Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why does it matter what shape a molecule has Essay

Why does it matter what shape a molecule has - Essay Example These are the contexts in which the manner in which materials behave are described, whether they are simple gases, or complex biological structures. The bonds between atoms have distinct lengths, energy and direction which distinguish the atomic structure of materials. The shape of a molecule is formed by the spatial relationships of chemically bonded atoms, and this feature contributes significantly to understanding how molecules react with each other. Ionic bonds are formed by the electrostatic attraction between a cation and an anion. The electric field of an ion has spherical symmetry, hence ionic bonds have no directional character. Contrastingly, covalent bonds are formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals. Since the overlap is such that the atomic orbitals can attain maximum overlap, a covalent bond has a directional character. Therefore, â€Å"the shape of a molecule is determined by the angle between two bonds, which in turn is determined by the atomic orbitals that form the bond† (Iwanami 2006, p.1). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate why the shape of a molecule is significant in the study of chemistry. ... The attraction between two adjacent non-polar molecules increases in proportion to the area of contact. Generally, the closeness of the tie between the two increases with greater area of van der Waal’s contact attraction and also with the degree of hydrogen bonding. The higher the level of molecular fit, the stronger is the affinity between a molecule and the biomolecular target in therapeutic agents. A therapeutic agent or medicine in aqueous solution is stablized by hydrogen bonding to water and dipolar solvation. It is evident that in medicines, there is a trade-off; they must be sufficiently well solvated to be soluble in water, â€Å"but not so strongly solvated that they cannot be pulled from solution by the target biomolecule† (Corey et al 2012, p.55). Noncyclic organic molecules are usually flexible because the barrier to rotation about single bonds having low energy. Therefore, most medicines’ structures have cyclic subunits with a few preferred conforma tions, sometimes just one. Fig.1a. and 1b. show the conformation of prednisone, a significant anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drug, along with the preferred conformation of glucose. Fig.1a. Chemical Structure of Glucose Molecule (Corey et al 2012, p.56) Fig.1b. Prednisone Chemical Structure (Corey et al 2012, p.56) While the molecular formula for glucose is C5H12O6, the formula for prednisone is C21H26O5. â€Å"The polycyclic framework of prednisone is quite rigid and gives the molecule a characteristic shape† (Corey et al 2012, p.56). Concurrently, several polar functional groups are situated at specific sites in space, facilitating their optimal binding to the target molecule. The Different Shapes of Molecules Based on Structure There are compounds with a divalent central

Tom Regan and Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tom Regan and Animal Rights - Essay Example There was a time when it was commonly accepted by â€Å"civilized† people that those of non-European descent deserved to be chattel. There was a time when women could be viewed as property. In general, it seems that humanity has over time increased its level of moral sophistication and expanded its moral universe. In particular, there has been a focus on rights-based analysis: People have intrinsic rights, inalienable, and it is always wrong to eclipse them. In the modern era, there are many, such as Regan, who submit that perhaps the next logical evolution in our expanding moral universe is animal rights, treating animals with certain inalienable levels of treatment Regan makes clear that animal rights generally mean just that: Rights that animals have to certain levels of treatment. Like all rights analyses, these arguments are deontological rather than utilitarian or consequentialist. Even if you can get a â€Å"good† outcome for killing a cow or experimenting on a rabbit, it is wrong because it violates some norm that, if the violation were universalized, would cease to exist. Society as a whole might benefit from animal testing, but it is still tortured. A key assumption to this argument is some kind of parallelism between animal and humanity. Virtually no one sheds a tear for the destruction of a rock. If a rock needs to be destroyed for society's good, there is no hand-wringing. The consequentialist analysis is assumed when we are speaking of the purely material world. Thus, animal rights debate center not just on the classic deontological-consequentialist debate, but also on the issues: What is life? If we view life as divine, is that divinity only confined to man? What matters in our moral universe? Is it sentience? If so, how much sentience? Is it the ability to feel pain? If so, to what degree of sensitivity? There are some who argue that animal rights are absolute, that just as a human's free speech can never be violated so can an animal's rights against pain or death never be undermined. Regan contrasts these people with those who view animal rights as something more contingent and fluid (70).

Monday, October 28, 2019

The roles of entrepreneurs in the society Essay Example for Free

The roles of entrepreneurs in the society Essay Introduction Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. However, some school of thought would define an entrepreneur as one who manages the factors of production in order to first satisfy or meet human needs and not primarily for the desire to make profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. Entrepreneurs occupy a central position in a market economy serving as the spark plug in the economys engine, activating and stimulating all economic activities. A society is prosperous only to the degree to which it rewards and encourages entrepreneurial activity because it is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical determinant of the level of success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any economy. The most dynamic societies in the world are the ones with the most entrepreneurs, plus the economic and legal structure to encourage and motivate entrepreneurs to greater activities. Some of the roles of entrepreneurs in the society include: 1. Provide solution to societal challenges: Every society has a challenge or a gap. The entrepreneurs identify these challenges and strive to satisfy the needs in the society. For example, the automobile companies found a solution to the challenge of mobility. 2. Creation of goods and services: Entrepreneurs are innovators who work tirelessly to produce goods and services to satisfy their customers or consumers. 3. Job creation: By their activities, entrepreneurs succeed in creating jobs and helping to reduce the rate of unemployment in the society. This eventually contributes to reducing the incidence of vices such as criminal activities in the community leading to improvement in the safety and security of people in the society. It eventually reduces poverty in families who are engaged by these entrepreneurs. 4. Contribute to community development activities: Entrepreneurs perform their social responsibilities to the community by contributing to community development activities. 5. Foster economic growth and development: They increase production of goods and services with possible increase in demand and eventual increase in the Gross and Net Domestic Product of the country. 6. Create wealth: By creating jobs, entrepreneurs create wealth. 7. They are philanthropists: Most entrepreneurs also engage in Philanthropic activities in the society. An example is Alfred Nobel who funds the Nobel Prize. 8. They are agents of change: Entrepreneurs are the regenerators of the society. They act as agents of change. An example is Mark Zuckerberg who started the face-book and linked the world. 9. They create chains of ideas and opportunities by taking one bold step: By taking one bold step, more ideas are generated by people. Hence, entrepreneurs give birth to more entrepreneurs with greater positive impacts on the society. 10. Improve the standard of living of the people and their quality of life: By creating jobs and more job opportunities, entrepreneurs improve the standard of living and quality of life of the people in the society. This will also help to increase life span and reduce the morbidity and mortality rates in the society. 11. Reduction in cost of production of prices of products and services: By producing goods or services needed by other companies or organizations, entrepreneurs help to reduce the cost of producing these goods by these companies and thereby lead to fall in prices of goods and commodities which will help to increase demand and meet consumers’ needs. References

