Saturday, October 26, 2019

Our Children :: social issues

Our Children My Testimony and Message to America and the World Hello my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, past and now . . . It was the year 1986 and the month of June when my life was forever changed. The Kentucky Court System sentenced me to 25 years and life, which means that I will have to serve 25 years in prison before I can be considered for parole on a life sentence. I was convicted on murder and robbery charges and this was my first time coming to prison. I do accept full responsibility for my crimes. One night alone in my cell, I began to search myself and ask for mercy, and I repented in the name of Jesus Christ and became wonderfully and marvelously forgiven and saved. AMEN! Today my dream, vision, and goal is to get out of prison and travel all over the United States of America and the world. I would like to preach in the churches and speak in the youth centers and school systems to address the problem we face in this wicked world. â€Å"I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.† â€Å"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.† â€Å"And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God and I have peace and love in my heart today in the name of Jesus Christ.† HALLELUJAH! Praise His Holy Name! As we all know, life comes with trials and tribulations and they tend to challenge our inner strength. I am obligated to put self aside and do God’s will today in America and the World. It is not about Brother Jones and his situation, it’s about our young people. They need our love and support because we have so many young people coming to prison today and the prison system in America is not the answer for our children. They should not have to travel the same road that I have traveled and it is very important that we address and arrest this problem. Let me talk briefly about the prison system and the laws that have been legislated over the past decade or at least as long as I have been in prison doing time with Jesus Christ.

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