Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women Essay

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women - Essay Example Halliwell, E., Malson, H., & Tischner, I. (2011). Are Contemporary Media Images Which Seem to Display Women as Sexually Empowered Actually Harmful to Women?.  Psychology of Women Quarterly,  35(1), 38-45. http://pwq.sagepub.com/content/35/1/38.short [Accessed 17 March 2014] The article assesses the way women have been previously depicted as passive sex objects to present times when they are representatives of sex and are sexually powerful and in control due to their looks. This has been found to have an adverse effect on the body images of women and research that was carried out by the authors of this article found that the current depiction of beauty by the media has led to increased self objectification and weight concern. Acevedo, C. R., Nohara, J. J., Arruda, A. L., Tamashiro, H. R., & Brashear, T. (2011). How women are depicted in ads? A content analysis study with Brazilian advertisements.  International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER),5(10). http://www.cluteonline.com/journals/index.php/IBER/article/view/3517/3564 [Accessed 17 March 2014] The aim of this article was to analyze the roles that were occupied by women in TV advertisements. The aim was to determine the message spread to society about women and how this has changed over the years. The study analyzed 95 pieces and derived upon the conclusion that women’s images have changes however, they continue to be idealized and stereotyped, which also extends to social settings. This article is done based on a study that was performed by Dove and indicates that women gain their perception of beauty from what they see on social media. This article suggests that beauty is no longer largely influenced by fashion magazines or TV shows, but rather social sites like Instagram or Facebook through images of different appearances via â€Å"selfies† and other viral trends. The article illustrates the health impacts that are implemented by the

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