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover Management Essay

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover Management Essay Judge, Timothy A. and Bono, Joyce E. (2001). Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations Traits-Self-Esteem, Generalized, Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Emotional StabilityWith Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis. This article presents results of the relationship of 4 traits: self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability (low neuroticism): with job satisfaction and job performance. Hence, it hypothesizes that: H-la: Self-esteem is positively related to job satisfaction, H-lb: Generalized self-efficacy is positively related to job satisfaction, H-lc: Internal locus of control is positively related to job satisfaction, H-ld: Emotional stability is positively related to job satisfaction. This is also an in depth study of factors affecting job satisfaction which in turn effect employee behavior and turnover. The analysis of these variables showed that each trait had a positive relationship with job satisfaction. The authors have ident ified each of these traits as the independent variable and job satisfaction as the dependent variable. Research was based on reviewing literature that defined and linked each of these traits with job satisfaction. Studies of the past 40 years wer included and data was only included from those that had a sample population of employed adults. Students, athletes and the unemployed people were left out as were special data samples like doctors, physicians etc. One point to notice in this study is their implication that satisfaction of employees is not just based on monetary terms and conditions, but stems from psychological well being and treatment of employees as well. This increases the scope of the term job satisfaction and includes variables like self-esteem and emotional stability too. Khalid , Salman and Zohaib I., Muhammad. (2010). Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Punjab, Pakistan: A Comparative Study. This article focuses on various variables that make up job satisfaction including work, pay, promotion, salary and recognition and discusses job satisfaction itself too. On the whole satisfaction has been taken as a dependant variable and various other factors like promotions, salary, job security, recognition, work environment etc are considered as the independent variables. The study was conducted in order to find out the level of satisfaction among Public and Private bank employees and whether factors like working hours, team spirit, work life balance, benefits, working environment and job security influenced their job satisfaction. A survey was conducted to gather data, which included a sample size of 200 people. Questionnaires were given to people in three different cities of Punjab: Lahore, Faislabad and Sialkot. Two banks from each sector were taken and included the NiB Bank, Summit Bank, Bank of Punjab and First Women Bank. Data was gathered by floating a structured questionnaire which included the Likert scale. The results show that the employees of private banks are more satisfied then those in public banks mostly due to factors resulting from fringe benefits, salary, and efficiency in work and coworker relations. This article highlights the fact that the perception of job satisfaction is greatly affected by factors including job security, benefits and recognition. Fawad H., Muhammad and Kamal, Dr. Yasir. (2009). Pay and Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Different Pakistani Commercial Banks. Although the title mentions the relation between pay and job satisfaction but this article takes into account other variables like job involvement, promotion, recognition and commitment. The research question for the study was whether pay is the major factor for job satisfaction among Pakistani bank employees. Pay not only includes the salary itself, but all other emoluments and short and long term fringe benefits. Job satisfaction has been described as a relative phenomenon which affects and employees performance and is related to how the employee responds and deals with customers. It is important hence, to measure what embodies job satisfaction. The common assumption is that a satisfied employee will deal pleasantly with customers, are more friendly and responsive as well. Salary has been taken as a dependant variable and various other factors l ike promotions, job stress, job security, learning, work environment and others are considered as the independent variables. This was a comparative study, and the questionnaires were floated in three banks: United Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited and Standard Chartered Bank. According to the results the job satisfaction of bank officers is significantly dependent upon pay, promotion opportunities, rewards, relation with boss and coworkers. Imran M., Muhammad, Fernando G., Solomon, Ahmad Mehboob and Iqbal S., Muhammad. (2010). Examining the relationship of work life balance, job satisfaction and turnover in Pakistan. As discussed in previous articles as well, improving the quality of work life balance facilities not only helps in improving the productivity but also helps in increasing employee loyalty and job satisfaction. Organizations are striving for better performance to compete with their competitors. For this reason they are trying to retain their valued employees and are considering the issues relating to work and life. Job satisfaction and turnover intentions are the reflection of the viewpoint that employees have about their organizations in which they work. Employees generally show high levels of job satisfaction. The researchers found that the work conditions were the most influential on the job satisfaction. The work conditions included were the non-monetary characteristics of their work mainly including goo d social relationships with their colleagues ad supervisors, promotion opportunities, professional development opportunities, and participatory management strategies. The negative relationship of work life balance, job satisfaction and turnover intentions provides a guideline for the organizations that the more organizations provide better facilities to maintain the balance between the work and the non work activities the more employees will tend to remain with the same organization. Similarly the satisfied employees are the assets of any organization and they will remain with the organization. Saeed ul Hassan Chishti, Maryam Rafiq, Fazalur Rahman, M.Phil., Nabi Bux Jumani, and Muhammad Ajmal (2010).Impact of Participative Management on Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance in Pakistan. This research highlights a new variable that affects the performance of employees in Pakistan: Participative management. Participative management is especially important in todays highly competitive world to give organizations a competitive edge. The hypothesis for the research was whether there is a positive relationship between participative management and employee job satisfaction. Randhawa, Gurpreet. (2007) Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions : An Empirical Analysis. This research conducted by Ms. Gurpreet Randhawa concludes that there exists a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Turnover intentions remain a good measure to gauge actual turnover of employees. The paper collected data from 300 scientists, half of whom belonged to the National Dairy Research Institute and the remaining half from Agriculture Extension Centre. The sample selection was done through the random sampling technique and a comparative analysis was later done to measure the difference between the results of the two population samples. No significant difference was found. The research emphasizes the need to measure job satisfaction as business in todays world has changed drastically. Complexity has increased with increasing amounts of competition. Employees now have far more choices at their disposal whereas organizat ions bear significant losses with high turnover rates. Islam, Nazrul and Chandra Saha, Gour, Job Satisfaction of Bank Officers in Bangladesh. This paper studies the variables that affect job satisfaction of the bank officers in Bangladesh. The results of the study conclude that factors like salary, efficiency in work, fringe benefits, supervision quality, and coworker relations that affect job satisfaction considerably. Private bank employees were seen to be more satisfied then public sector employees as the former enjoy better salary, working environment and fringe benefits. The purpose of the study was three fold: to identify the level of job satisfaction among employees, to study how factors like job experience, age and gender affect job satisfaction and finally to measure the job satisfaction of public and private bank employees. A sample of 129 employees was used in 4 cities and nine different banks of Bangladesh. The sample was selected purposefully and was interviewed personally whereas a structured questionnaire was used to colle ct results. Azhar Sheikh, Muhammad, Qamar, ul Wusat and Iqbal, Fariha. Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention (A Case Study of Education and Banking Sector in Bahawalpur). As explained above, employee retention has become exceedingly important for organizations due to the increased level of competition and associated costs. This research sheds light on the HRM practices that may affect the level of job satisfaction in employees. The study relates career development opportunities, supervisor support, working environment, rewards and work-life policies to employee retention. The group under observation included the Islamia University of Bahawalpur and various banks in the same city. Employee retention was taken as the dependent variable whereas all the above mentioned factors were taken as independent variables. Observation was carried out from a sample size of 110 pople and data was collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the software program SPSS an d a positive relationship was found between HRM practices and employee retention. This proves that organizations that focus on their human resource policies will have satisfied employees leading to fewer turnovers. Rizwan Saleem, Azeem Mahmood, Asif Mahmood (2010) Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Mobile Telecommunication Service Organizations of Pakistan. In addition to studying the impact on job satisfaction of work motivation, this article also aimed at exploring to what extent employees are satisfied with different dimensions of their job in the mobile telecommunications services of Pakistan. The extent determines their turnover rate. Velnampy (2008), in his study on job attitude and employees performance concluded that job satisfaction contains positive influence on the performance of the employees as it enhances job involvement and the higher performance also makes people feel more satisfied and committed to the organization. Herzberg (1959) has described a relationship between two variables as Job Satisfaction is the result of two kinds of factors, intrinsic and extrinsic factor. Basically he states that intrinsic factors valued the job satisfaction and extrinsic factors c ause dissatisfaction and reduce the level of job satisfaction. Another name for the extrinsic factors was hygiene factors. According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors results in the form of dissatisfaction and these were external or environmental features e.g. company policy and administration, supervision, work conditions, salary and benefits. The intrinsic factors are also called Job satisfaction has been taken as the dependent variable whereas work motivation is independent. The authors believed that motivation lead to an increase employees performance into other level and eventually the positive effect goes toward companys recital. The standard deviations in the article showed the diversity of data which indicated that there was a variety of opinions between the employees. There was a positive relationship between the motivation and job satisfaction. Overall the employees were quiet satisfied with their jobs and had their interest in their job. More than average employees are mot ivated to work for the organization and turnover rates are not high. This article gave me an overview of a specific variable, job motivation on job satisfaction and eventually employee turnover rate. It was also based on a study of two telecomm service providers which was relevant to my sector. Rana, Tariq Mehmood; Salaria, M. Rashid; Herani, Gobind M. and Amin, Mohammad (2009) Identifying Factors Playing Important Role in the Increasing Employees Turnover Rate: A Case of Telecom Industry in Pakistan. This article aimed at identifying factors that played an important role in increasing the employees turnover rate. As there is intense competition in the industry, this article examined the practices followed in the telecomm industry of Pakistan to retain employees. The results have shown that Salary, Working Environment, and Benefits are three significant factors effecting employee turnover and correlated with each other. The present study found support for an independent variable with Employee turnover. In this study the authors found significant negative correlation for Salary, Work Motivation and Benefits. High employee turnover is becoming a problem in todays corporate environment which reduces productivity and puts a stain on the organizations name. This study found that individual variables have significant impact on Employee Turnover. As Salary increases and Working Environment and Benefits are good, the turnover rate drops. For my research this article provides a detailed analysis of employee turnover rate and job satisfaction and provides useful insights.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Our Children :: social issues

Our Children My Testimony and Message to America and the World Hello my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, past and now . . . It was the year 1986 and the month of June when my life was forever changed. The Kentucky Court System sentenced me to 25 years and life, which means that I will have to serve 25 years in prison before I can be considered for parole on a life sentence. I was convicted on murder and robbery charges and this was my first time coming to prison. I do accept full responsibility for my crimes. One night alone in my cell, I began to search myself and ask for mercy, and I repented in the name of Jesus Christ and became wonderfully and marvelously forgiven and saved. AMEN! Today my dream, vision, and goal is to get out of prison and travel all over the United States of America and the world. I would like to preach in the churches and speak in the youth centers and school systems to address the problem we face in this wicked world. â€Å"I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.† â€Å"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.† â€Å"And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God and I have peace and love in my heart today in the name of Jesus Christ.† HALLELUJAH! Praise His Holy Name! As we all know, life comes with trials and tribulations and they tend to challenge our inner strength. I am obligated to put self aside and do God’s will today in America and the World. It is not about Brother Jones and his situation, it’s about our young people. They need our love and support because we have so many young people coming to prison today and the prison system in America is not the answer for our children. They should not have to travel the same road that I have traveled and it is very important that we address and arrest this problem. Let me talk briefly about the prison system and the laws that have been legislated over the past decade or at least as long as I have been in prison doing time with Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Euthanasia Essay -- mercy killing physician assisted suicide

Euthanasia The right to die with dignity, euthanasia and physician assisted suicide is a very sensitive issue debated in this country today. Euthanasia is the act of painlessly ending the life of a person for the reason of mercy. It is sometimes referred to as mercy killing. Americans are hearing more and more horror stories of the elderly tragically killing his or her spouse in order to avoid painful and horrible deaths. It is sad and amazing the extreme measure one had to go through to accomplish his or her death. More and more Americans are speaking out and fighting for the right to die. This however goes against all morals and ethical codes, for a physician’s role to sustain life, not take it away. Although euthanasia and assisted suicide is not morally and ethically accepted, it should be an individual issue for those who face imminent death because death should be a personal choice, because death should be without unnecessary pain and suffering, and because most importantly death should be peaceful. Granted, euthanasia and physician suicide assisted seem to threaten the traditional medical values. All physicians take the Hippocratic Oath upon receiving their degree. This oath states those physicians are to prolong life and minimize suffering. In an article written by John Glasson he argues: Physician assisted suicide presents one of the greatest contemporary challenges to the medical profession’s ethical responsibilities. Proposed as a means toward more humane care of the dying, assisted suicide threatens the very core of the medical profession’s ethical integrity (Glasson 91). Physicians have a moral and ethical responsibility to sustain life. They are in no position to render aid in a person’s death... ... die with dignity. Works Cited Dority, Barbara. â€Å"The Ultimate Civil Liberty.† Humanist. July/Aug. 1998: 16-20. Sirs Researcher. CD-ROM. SIRS Mandrin Spring 1999. Sirs 1998 Death and Dying, volume 5, article 14. Glasson, John. â€Å"Report of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association.† Issues in Law & Medicine. Summer 1994: 91-97. Sirs Researcher. CD-ROM. SIRS Mandrin Springs 1999. Sirs 1994 Death and Dying, volume 4, article 50. Kamisar, Yale. â€Å"The Future of Physician-Assisted Suicide.† Minnesota Law Review. July 1998: 48-53. Sirs Researcher. CD-ROM. SIRS Mandrin Springs 1999. Puchalski, Christina M. â€Å"Life Before Death: Facing Death with True Dignity.† World & I. July 1998: 34-39. Strasburg, Jenny. â€Å"Last Rights: Speaking the Language of Death.† Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN). Scipps-Howard News Service.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Globalization, Nation-States and Transnational Entities Essay

