Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Measure understand and knowing of cloud computing services Essay

Measure understand and knowing of cloud computing services - Essay Example It also makes the routine computation works, far easier so, undoubtedly cloud computing can be a constructive support for organizations. This report will discuss in detail about the basic concepts of cloud computing, different types of cloud computing services, cloud computing service providers, advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Cloud computing is an internet based computing technology that involves a large number of collective resources. The term ‘cloud’ refers to the internet. Instead of relying on a single personal computer or a local server for their applications like data processing, storage, and others, organizations can make use of the cloud computing services that involves a number of remote servers for this purpose (Beal, n. d.). Also applications can be accomplished more efficiently using cloud computing rather than using conventional personal devices (Gordon and Marchesini, 2010).The purpose of cloud computing is to have abundant and easier access to the internet so that, retrieval and working on data is possible from anywhere across the world (Gordon and Marchesini, 2010).The services offered by cloud computing service providers can be broadly classified into three categories. They are software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (Paas), and Infrastructure as a service (Iaas) . Let us see in detail about all the above mentioned types with real examples for each type. Software as a service (SaaS) render web services to the clients who access the applications that are accomplished by third party vendors through the interface provided by them. Special installations or downloads are not required for this purpose and applications can be run using the web browsers directly (â€Å"Understanding the cloud,† 2013). SaaS exhibits certain characteristics which are discussed further. SaaS offer access to commercial software through the web.

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