical argument suggesting that it is not a contradiction to believe in a Christian version of God while still acknowledging the existence of Evil in its many forms. The dilemma he is arguing against is the idea that a perfectly loving creator God would not allow, or would abolish Evil from his created world. Since we can see that Evil clearly exists, it is reasonable to assume that either there is no creator God, God is not Omni-powerful, or God must not be perfectly loving (Goldinger and Burr 143). Hick goes on to summarize Augustine, who defined Evil as a distortion of something valuable; a movement away from God by humans (Goldinger and Burr 144). This is an important distinction because it suggests that Christian doctrine does not dismiss Evil, but identifies it as having meaning and purpose within the realm created by God. It identifies direction of the soul against actions, where good actions move a soul closer to God and evil actions move a soul farther away from God. Further, Hick summarizes the Christian viewpoint of the creation of the earth not of an absolute paradise created by God for his human creations to dwell in, but as a soul factory creating believers and preparing souls to enter the presence of God (Goldinger and Burr 146). To this end, Hick suggests that a perfect world would neither serve as a vehicle to produce souls worthy of Heaven, nor be a consistent and logical place for free-willed humans to dwell. Too much inconsistency would be necessary, for example should someone fall from a height that would break their back, gravity would have to change characteristics such that the fall would not hurt them, less they suffer the pain of the injury, and so on, several of these types of analogys are offered. He further offers that without Evil there would be no measuring stick to understand good and Just actions. To that end Hick summarizes his argument by saying that the existence of Evil fits perfectly into a theological model that accepts both free will, and the ability to measure a persons soul against the actions and choices they make, where worthy souls choose good actions that move them closer to God and unworthy souls choose actions that are Evil and move then away from God. Philosophical Critique As pure philosophy goes this article is actually one of the best explanations I have ever read concerning the problem of evil within a Christian theological framework. Its underlying premise is that our world as created by God is a type of soul factory, and when viewed as such can only make logical sense is real choices can be made by us, many with the consequence of evil and harm to others. Further, within these context natural disasters that bring evil upon people is necessary, for without itself sacrifice, heroism, and true goodwill could not be attempted or offered by people, thus denying any true measurement or preparedness of the human soul to be in the presence of God. Without evil human souls would not be able to learn from their actions, observe the actions of others, and make choices that allow them to either move nearer or farther from God. If the world we created such that any choice we made could never bring evil on another, and never provide a consequence to the choice we make, our souls would never develop beyond that of spoiled children. Touch choices and touch consequences are necessary in a world designed as a proving ground for the soul. Further, without the necessary context of evil we would not be able to contemplate the true divinity of God nor of our own existence. There would be no reason to attempt any endeavor or any type beyond pure self-gratification. Since evil is necessary for the measuring of our actions within the constructs of the world as a soul factory, the reality of Evil is necessary for a creator God looking to produce real creations, and not simple automatons that are capable of evolving into something more. All of this does not justify evil actions, or provide any type of moral platform for anyone to justify an evil action, it simply provides necessary context for us to understand the reasons for our choices and why it is important to make choices that move us closer to God. What is especially interesting about this argument is that it turns the dilemma concern the existence of Evil and the existence of God on its ear, and takes an argument that at one time was believed and held onto by anti-Christians as an absolute proof against the existence of God, and makes it a pretty good argument FOR the existence of God. Not only does it dispel the dilemma, it builds on it in a very interesting way and argues that no real creator God would even consider designing a world without evil, given the other theological elements of Christianity. Conclusion Upon reviewing the arguments presented in The Problem of Evil by John Hick on pages 143 to 147 of the Burr Goldfinger text and Hicks has four main points, you discover a very well thought out and logical philosophical argument that seems to hold in both logical construct and keep its underlying assumption valid within the necessary area of Christian doctrine. The idea that God created the world as a soul factory is supported by the concept of freewill and choice, and the measurement of choice within a reality with real choices and real consequences. Upon close examination this is not a dilemma concerning the existence and nature of God, but a reassurance that Christianity is in fact based upon a rational view of the world and that it can be defended using logic and sound reason. This article interested me very much and I will be going out and purchasing some other books by Hick to see if he is able to put together complete tombs that are as well thought out and as interesting as this article was. Given that he has published over 20 books and given his academic appointments, I suspect I am in for a fun bit of reading.