The historical study of the main characteristics and normative legacy of a nation-state has proved complicated for the social sciences as a whole. During the past few centuries, the nation-state has been deified and demonised equally; it has been regarded as modern as well as ancient form of social and political community; it has been seen as an imagined or imaginary society; rational structure of the community; it has created as much happiness as well as misery; it has been a source for political democracy, cosmopolitanism and ethnic cleansing. It has also coexisted with empires colonies, blocks, protectorates, city-states among other forms of political organisations. It has gone through and experienced the unification, occupation, totalitarian terror, divisions and then unification. It has won legitimacy around ethnic or racial, republican, liberal, democratic class principle and federal (Chernilo, 2007). In spite of all these, a nation-state succeeded to present itself as a solid, stable and as the necessary form of social and political organisation in the contemporary world. The nation-state is a territorial organisation that self-recognizes and deriving its political authenticity from the people and serving as a supreme body for a country as a sovereign territorial entity (Chernilo, 2007). Most people view a nation as a political thing that is self evident, a kind of natural culmination of all societies. It is high time people realised that the idea of a nation that Europe gave to the world was perhaps short-lived political form, a European exception, a precarious transition between ages of kings and the â€Å"neo-imperial† age (Guehenno & Elliott, 2000). 1). Modern nation-states have diverse feelings to their territory, compared to the dynastic monarchies; it is semi-sanctified, and non-exchangeable. No nation would swap territory with other states simply, for instance, because the king’s daughter got married. They have a discrete type of boundary, in principle defined only by the area of settlement of the national group, although most nation-states also sought natural borders like rivers, lakes, mountain ranges among others. The most outstanding characteristic is the degree to which nation-states use the state as an instrument of national unity, in economic, social and cultural dimensions. This is done by promoting economic unity, first by abolishing internal customs and taxes. Nation-states normally have a guideline to form and sustain a national shipping infrastructure, facilitating business and movement (DiVanna, 2003). Nation-states usually have more centralised and identical public government than its colonial predecessors; they are smaller, and the population less diverse. In several instances, the regional administration is also subordinated to central or national government. They also have an identical nationwide customs, through state’s guiding principle. The model of the nation-state suggests that its populace constitutes a nation, fused by a widespread descent, a common language and various forms of shared culture. When the unity is absent, the nation-state frequently tries to craft it; by promoting a homogeneous national language, through language guiding principle. The nation-states create a common curriculum for both primary and secondary education as a way of fostering a common language. In addition, to create a common identity, history of a nation-state is enshrined in their curricula and taught usually in a propagandistic and mythologized edition, and especially during wars some nation-states still teach this kind of history. Language and cultural policy was sometimes negative, aimed at the suppression of non-national elements. Language prohibitions were sometimes used to accelerate the adoption of national languages, and the decline of minority languages. A nation-state has a constitution that is a set of rules that governs its operations and is official. A state is as well recognised but other countries as independent and with the United Nations by her being a member of the UN. Besides, the state also acts on behalf of the people that are residing in that territory and nation-state is continuous; in the sense that a set of leaders come and go but the nation-state remains, thus its continuity. Nationalism being a product of modernity, reflecting on people’s need to belong to a social group to have a feeling of security in an environment where a people live. Nationalism has been seen as an intense force that has resulted into socio-political conflicts all over the world, besides, it has been an instrument for bigotry and social unrests. The key to lasting business viability in a connected world is that each firm is part of one or more networks of value. Thus collaboration is the pillar to adding value as a network member. More often, people and corporations collaborate because of the profit that may accrue due to such collaboration (DiVanna, 2003) A nation defines itself by not only what it is, but as well as what it is not. It is not a social group, neither is it a religious group, nor a racial group; a nation is what binds together the citizens of a nation is a amalgamation of historical factors that can not be reduced to a single dimension as social, religious, or racial (Guehenno & Elliott, 2000) an example of a nation is Germany. A state such as Georgia is described as a definite territory in which a legitimate government has the ability to control its own activities without intrusion from other system of governments (Europa, 2010). It depicts more of a political and geographical area associated with a kind of political body; a nation, on the other hand, describes more of a cultural and/or ethnic entity. The term nation-state implies that the two geographically concur, and this distinguishes the nation-state from the other types of state, which historically come first, an example of a state is Georgia. In addition, a nation-state is understood as a political expression of a single or a central and relatively homogenous ethnic group. It groups very heterogeneous societies, communities loosely under the guidance of a common religious, and/or dynastic tradition. The basis of segmentation that characterise such communities can be geographical, religious, political, social, economical, ethnical, race and even class or caste (European Parliament, 2008), an example of a state is Algeria. 2). The US has territorial boundaries which are not easily swopped. Besides, US is a symbolic community with her people voluntarily dedicate their most important political loyalties in spite of the many meticulous loyalties; economic, spiritual, racial, ethnic, political, social; that otherwise divide them. This gives the people of united state to identify with a common culture as a people of a modern nation-state. In addition, the U. S has an impersonal power structure which bears it legitimacy from a people. A country’s foreign policy, which at time is called the international relations policy, consists of approaches preferred by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve its goals in international relations. The plans are intentionally employed to interact with other nation-states. Contemporarily, due to transnational and globalization activities, the nation-states will also have to interact with non-state actors like terrorists. A nation-state’s interests are paramount; foreign policies are premeditated by the government through high-level decision making progressions. More often than not, creating foreign policy is the job of the head of government and the foreign minister. In some countries the legislature is also involved in the process. 2 b). An example of foreign policy of US is Security from attack is the most paramount foreign policy of any nation. That is a nation should endeavour to have foreign policies that do not make her vulnerable from physical external attack, either by other countries or by individual actors like terrorists. The focus of US foreign policy is thus, geared towards building a power to defend herself from against attack from other nation-states and these individual actors like international terrorists. Security from attack should go beyond the physical attack to include the domestic wellbeing of the American citizens and protect them against some psychological troubles like the loss of their jobs to foreigners, because of perhaps, poor foreign policy on immigration issues, and trade among others. Foreign policy of the US is national interest or international justice; which focuses on the role of the US when other nations go against human rights like right to life, by some regimes which go to war and engage in massacre, genocide among others. Others argue that US should develop a foreign policy that protects human right when abused not only in American soil but also in other parts of the word. This may take a more noble form as diplomacy and may go to the extreme as military intervention if necessary, and then help with the reconstruction of the nation-state in question, like in the case of Iraq (Page & Bouton, 2006). The aftermath of World War II saw the creation of European Union which was seen by many as an escape from the extreme forms of nationalism which had destroyed the continent. This followed the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community which, while having the modest aim of consolidated control of the previously national coal and steel industries of its member states, is seen to be the first step which culminated in the formation of the European Union. The founding members of the Community were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. It progressed to form a peaceful Europe through cooperation in the 1940s. Due to the war between the east and the west in the 1950s there was need for peace in Europe. Therefore the soviet tanks put down protests against the communist regime in Hungary. In 1957, the launch of the first man-made space satellite by the Soviet Union acted as a pioneer in the space race in addition to the European Economic Community or Common Market that was created by the Rome treaty. The emergence of youth cultures took place in the 1960s bringing with it economic growth. In return, the EU countries stopped charging duty on custom in the course of their trade with each other. During this period, they agreed on joint food production control so that everyone had enough to eat which resulted in excess agricultural produce. In 1973 resulted in a growing community when Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom joined the European Union, and raised the number of members to nine. This period experienced the last right wing dictatorship in Europe due to Salazar regime being overthrown in Portugal and the General Franco of Spain’s death. The influence in EU affairs by the European Parliament increased and hence all citizens could elect their members directly for the first time. In addition jobs and infrastructure in poorer areas were created when the EU regional policy started to transfer huge sums of money. The changing face of Europe was introduced by the fall of the Berlin wall in the 1980s. Greece additionally joined the European Union followed by Spain and Portugal five years later. The single European Act which is the foundation for a six year program that resolves problems with the free flow of trade across EU borders and creates the Single market was then signed in 1987. In 1989, the Berlin wall was pulled down and for the first time, the border between East and West Germany was opened and led to the reunification of Germany when these two united in 1990. In the 1990s the European Union developed a Europe without frontiers which resulted in Europeans being closer to each other when in central and Eastern Europe there was a collapse of communism. This was when the single market was completed and the four freedoms of movement of goods, services, people and money was developed in addition to the Maastricht Treaty on European Union in 1993 and the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999. Austria, Finland and Sweden join the other member states in 1995, people are allowed to travel without border checks of passports when as, all village in Luxembourg gave its name to the â€Å"Schengen† agreements, numerous young people were able to study in other countries with the support of EU and with the use of mobile phones and the internet, communication was made easier. From 2000 to present, the European Union experienced further expansion due to the introduction of a new currency for many Europeans. The member states began to work jointly to fight crime and introduced the war on terror after hijacked planes were flown in New York and Washington buildings. More than 10 countries joined EU and between east and west Europe there was a healing of political divisions (Europa, 2010). b). These major institutions of the European Union are the European Parliament or EP which is elected directly by EU’s citizens to act as their representative, the Council of the European Union which is a representative of individual member states and the European Commission which endeavours to sustain the union’s interest as a whole. The three form an institutional triangle which makes policies and laws applied throughout the EU. The new laws are proposed by the commission but then they are adopted by the parliament and council. In addition, the Court of Justice which maintains the European law and the Court of Auditors which checks the union activities finances are other institutions that play important roles (Europa, 2010). Moreover, there are also the European Investment Bank, Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Ombudsman, and the European Monetary Institute (ILO, 2010) The countries that make up the European Union are otherwise known as its member states. Though they maintain their independence, they put their power together in order to achieve strength and influence which they could not as individual nations. This means that they give some decision making powers to created institutions which they share so that issues related to a common interest are decided on with democracy at European level. In total, they are27 are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Europa, 2010) c). The European Union enables closer relationships between its member states in order to maximize on their collective potential. This applies to economic and political activities such as free trade, freedom of movement, and choice of job. In addition it serves to unify the actions of its member countries in terms of security, foreign policy, and cooperation in matters related to police and justice. A lot of beaucracy that was involved with these issues has since been dissolved. In addition it has achieved its principle aim of ensuring Europe’s stability after the Second World War (ILO, 2010) d). Foreign policy objectives for the European Union include peace building and peace making. This involves prevention and control of war or conflict between member states and other nations. It works to eliminate suffering of related citizens The rule of law and respect for human rights and basic freedom should also be strengthened by pursuing ambitious human rights policy that is based on agreement with the respective clause that is concerned with human rights and democracy. An agreement based upon structured and deep political dialogue should also be established in addition to the implementation of the introduced parliamentary dimension (European Parliament, 2008) 4a). The nation-states and transnational entities pursued by the use of foreign policy tools such as diplomatic negotiations, economic aid, and sanctions, trade restrictions, military interventions, unilateral, or cooperative. These options are evaluated and monitored in attempts to maximize benefits of multilateral international cooperation. A nation-state can use them singly or a combination. b). The consequences of this interaction for international politics are numerous. Some of them include the subordination of national interests of a country to uphold the collective interests of the nation-states, like the United States, or the transnational entities like the European Union. The economic interdependence is likely to either make war between trading partners less likely or, as realists claim, that economic interdependence increases the likelihood of conflict. Such countries that engage in international may be prone to terrorist’s attacks besides, the nation-state can be less popular in other countries when the use military interventions like the case or US intervention in Iraq. References Busby,W. J. , 2010. Who Cares about the Weather? Climate Change and U. S. National Security. Retrieved from < http://www. gechs. org/downloads/holmen/Busby. pdf> on 12th July, 2010. Chernilo, D. , 2007. A Social Theory of the Nation-State: The Political Forms of Modernity beyond Methodological Nationalism. New York: Routledge. Desmoyers-Davis T. , 2001. Citizenship in Modern Britain. New York, USA: Routledge. DiVanna J. , 2003. Synconomy: Adding Value in a World of Continuously Connected Business. USA: Macmillan. Europa, 2010. Europen Union. Retrieved from on 12th July, 2010. European Parliament, 2008. EU strategy for reform in the Arab world. Retrieved from on 12th July, 2010. Guehenno, J. M. & Elliott, V. , 2000. The end of the Nation-State. Minnesota: U of Minnesota Press. International Labour Office (ILO), 2010. European Union (EU). Retrieved from < http://actrav. itcilo. org/actrav-english/telearn/global/ilo/blokit/eu. htm. > on 12th July, 2010. Page, B. I. & Bouton, M. M. ,2006. The Foreign Policy Disconnect: What Americans Want From Our Leaders But Don’t Get. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Rosenberg, M. , 2010. Defining an Independent Country. Retrieved from < http ://geography. about. com/cs/politicalgeog/a/statenation. htm

Compare Contrast Paper

W. B Monday October 1, 2012 Compare / Contrast Essay The differences and similarities between Ramayana and Gilgamesh are very noticeable. In my opinion Ramayana and Gilgamesh are like water and wine. While they both fight battles and they are both important people in their home lands, they have totally different ways of going about life and totally different views on their power as king. â€Å"To bad as well as good, to all, A generous man compassion shows; On earth no mortal lives, he knows, Who does not oft through weakness fall. †- Ramayana.This quote to me means that all men are equal, one must show compassion towards all things because no matter what journey we take we all come to the same end. Like Gilgamesh, Ramayana was also born into a very wealthy family and destined to become king of his empire. However, unlike Gilgamesh, Ramayana was a very noble and kind hearted ruler. Ramayana was respected and loved by his people who all knew he would one day make a great king. Gilgamesh on the other hand was already king and abused his power. Instead of being a great ruler and looking out for his people, he only thought of himself.Gilgamesh made his people work very hard, and to be even worse he raped the brides on their wedding nights. â€Å"I have peered over the city wall, I have seen the corpses floating in the river’s water. So too it will come to pass for me, so it will happen to me†¦ Since no man can avoid life’s end, I would enter the mountain land and set up my name. † – Gilgamesh This quote I think best describes Gilgamesh and shows just how selfish and arrogant he is. He sees the pain and sorrow of his people and realizes that no one escapes death but instead of trying to help them out he tries to figure out a way to become immortal.Gilgamesh and Ramayana both go through battles that show their strengths. However, Gilgamesh goes searching for his battles and Ramayana’s battles are brought upon him. After being banished from his kingdom Ramayana goes to live in the forest with his wife and brother. They live in harmony and peace until the evil demon king Ravana takes away Ram’s wife Sita in revenge for Ram having disfigured Ravana’s sister. This event brings out the warrior in Ram and he goes to the end of the world to save his love. Gilgamesh’s battles are very different. They are merely battles he seeks to show off how powerful he is.Gilgamesh unlike Ram does not know what love is or how to love someone until he meets Enkidu, who is his soulmate, his equal. Gilgamesh and Enkidu both set of on journeys together to conquer evil and help Gilgamesh find immortality. In the end of his journey Gilgamesh looses Enkidu as a punishment from the gods and never reaches immortality the way he hoped, he does however turn in to a much nicer person. Ramayana on the other hand fights the battles that he is obligated too, saves his wife and also saves other prisoners of his evi l opponents. In the end he goes back home and takes back his place as the king of his empire.Ramayana and Gilgamesh though living similar lives are two very different people. A kind hearted and peace loving Ramayana only fights when he has no choice and has always known the importance of his people and his family. Where as a cold hearted, and evil Gilgamesh has to experience pain and sorrow before becoming a nicer more contentious person. All the power that Gilgamesh has makes him think he is better and above all on the other hand all the power that Ram has does nothing to him he is always a kind hearted individual. Both Ramayana and Gilgamesh end up becoming immortal in that their legends live on.They both believe in the power of the gods and that they are very important. Except Ramayana respects the gods and Gilgamesh thinks so highly of himself he believes the gods are on his side because of how strong he is until he learns the hard way that he too can be punished. The stories of Ramayana and Gilgamesh were very similar in that they both had life journeys, battles and other difficulties to overcome. The epics also show just how different both characters are even though they live through similar life events and end up the same.. dead but immortal through the passing of their stories.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blood Diamond Study Note

sBlood Diamond (2006) CHARACTERS Danny Archer – Diamond Smuggler Maddy Bowden – Journalist Solomon Vandy – Fisherman Dia Vandy (see me no more) Jassie Vandy – Solomon’s Wife Captain Poison Benjamin Kapanay M’Ed Ambassador Walker Diamond Traders Diamond Traders Rudolf Van De Kaap Rupert Simmonds SETTING Sierra Leone 1996-1999 Civil War THEMES R. U. F (Revolutionary United Front) T. I. A (This is Africa) SCENE 1 Early Morning Solomon with his son Dia telling him to go to school so one day he can become a doctor instead of a fisherman like his Dad. SCENE 2Solomon and Dia walking to school and Dia say’s one day this place will be a paradise. Solomon and Dia have a really good relationship. They see the RUF and run to the village to get the rest of their family. Soloman gets captured by the RUF but saves his family. Solomon tells Dia to run because he has to look after Jassie and the daughter SCENE 3 The RUF are executing people and cutting of their hands. We are introduced to RUF and Captain Poison who is the leader. They bring Soloman forward to chop off his arm, but before they do Poison says no put him in the truck because he doesn’t show any fear and Poison respects that.SCENE 4 There is a G8, conference about Diamonds in Antwerp, Belgium. Ambassador Walker is talking about the Diamonds in Africa. While the meeting is talking clips of slaves in Africa are shown. Slaves dig the diamonds and then Poison keeps them. Slave finds a diamond and tries to hide it in his mouth. Poison sees it takes the diamond and then kills him. The conference introduces Mr. Van De Kaap and Mr. Simmonds which are the people from the diamond business. SCENE 5 There is a high up shot of Africa where Archer is arriving in Africa off a plane to meet Drunk RUF soldiers.Archer does not act scared so the RUF doesn’t kill him as he gives him his gun and plays it cool. Archer speaks to Captain Rambo while he wants to go see Commande r Zero. Archer talks to Commander Zero and says there is not enough Diamonds and says he will not help them with the government. Archer acts very calm and experienced. He is a good negotiator and is very determined to get what he wants. SCENE 6 Archer is crossing the border with cattle. He is attempting to smuggle the diamonds into Liberia with the diamonds inside the goat. He gets caught by an intelligent army soldier claims he is from national geographic doing a story on Liberia.The soldier arrests Archer after he finds the diamonds smuggled in the goats. He tries to intermediate, bribe and threatens the soldier but the soldier does not give in and they arrest him. SCENE 7 Back at the mines, Soloman is in the river trying to find diamonds. He finds the pink and he doesn’t know what to do with it. The water valve pops which draws the attention away from Soloman so he puts it between his toes and asks to go to the toilet. He runs into Poison and Poison searchers him and canâ €™t find anything. Poison finds Solomon hiding the Diamond and asks to take it but as he does that the Government troops attack which injure Poison nd free Soloman. He grabs Poison machete and does not kill him and runs away. He finds a spot and buries the diamond. He then gets taken by the government troops and taken to the Jail. SCENE 8 Now Soloman and Archer are both in the same jail. Poison is brought in and starts talking to Solomon about the big diamond. Soloman strips and starts screaming â€Å"where is the diamond!! † Poison threatens Solomon’s family saying â€Å"I will find your family† meaning he will find them and kill them. Archer is attracted to this because he is very interested in the big diamond. SCENE 9Archer is released from jail where he meets the pilot who bailed him out. Archer is being watched by one of the Colonel Coetzee’s men. Archers name and photo has been printed in a newspaper as being publicized as a diamond smuggler whi ch is not good for his reputation as a smuggler. He tells his pilot to bail Solomon out of jail. SCENE 10 Archer immediately rings London to speak to Simmonds the owner of the diamond company. He pulls a diamond out of his tooth. He gets changed and goes into the street where some prostitutes/thief comes up to Archer and talks about diamonds.Cordell goes into Archer’s room to try and find the diamond. SCENE 11 The pilot bails Solomon out and says â€Å"it seems you have made a friend in prison† and hands him money. SCENE 12 Danny meets M’Ed at his bar and hands him money for a really good gun. Archer asks him when the RUF are going to come to Freetown and M’Ed says very soon. Archer meets Maddy Bowen and they talk about how the world is falling apart, they are being very political, Maddy tells Archer she is a journalist. We’re here TIA for the first time. â€Å"America its bling-bling, out here its bling-bang†. Archer tells her to piss off.S he continues to follow Archer. SCENE 13 Archer returns to his room and realizes it has been searched looking for a diamond. Archer and Cordell meet and start talking like they are best mates. Archer asked for a smoke and then punched Cordell in the stomach and says â€Å"that’s for breaking my TV Bru†. This shows that Archer will not be intimidated by anyone. SCENE 14 Soloman legally searching for his family, (he is looking on the list). Soloman says he has been to kissy waterloo and Port Loko in search. He is sent to the whites and asks for help, the agency replies â€Å"then God help you, because I can’t†.The RUF comes to the village where Dia and his family are and takes Dia away. SCENE 15 Archer is in Cape Town South Africa because he is Meeting Colonel Coetzee. They are in the car going to see Colonel and Archer is asleep and very relaxed. Colonel and Archer are walking through the vineyards talking about diamonds and about how Archer worked for Colo nel as a soldier. Colonel says that Archer owes him money and he will stake a stone in payment. Archer says if he had the pink he wouldn’t be on this continent. Colonel says â€Å"you will never leave Africa†. SCENE 16Back in Sierra Leone and showing all the poverty. Solomon is living in a burnt out car. Archer finds Solomon, asking him about the Pink, Solomon rushes off to work. SCENE 17 They are in the RUF base punished the children, teaching them how to shoot and brainwashing them telling them they by killing people they are going to save the nation. â€Å"Shed their blood†!! Dia kills his first man and is shocked. Poison comes to see Dia and is being sympathetic because he knows Dia is upset. He is acting like a Father so Dia is attracted to Poison as he says â€Å"I will take care of you I am now your Father†.Dia has been rewarded with a position of Captain to make Dia feel special but its deliberate because he knows Dia’s dad Solomon has the Pink SCENE 18 At M’Ed’s bar talking about when the RUF is coming and M’Ed is saying he is not scared he underestimates the RUF. Archer and Bowen meet again and go for a dance talking about how Archer is a smuggler. Maddy says â€Å"is it possible that you don’t care how many die because of the deals that â€Å"you do? † and Archer replies â€Å"people here kill each other as a way of like. Always been like that! † now Archer is annoyed for the second time and walks off. She follows him again.Maddy gets offended by Archer’s generalization. SCENE 19 In free town Archer is talking to Solomon, Archer says â€Å"I got you out of jail we are partners† Solomon replies â€Å"we are not partners, you’re a liar† archer says â€Å"without me you’re just another black man in Africa. † The RUF arrive and while they are running Solomon says â€Å"you will say anything, how can I trust you† Archer replies à ¢â‚¬Å"you don’t have to trust me I said I don’t give a fuck about you, this diamond could be priceless, we split the diamond and I’ll get your family back? † There are people dying everywhere and Archer gets himself and Solomon through the Chaos.The army surrenders because they were scared by the RUF. SCENE 20 Rebels have taken Freetown and Killed M’Ed. The RUF are having a big party. Solomon and Archer are wandering around and eventually escape. SCENE 21 Archer and Solomon need to get across the bridge. Solomon and Archer are working together but Solomon does not approve. Solomon and Archer are travelling with refuges. Solomon says to Archer â€Å"I have agreed to nothing† Archer replies â€Å"you have no choice†. SCENE 22 They arrive at the refugee camp and Archer is trying to be nice but Solomon is being very short.Archer tries to bluff his way into being a journalist. Archer asks a man if he can tell Maddy Bowen that Danny Archer i s looking for her because he has the story she wants. Maddy and Archer meet and Archer gets straight to the point about helping Solomon out, Maddy says â€Å"your using him† archer replies â€Å"I’m using him your using me this is how it works, isn’t it? † SCENE 23 Maddy, Solomon and Archer are flying to the refugee camp to find Solomon’s family. Maddy is in charge and gives the name for Solomon’s family. Maddy starts taking of the refugees for her story.Solomon spots Jassie and his daughter but not Dia, he starts yelling because he realizes that Dia has been taken by the RUF, he gets wacked away from the fence by the army. Archer pulls Solomon away from the fence and says â€Å"do you want your family to see you get killed, get away from the fence. † They fly over the hills where the diamond is. SCENE 24 Solomon won’t tell Archer where the pink is because he still doesn’t trust Archer. Solomon is telling Archer that Dia was very smart and was going to become a doctor. Archer goes to speak to Maddy and Maddy is still angry and him. Maddy is writing a story.She is really angry and she realizes that what Archer said about using each other is true because she need facts. Archer tells Maddy that the only chance Solomon’s family will be released is through the Diamond. Archer explains the process of the diamond smuggling. Archer gives Maddy the details with the names and bank accounts, and he says â€Å"you right this story before I have given them the diamond I’m dead. † SCENE 25 Archer and Solomon get on the bus and pretend to be journalists. They get off the bus due to an accident so they take photos of the accident. The RUF start shooting at them and Archer starts taking leadership.They get in a car because someone on the bus doesn’t let them on. SCENE 26 The RUF are partying again and they are giving the kids Heroin. Dia calls himself â€Å"See me no more. † They are invading on different villages. Archer, Maddy and Solomon are getting shot at by the RUF again. Archer gets them out of trouble and starts driving off. The RUF start chasing them but they run into a bush and then run off. Archer starts to show affection towards Maddy to make sure if she is alright. Archer, Maddy and Solomon are walking through the forest in the dark. SCENE 27 The Sun is shining through the trees.The locals from the forest are protecting the own land and threating to kill them, Maddy takes charge and saves Archer and Solomon with her camera. The locals bring them to a school where they meet kids that have been saved from the RUF. They meet Benjamin and he explains what this place is and what he does. SCENE 28 Benjamin shows them around the school to show them the normal kids and how he saved them. They show some kids that are suffering. Archer says â€Å"you did well today† and Maddy replies â€Å"you too† this shows they start to bond. Benjamin bri ngs Archer a beer and they start to talk about the attacks in the area.Benjamin asks Archer â€Å"would you say that people are mostly good? † Archer replies â€Å"I’d say there just people. † Benjamin says â€Å"a moment in love even in a bad man can give meaning to a life†. Solomon is having fun playing soccer with the kids. SCENE 29 Children are singing and Maddy is in there in the light and Archer is outside in the dark. The light represents the happy life and the new day. The dark represent how he is finished if he stay, is in Sierra Leone. Maddy and Archer start drinking some wine which is very strong. Archer starts being completely honest to Maddy.Archer said his Mum was raped and killed and his Dad was decapitated. Archer says â€Å"sometimes I wonder, will god ever forgive us for what we’ve done to each other, then I look around and I realize, god left his place a long time ago. He is showing some emotion and is asking her without saying do you understand. Maddy holds his hand and become a kind of couple. SCENE 30 They are driving with Benjamin and run into some kids from the RUF kids asking what they are doing and who they are. They shoot Benjamin and Archer threatens the kids with a gun and drives off. They are trying to help Benjamin and he cracks a joke.So Archer has now saved them again. They drive to Colonel Coetzee to save Benjamin. They meet Colonel and Archer is forced to go with Colonel. Maddy and Archer start talking. Maddy distracts the soldier so Solomon and Archer can steal colonel’s goods so they can survive and not go with the army. Archer and Maddy say goodbye for the last time and Maddy gives Archer all her contact numbers. Archer is telling Maddy to get on the plane. SCENE 31 Solomon and Archer run off to go get the diamond. Archer is telling Solomon what to do and Solomon replies â€Å"yes, boss† which means that Archer is treating him like a slave.They are walking through the jungl e/forest. SCENE 32 In the dark when the RUF drive past and Solomon and Archer are hiding in the bushes on the side of the road. Solomon thinks he sees Dia on the RUF truck so he yells out which almost gets them caught. Luckily Archer grabs Solomon and runs to safety. So after all Archer has done for Solomon he puts there life in danger yet again. The next morning Archer wakes Solomon up and is talking about how he can capture baboons and how he can kill anybody, as archer says â€Å"if you risk my life like that again, I will peal your face back off your head. † SCENE 33They are walking through the hills. SCENE 34 They walk through a village and they meet another black African and he says the RUF are in the next town. Solomon lies to Archer saying they are going straight through to the RUF. Archer goes to turn right and Solomon continues straight. Archer starts threating Solomon and calls him a â€Å"kaffir† which is a huge insult to black people in Africa. Archer pull s a gun after fighting and says â€Å"your son is gone! † and Solomon replies â€Å"he is alive! † Solomon is getting really upset saying â€Å"I have to know if he is dead or not, shoot me if you want, why should matter I’m dead already. Archer replies â€Å"fine we will wait till dark† SCENE 35 They go into the RUF camp when it’s dark to have a look. The RUF base are walking and singing, part of the song is â€Å"go tell my parents they may see me no more† which is Dia’s new name. SCENE 36 Solomon and Archer are now walking and Solomon is asking Archer personal questions. Solomon says â€Å"I’m confused† archer replies â€Å"that makes two of us, my bru. † SCENE 37 Solomon is talking about his grandfather and his past. Solomon says â€Å"this place will be a paradise. † Archer makes a promise â€Å"we will get your back. After this they are walking up a hill and Archer falls and Solomon helps him up. SC ENE 38 They are looking down on the view to the diamond mine. Archer calls an attack helicopter as a diversion. Archer promises that Dia is not in the mine, but says â€Å"you can look all night†. SCENE 39 Solomon goes into the camp by himself in the dark. He spots Dia and goes up to him. Archer goes to rescue Archer again. Dia denies Solomon and screams â€Å"enemy, enemy, I hate you† SCENE 40 Poison finds Solomon and threatens him and his family in front of Dia. Poison says that he wants to get out of Africa.Poison tells Solomon to go get the Diamond or he will kill Dia. As this is about to happen to chopper appears and starts shooting. Poison takes Dia and Solomon starts chasing them. Solomon catches poison and kills him. Archer saves Dia. SCENE 41 The rebels are dead, Dia is alive, and this should be the happy part. Colonel comes to Archer and threatens to kills them if they don’t get the diamond. Archer screams at Solomon because he wasn’t telling th em where the diamond was. Archer puts Dia at risk so Solomon tells them where it is. SCENE 42 They go to find the Diamond.They find holes that Poison has tried to find it. He asks Cordell for a smoke, Cordell puts a gun to him and says â€Å"smoking will kill you†. Archer says â€Å"better stop smoking, hey, Solomon†. Solomon finds the diamond and then Archer and Solomon start to kill the army. Archer shoots Colonel and before he dies he says â€Å"TIA, huh, Danny† and Archer then shoots him. Archer realizes he has been shot and wounded. Solomon finds the diamond and then Dia holds a gun towards Archer and then Solomon, Solomon starts talking to Dia and reminding him what and who he really is and what he loves doing and who is his proper father.SCENE 43 Archer, Dia and Solomon are walking up the hill to where they are meeting the plane, Archer can’t walk any further and collapses, and Solomon picks him up over his shoulder and carries him. Archer tells So lomon to stop. Solomon has a worried look on his face as he realizes that Archer is dying. The plane flies over and Archer realizes that he cannot go on and gives Solomon the Diamond. Archer tells them to go. Archer says â€Å"take your boy home†. The Army troops start shooting and Archer shoots back at them. SCENE 44Archer calls Maddy and tells her what’s happened, he tells her to meet Solomon and help him out. The plane flies over Archer. Archer says â€Å"you can write the hell out of the story† because he is dead now. Archer says â€Å"I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be†. SCENE 45 It cuts from the silent calm Africa, to London where Solomon is meeting Mr. Simmonds. Maddy is taking photos for her story. Simmonds says â€Å"you diamond could not have ended up anywhere else† and offers him 2 million pounds. Solomon says â€Å"this isn’t enough, I want what is promised to me by Archer, and I want my family and the money†.Solomon looks around London and sees a diamond necklace and realizes this is what all the trouble is about. He meets with his family and then the diamond is put into a secure safe. SCENE 46 Kimberley, South Africa, January 2000. There is a conference about the blood diamonds. Solomon opens a magazine to Maddy’s article to see a picture of Archer. Solomon gets called in to talk about what happens in Africa. SCENE 47 There are credits telling us what has changed. Sierra Leone is at Peace, but there is still 200,000 children soldiers in Africa. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1) ARCHER – â€Å"you take your home boy, huh? Archer’s death proves he was a noble character all along – Discuss 2) Benjamin – â€Å"A single moment of love can give value to a life† does archer sacrifice himself for the sake of Solomon and Dia or does he just give up because he is wounded? 3) Then I realize, â€Å"God left this place a long time ago. † Archer complains a bout â€Å"this god-forsaken continent â€Å"without realizing that he and people just like him have helped to make it that way. Do you agree? 4) â€Å"T. I. A† (this is Africa) – Archer, captain Poison and Colonel Coetzee believe this is to be true: Solomon, Maddy and Benjamin believe it is a lie, who is right? Discuss.

Early childhood education Essay

In a childcare setting the practitioners has an important role in supporting children. In a childcare setting the practitioner needs to help the children learn and achieve their full potential in their development stages; they must understand where the children are at in their development and know what they should be trying to achieve next, the practitioner can do this by spending time with the child and learning what the child can do and what they are struggling with so then they can plan activities to help the child with what they are struggling with and help them achieve their next stage of development. As a practitioner you’ve got to think about if the child is ready to be achieving the next stage of development because if they are not ready then it will be harder for them to do it; when a child achieves something new that they have not done before it is the practitioners job to praise them so they will feel like they did something good and will feel like doing it again as they like being praised for it and having that attention. Practitioners must make sure that all children in the setting are safe and secure; at all times children must be supervised, at least 1 of the staff members must be qualified in each room and their must be at least 2 members of staff in the room so if you need anything you can go and get it without the children being left on their own. To keep the children safe you must make sure that all dangerous objects and equipment are kept out of sight of children and make sure if it is equipment outside such as climbing frames or slides etc. that they do not go on them, you must make sure before the children go outside to play that you check whether all the playing equipment is safe so their wont be any accidents or injuries and if it is dangerous weather such as raining or snowing you must not allow the children on the equipment that they could injure themselves on. at my previous placement in the playground their was some monkey bars but in certain conditions when it was raining or snowing this piece of apparatus where not in use and all the children were told they could not use it; they did this so that none of the children would go on it and slip and injure themselves. When children first start the setting the practitioner has to make the child feel safe and secure because if you welcome them and you are warm and comforting they will feel more comfortable in the setting and won’t mind leaving their mum and dad’s and will want to stay their and play with their friends. it is important that you work in partnership with parents because the parents know their child better than anyone, this allows you to find out what the child’s likes and dislikes are and if you have good communication with the parents you will know what to expect the child to be like in the day whether they are upset or happy or they might need a sleep as they didn’t have much the night before, when you work with their parents you can find so much about the child which will help you later on and you can talk about the child about how they could help them develop if they are struggling or if they need advice on how to potty train them. (see appendix 1) E2 Many families have to deal with change in their lives and they usually have the support of their families to support them through these changes. Many families face daily issues that affect their family life and often need help to sort them out. These issues could be financial difficulties; all families have a lot of things to pay out for such as housing bills, care provision for their child and food etc. if the families cannot pay for this then it can be very hard on them if they don’t have the correct support of their families and organisations as they could not have enough money to keep their house or to buy food and clothes for their child, families could support them with this situation by helping them out with buying stuff for the child for example a few extra clothes, food etc. , but also if the family also cannot afford this there is organisations you can go to within your community that helps in these situations such as food banks. Another issue is employment; if a member of the family loses their job then it can be difficult as you will not be getting enough income as you usually would and will be harder to provide for the child or if the mother wants to go to work and earn some extra money and not just be at home then it could be difficult if both the parents/carers work as you have to find provision for the child and can be difficult if you cannot afford to put the child in the nursery, families can support you with this as you can ask them if they can have the child for a bit some days whilst you are at work or you can try and get government funding at a nursery so you can take them in maybe in the morning depending on when you work and get another member of your family to pick them up if you are unable to. Many families go through divorce and separation and it can affect the family in so many ways; if the two parents separate then their will not be as much income so they will struggle in paying on everything and also may not have somewhere to go straight away so they might have to go and live with some of their families and will be cramped. There are certain organisations that can help you with these situations, you can go on the council list and they will try and find you a place as soon as possible as you will be classed as homeless and you can get housing benefits or benefits as a single parent. There are different types of family structures and it depends what structure you are in with how much support you will be getting not just with family but organisations within you society as well. Parents whose families are married will not need as much support as they will be getting more income and can get support of each other but they will get some support if they need it. when the child is being brought up by a lone parent then they will get support by all their family as they might need help to look after the child when they have something to do or has to work; when a parent is bring up the child on their own then they might be struggling financially as they will only be getting their income and no one else’s, if you are a single parent then you can claim money for being a single parent to help you out a bit more. In reconstituted where only one adult is the biological parent to the child and where there may be children who may have different biological parents; in this family they will have the support of both families and will still get benefits to help them out with money. All families need support at some point in their life and there are many organisations and self help groups that can provide this support and there are many different settings where you can take your child and they will be cared for such as respite care, holiday play schemes, parent and toddler groups, schools, workplace nurseries, child minders, pre-school, after school clubs, residential care, day nurseries and creches. There are four different types of sectors that provide care and education for children which are: statutory sector voluntary sector private sector independent sector A statutory sector has to be there by law and is funded by the government. Local schools is an example of a statutory sector, they have to be there by law and gets funding by the government so they can afford all the equipment and everything they need to run the school. Schools look after children from the age of 5-11 years old; they follow a set routine. Foundation stage covers EYFS and year 1 to year 6 covers the national curriculum. Schools are open from 9-3:30 from Monday to Friday. Schools are closed in the holidays such as Christmas, Easter, summer and half terms. Schools are located all over in areas easy to access so it is easy for the parents to drop and collect the children off at their school. In all schools there is always enough space for an outside area for example the playground and an indoor area where they can do P. E activities. Local schools can be adapted when needed for example building ramps for people with disabilities so they find it easy to access the school. Schools also provides snacks for the children which are healthy such as fruit and vegetables to provide them with some of their five a day. they should also have toileting times such as before they go out for break or before dinner. Statutory schools are free apart from paying for school dinners, school trips and some snacks. The aim of a statutory sector school is to provide opportunities of education for every child and to support their learning and to help them in areas where they are struggling. They also aim to provide a safe and secure environment to keep the children from harm. Another aim is to provide social opportunities for the child for example learning to make new friends, learning to socialise with people, learning the difference between adults and children and learning to respect others. It may also provide opportunities for the family as they will be meeting other parents and socialise with them and get support from them if they need it and also they can find different services through schools to help support them. A voluntary sector are provided by organisations such as charities. Volunteers and paid staff provide services in the same way as in the statutory sector. mostly all their funding’s come from donations from others. Mother and toddler groups, brownies and pre-school groups are apart of this. Mother and toddler groups are usually for children aged 2-4 years. Mother and toddler groups are usually open between 9-11:30 in the mornings or 1:30-3 in the afternoons. These kinds of organisations are usually placed in a church or community hall. The staff at these groups are usually parents themselves but the person that runs the group has to have a level 3 qualification in childcare. The group may ask for a small donation each week to cover the cost of booking the hall and also for lighting and water bills. The area where the group is located in may not have an outdoor play area for the children to play in. The group should also follow the EYFS Curriculum where children will learn through play and the space may also be Ofsted inspected . The main aim of a mother and toddler group is to provide short term care so the parent or carer gets a little time to themselves in case they need to get anything done and it also gives children the chance to develop their social skills and to make new friends. Another main aim is to get children ready for nursery. Also it provides opportunities for parents or carers to meet new people whilst helping out with the organisation or just dropping the child off at the group; this gives the parents someone to talk to about their child and if they need advice they can talk to someone. A private sector is where you have to pay extra to try and get their best out of their child’s education. When you use a private day nursery you are charged for using them, you are approximately charged ?150 a week to use these services, but at some nurseries they offer free government funding for parents who can’t afford to keep taking their child there. Nurseries are normally open from 8am-6pm all year except from bank holidays. At nurseries they look after children aged 6 weeks-5 years. They provide all meals including breakfast, snacks, dinner and tea. They also have sleep facilities, indoor and outdoor play areas for children to play in. The building may not of been purposely built to be used for a nursery but can be adapted for the children to provide their size abilities. All the members of staff will be fully qualified, managers and room leaders must be level 3 qualified. Ofsted will come and inspect the building and the staff to make sure it is safe and also to check whether they are following the EYFS curriculum. The aim of a private day nursery is to provide safe and secure environments for children to keep them from harm and to make them feel comfortable in the setting without the parents being there with them. it also gives the children the opportunity to build their social skills and make new friends. Another aim is to provide a stimulating environment with bonding sessions between the child and their key worker. Whilst the children are at nursery it gives the parents the chance to get a job and earn some extra money. E4+C The children’s act 2004 goes on about the rights of the children. This act is concerned with families and the care of children, local authority support for children and their families, fostering, childminding and day care provision. The children act is really important because it says the importance of putting the child first. This act states what is best for the child must always be the first consideration; when caring for children you must always think about what is best for the child because in all situations the child must always come first and you have got to think about how the child is going to react about situations they don’t like, you’ve especially got to think about the child when it comes to activities because you have to think about where the child is at and got to adapt the activity to suit their needs. It also states that unless the child is at risk or harm, a child should not be taken away from their family without the families agreement; children should never be taken away from their family because families the most important people in their life, the only reason you should take them away is if you have concerns about the child that they are not safe then you would have to contact other services such as social services and get the situated observed. Courts must put the children first when making decisions; when making decisions in court such as who gets to look after the child the mother or father you have to think about who the child would be best looked after with. There are five outcomes for children that the childrens act 2004 talks about. (see appendix 3) In Health and Safety at Work act employers must make the workplace as safe as possible; when working with children you have to make sure all the workplace is safe and none of the children can injure themselves or get hurt. Before the children goes outside to play a member of staff must go out and check whether all the equipment is safe and not broke so the children can’t hurt themselves on them. All dangerous equipment or substances must be kept out of all children’s reach so they can not harm themselves on them and all plug sockets must have plug guards in to stop the children from putting their finger in them and all plug sockets must be turned of at all times when not being used. you must decide how to manage health and safety in the setting for example doing a written policy on how to make sure none of the children get hurt and how to keep them safe and healthy. All employees must work safely; if you are given guidance about how to use equipment you must use it that way and no put anyone in danger. E5 E6 When working with other professionals it is important to respect and value the knowledge of other professionals because everyone has better knowledge in certain areas and if you have concerns about something and you are not sure what to do then you could go to other professionals and ask for their opinions such as if you are having concerns about children if their acting a bit strange and you think they are in danger such as at home they are being hurt as they have got some strange markings or bruises appearing then you can take it to other professionals and see what they think and they can take it into their hands and look into it; they can observe the child closely to see what they actually think and the two professionals can work together and keep a close eye on the child and keep exchanging information so it works out best for the child in the end and to put them out of danger. You have got to have good communication skills whilst working with different professionals as you are working with different professionals all day and you have to communicate with them and share information with them for example teachers and teaching assistants work together all day, they share the class such as when doing phoenix or numbers they have half the class each depending on where the children are one of them will have the lower group and the other one will have a higher group and they’ve got to communicate with each other so they know how all the children in the group are doing and if they are improving; when you have shared this information you still have to communicate about what they could do to improve the child’s learning. It helps improve outcomes so if you think something is happening with a child and is bothering them then if you are working with different professionals that expertise in different things then it will benefit children in the end. If you have more professionals working together on a situation then they will pick up on signs quicker and it will benefit the child a lot because the sooner they know what’s going on than the less hurt the child gets and they won’t be as traumatized. If you are working with different professionals then you are learning from each other; each professional knows different things and knows how to handle different situations so if you come across a situation like that then you’ll know what to do. It helps us look at everything as a whole for example if you are looking at the child’s h health. Every professional works on different aspects of the child’s development so if you work together then you can go to them for advice. By working in a multi professional approach it maintains a focus on the child; by putting them at the centre of everything they do and by involving them, this ensures that everyone communicates about the child. It improves communication and strong partnerships between all other professionals which is important as they will have to work together at some point in your career. D1 If you have good knowledge about childcare then it can help you to recognise the care needs of all children in the setting. If you take reliable and valid assessments of the children then you will see exactly where the child is at and what they need help in; they might be really clever in certain areas but might need a bit of a push in others, if you do observations and assessments on the children then you will be able to plan activities where it can help them to know how to plan activities to make them develop their learning. You should always use development norms when thinking about what the children’s needs are because each child has different needs and depending on the age of the child they will have different needs as well so you have to look up where they are supposed to be and where they actually are and see what their needs will be, this will help you plan activities as well as you know where the children are at and whether they are above or below their developmental norms. Prediction of next stages; if you can predict what the next stages are of the children are it will help you to plan activities for them to help them to help them achieve their next stage and push them in that direction. You’ve got to understand that all children are different and have different needs so you’ve got to find out what all the children’s needs. D2 To improve my own practice I could look back at what I’ve done and discuss my strengths and weaknesses. You need to think about how you currently work and looking at what you need to do in order to improve. You should stand back, take a look and recognise what works well, but also you need to be able to recognise what could be changed. To be a reflective practitioner you need to be self-aware and look at how you work with children, colleagues and parents as honest as you can. Evaluating your own practice helps to put you in control of the changed that should be made, enables you to identify your professional development needs and will make you more confident. Being a reflective practitioner involves asking people you work with what they think you do well at and where you could improve. Everyone has their own ways of working and doing things differently, if you ask other people what they think you could improve at then they could tell you what they thinks going well and maybe give you examples of different ways of doing certain things, then you could test them out and see which way works best for you. Other people can look at what you are doing and discuss your strengths and weaknesses accurately, but when you might be looking at what you do well and what needs improving you may not look at every single thing as you can only look back at what you have done and other people can look at It as you are doing the activity. C B A Appendix 1 Nursery Nurse and Nursery assistant job description Nursery nurse’s provide care for children up to the age of 5 years. they work primarily with young patients, although some are employed in nurseries looking after children of NHS staff. Nursery assistants will work alongside and usually under the supervision of qualified nursery nurse’s The work of nursery nurses typically includes the following: provide physical, emotional and spiritual care to children coordinating play for children in a range of settings supporting carers in the parenting of their children  developing play as a means of communicating information to children, to distract them during unpleasant procedures and to maintain their stage of development during illness or stress maintaining the environment in a child-friendly manner maintaining toys and play equipment finding ways to stimulate children particularly those with special and sensory needs attending meetings working with members of multidisciplinary agencies within and outside of the NHS organisation they are working for maintaining records nursery assistants will assist nursery nurses in most aspects of their work, ensuring that the children in their care remain safe, happy and stimu lated. Additional responsibilities for nursery nurses after further training or experience include: supporting children who have been abused playing a key role in supporting public health assisting in the education of learners/students who are training to work as a nursery nurse or assistant Nursery nurses and nursery assistants work in a variety of settings both in the hospitals and in the community. In hospitals this will include in children’s wards, nurseries and outpatient departments in community settings this could include working in nurseries in a health centre, or in a community centre, GP surgery or children’s centre. Appendix 2 Westdale lane all about us. Westdale infant school is a local authority/community school established over 40 years ago in its new building to educate. The school is placed on a pleasant site in the area of Mapperly area in Nottingham, falling within Gedling Borough although only 3 miles outside the centre of nottingham. The schools capacity is 180 children. 60 per year. The families come from mainly the catchment area or close by. However, there are a number of children who live further away. The school is adjacent to Westdale Juniors where most children move to for year 3 in their education. There is no doubt that teachers, the staff team and governing body pride themselves on the achievements of the school and all work in order to maintain very high standards. Please see our latest Ofsted report (available through this website) to see evidence of our performance. The report shows that out school performs above the national average for overall education attainment and is well lead by senior staff. The school excells in providing a stimulating learning environment for our children and there are many enrichment based activities such as trips outside the school and visits by musicians, story tellers, and theatre groups. Much pride is taken in providing a sense of community particulary involving parents and seeking their views. we have a very successful record on fund raising based on out of school events for all members of the family. The school takes seriously its role in embracing all elements of equalityand diversity to reflect our ever changing communities. we accomadate children with special needs and learning difficutlies and the school makes every effort to support children from different backgrounds and cultures. Appendix 3 Five outcomes for children stay safe- from: maltreatment, neglect, violence, and sexual exploitation; accidential injury and death, bullying and discrimination, crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school; insecurity and instability. Be healthy- physically healthy, mentally and emotionally healthy, sexually healthy, healthy lifestyles, choose not to take illegal drugs. enjoy and achieve- ready for school, attend and enjoy school, achieve strethcing national educational standards at primary school; achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation, achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school. Achieving economic wellbeing- enagage in decision making and support for the community and environment; engage in law abiding and positive behaviour in and out of school, develop positive relationships and choose not to bully or discriminate, develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges, develop enterprising behaviour. make a positive contribution- engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school; ready for employment, live in descent homes and sustainable communities, access to transport and material goods, live in households free from low incomes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An introduction to R C Sherriff and to World War 1 and what life was really like in the trenches Essays

An introduction to R C Sherriff and to World War 1 and what life was really like in the trenches Essays An introduction to R C Sherriff and to World War 1 and what life was really like in the trenches Paper An introduction to R C Sherriff and to World War 1 and what life was really like in the trenches Paper Essay Topic: Literature The First World War was a time of trauma and devastation. Many lives were lost, and in his play, Journeys End, R.C.Sherriff tries to effectively portray the havoc that World War I wreaked. R.C.Sherriff Robert Cedric Sherriff was born in 1896 and was educated at Kingston Grammar School primarily, until he moved to New College, Oxford. After completing his education, R.C.Sherriff entered his fathers insurance business. Shortly after the outbreak of the war, R.C.Sherriff joined the British army as a captain in the East Surrey regiment. To be a captain, you must attend a public school. The first time R.C.Sherriff applied for enlistment in the army as a captain, he was refused, for his school was not on the list of acceptable public schools, however, when people started to die, and captains were becoming scarce, R.C.Sherriff was accepted into the role of captain. During the war, R.C.Sherriff made himself a book of memoirs about his life in the trenches. These memoirs eventually (about eight years later) became the basis for R.C.Sherriffs first play, Journeys End. After the war, R.C.Sherriff continued working for his fathers business for several years as a claims adjuster. It was because of an interest in amateur theatricals amongst other reasons that R.C.Sherriff decided to try his hand at writing. After many rejections, Journeys End was given a single Sunday evening performance by The Incorporated Stage Society, an amateur theatre company, in 1928. In Journeys End debut performance, Laurence Olivier played Stanhope. The performance went so well; that G.B.Shaw was adamant that Journeys End should be performed at the Savoy Theatre, London. The play was such a success that from being given a single Sunday evening performance, it went to become an International success and gave over 600 performances over the period of two years, and tickets had to be booked months in advance. The success of Journeys End enabled R.C.Sherriff to become a full time writer where he wrote other hits, such as: Badgers Green, Windfall, St. Helena, Miss Mabel, Home at Seven, The White Carnation, and The Long Sunset. R.C.Sherriff also wrote screenplays such as The Invisible Man, Goodbye Mr. Chips, The Four Feathers, Lady Hamilton, Odd Man Out, Quartet, No Highway and The Dam Busters. An autobiography was published in 1968, called No Leading Lady After many years of writing, R.C.Sherriff finally passed away in 1975 at the age of 79. World War I The First World War was triggered on June 28th, 1914, when Serb, Gavrilo Princip, assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria-hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Austria-hungary blamed Serbia and declared war, Russia said they would defend Serbia, while Germans told Russia not to defend Serbia, but Russia refused Germany, so the Germans declared war on Russia. Germany started moving its army towards France, so France put out a warning that Germany may invade. Germany then declares war on France, and invades Belgium. Britain orders Germany to retreat from Belgium, but the Germans refused, so Britain declared war on the Germans. Austria-hungary then declares war on Russia. Britain and Germany had other, non European, countries in their empires, which were also brought into the war, which turned the war into a bitter battle where people of all nations were killed. To start off with, people believe that they would be fighting the glorious war, which would last no longer than Christmas 1914. When recruiting stations opened in Britain, men came flooding in to join the army because they believed they were fighting for King and country, and that the war would be over so quickly that if they did not join up straight away, they would miss their chance to be part of the glorious cause. Christmas 1914 came and the war was still being fought ferociously with no sign of it coming to an end. Many people had died and many others had been wounded. Volunteers were becoming fewer and fewer as more about the war began to leak out. Finally, in 1916, conscription was introduced, so every healthy man between 18 and 41 had to fight. The war had become even more ferocious and bloody. More people were dying every day, and on one day, the 1st July 1916, over one million people died at the battle of the Somme. After the Somme, the Germans never really recovered, which led to them surrendering in 1918. Millions of people died during World War 1, but others, including R.C.Sherriff lived to tell people what really happened. After the end of the war, and well into the mid 1920s people did not talk about the war, they were just glad that it was over. After many years people did eventually start talking about the war again, but in terms of reality, not the terms of propaganda. R.C.Sherriff decided to use his journal that he had made in the trenches to write a play of the reality of the life of the officers in the war. He based the characters on people from his own life as a captain in the British army. His truth about life in the war was what made the play such a great success, because people, who had finally come to terms with the loss of family and friends, wanted to know what the life in the war was really like, not the luxury that it was when being advertised as by the government. The play went well, and G. B. Shaw was adamant that it should be performed at the Savoy Theatre. Just over a month after the original performance took place, a showing was put on at the Savoy on the 21st January 1929, produced by Maurice Browne. The Savoy Theatres production of Journeys End was so successful that it made over 600 performances in two years and tickets were sold out months in advance. What is the setting of Journeys End? R.C.Sherriff used war for the theme of his play, because the members of his rowing club were male, and there were no females in the war. Sherriff set his play in a trench dugout, near St. Quentins. The play is about the few days leading up to the Kaiserschlact, the Germans final large offensive. The characters know that dying is inevitable so instead of complaining, they do not mention death; they avoid talking about any issue to do with the war. An example of this is on page 70 just before Osborne and Raleigh make the raid on the German trenches. Raleigh is a relatively new officer and is rather excited about being picked to make the raid, so talks about nothing but the raid. Osborne is a more experienced officer and is trying to avoid talking about the raid as we can see when he goes off on a different subject at every available opportunity. In the end he starts reciting Lewis Carrolls poem The Walrus said. On the line of: and whether pigs have wings, Osborne says were off, lets talk about pigs. This shows how much he wants to avoid talking about the war. The officers also talk about their homes, and what they would do if they were there. When talking about their homes, the officers never talk about them in a bad way, because they would much prefer to be at home, than fighting the war, however they are unable to be at home with loved ones, so the men talk about their homes and pretend and wish that they were there. Another subject that the men tried to avoid was death. This was so they were not afraid of seeing people killed, knowing that their turn would come soon enough. When someone had died, instead of confronting the issue, the officers would tell the men that the dead person had gone west. The reason that the officers said this was so the men were not too scared to go over the parapet of the trench into no-mans land, when it was time for them to make an attack. The trenches were not the cleanest places for the men or officers to be. This is portrayed when Trotter says, have your revolver to shoot rats, showing that the dugout and trenches have rats in them, and rats like to live in dirty places. It would have been difficult for R. C. Sherriff to show this on stage, because the director could not have had live rats running about on stage, but he may have had squeaking and scuffling on a soundtrack in the background. This would create an image in the audiences mind, even though they would not be able to see the rats, or any other creatures inhabiting the trenches and dugouts. Differences between the original Journeys End and the 1995 BBC production: In the original Journeys End, the director would not have been able to show certain scenes on the stage, such as it would not be possible to have live lice or rats running around on stage, so this would have had to been shown through the characters speech, and through a soundtrack that would be played in the background. The play is completely staged in the dugout, and although the characters go up into the trench, the audience never get to see it. In this way the audience do not see the raid, where Osborne dies, or any of the other characters dying at the end of the play, although we do see the dugout collapse on an already dead Raleigh. It is probably a good thing that Journeys End was shown only in the dugout, for it would be impossible to show the dead bodies and mud, that was sometimes knee deep, on the stage. Although there were drawbacks of having Journeys End produced on stage, such as not being able to have rats running about, or not being able to show much detail of the dugout, there were also many advantages such as dim and flashing light effects which would create the idea of having shells, grenades, and other explosive items blowing the trench to bits. A soundtrack would also play to create different sound effects including rats scuffling about and squeaking, explosives blowing up and shots being fired, all of which would have been very common in World War 1.