Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover Management Essay

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover Management Essay Judge, Timothy A. and Bono, Joyce E. (2001). Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations Traits-Self-Esteem, Generalized, Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Emotional StabilityWith Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis. This article presents results of the relationship of 4 traits: self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability (low neuroticism): with job satisfaction and job performance. Hence, it hypothesizes that: H-la: Self-esteem is positively related to job satisfaction, H-lb: Generalized self-efficacy is positively related to job satisfaction, H-lc: Internal locus of control is positively related to job satisfaction, H-ld: Emotional stability is positively related to job satisfaction. This is also an in depth study of factors affecting job satisfaction which in turn effect employee behavior and turnover. The analysis of these variables showed that each trait had a positive relationship with job satisfaction. The authors have ident ified each of these traits as the independent variable and job satisfaction as the dependent variable. Research was based on reviewing literature that defined and linked each of these traits with job satisfaction. Studies of the past 40 years wer included and data was only included from those that had a sample population of employed adults. Students, athletes and the unemployed people were left out as were special data samples like doctors, physicians etc. One point to notice in this study is their implication that satisfaction of employees is not just based on monetary terms and conditions, but stems from psychological well being and treatment of employees as well. This increases the scope of the term job satisfaction and includes variables like self-esteem and emotional stability too. Khalid , Salman and Zohaib I., Muhammad. (2010). Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Punjab, Pakistan: A Comparative Study. This article focuses on various variables that make up job satisfaction including work, pay, promotion, salary and recognition and discusses job satisfaction itself too. On the whole satisfaction has been taken as a dependant variable and various other factors like promotions, salary, job security, recognition, work environment etc are considered as the independent variables. The study was conducted in order to find out the level of satisfaction among Public and Private bank employees and whether factors like working hours, team spirit, work life balance, benefits, working environment and job security influenced their job satisfaction. A survey was conducted to gather data, which included a sample size of 200 people. Questionnaires were given to people in three different cities of Punjab: Lahore, Faislabad and Sialkot. Two banks from each sector were taken and included the NiB Bank, Summit Bank, Bank of Punjab and First Women Bank. Data was gathered by floating a structured questionnaire which included the Likert scale. The results show that the employees of private banks are more satisfied then those in public banks mostly due to factors resulting from fringe benefits, salary, and efficiency in work and coworker relations. This article highlights the fact that the perception of job satisfaction is greatly affected by factors including job security, benefits and recognition. Fawad H., Muhammad and Kamal, Dr. Yasir. (2009). Pay and Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Different Pakistani Commercial Banks. Although the title mentions the relation between pay and job satisfaction but this article takes into account other variables like job involvement, promotion, recognition and commitment. The research question for the study was whether pay is the major factor for job satisfaction among Pakistani bank employees. Pay not only includes the salary itself, but all other emoluments and short and long term fringe benefits. Job satisfaction has been described as a relative phenomenon which affects and employees performance and is related to how the employee responds and deals with customers. It is important hence, to measure what embodies job satisfaction. The common assumption is that a satisfied employee will deal pleasantly with customers, are more friendly and responsive as well. Salary has been taken as a dependant variable and various other factors l ike promotions, job stress, job security, learning, work environment and others are considered as the independent variables. This was a comparative study, and the questionnaires were floated in three banks: United Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited and Standard Chartered Bank. According to the results the job satisfaction of bank officers is significantly dependent upon pay, promotion opportunities, rewards, relation with boss and coworkers. Imran M., Muhammad, Fernando G., Solomon, Ahmad Mehboob and Iqbal S., Muhammad. (2010). Examining the relationship of work life balance, job satisfaction and turnover in Pakistan. As discussed in previous articles as well, improving the quality of work life balance facilities not only helps in improving the productivity but also helps in increasing employee loyalty and job satisfaction. Organizations are striving for better performance to compete with their competitors. For this reason they are trying to retain their valued employees and are considering the issues relating to work and life. Job satisfaction and turnover intentions are the reflection of the viewpoint that employees have about their organizations in which they work. Employees generally show high levels of job satisfaction. The researchers found that the work conditions were the most influential on the job satisfaction. The work conditions included were the non-monetary characteristics of their work mainly including goo d social relationships with their colleagues ad supervisors, promotion opportunities, professional development opportunities, and participatory management strategies. The negative relationship of work life balance, job satisfaction and turnover intentions provides a guideline for the organizations that the more organizations provide better facilities to maintain the balance between the work and the non work activities the more employees will tend to remain with the same organization. Similarly the satisfied employees are the assets of any organization and they will remain with the organization. Saeed ul Hassan Chishti, Maryam Rafiq, Fazalur Rahman, M.Phil., Nabi Bux Jumani, and Muhammad Ajmal (2010).Impact of Participative Management on Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance in Pakistan. This research highlights a new variable that affects the performance of employees in Pakistan: Participative management. Participative management is especially important in todays highly competitive world to give organizations a competitive edge. The hypothesis for the research was whether there is a positive relationship between participative management and employee job satisfaction. Randhawa, Gurpreet. (2007) Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions : An Empirical Analysis. This research conducted by Ms. Gurpreet Randhawa concludes that there exists a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Turnover intentions remain a good measure to gauge actual turnover of employees. The paper collected data from 300 scientists, half of whom belonged to the National Dairy Research Institute and the remaining half from Agriculture Extension Centre. The sample selection was done through the random sampling technique and a comparative analysis was later done to measure the difference between the results of the two population samples. No significant difference was found. The research emphasizes the need to measure job satisfaction as business in todays world has changed drastically. Complexity has increased with increasing amounts of competition. Employees now have far more choices at their disposal whereas organizat ions bear significant losses with high turnover rates. Islam, Nazrul and Chandra Saha, Gour, Job Satisfaction of Bank Officers in Bangladesh. This paper studies the variables that affect job satisfaction of the bank officers in Bangladesh. The results of the study conclude that factors like salary, efficiency in work, fringe benefits, supervision quality, and coworker relations that affect job satisfaction considerably. Private bank employees were seen to be more satisfied then public sector employees as the former enjoy better salary, working environment and fringe benefits. The purpose of the study was three fold: to identify the level of job satisfaction among employees, to study how factors like job experience, age and gender affect job satisfaction and finally to measure the job satisfaction of public and private bank employees. A sample of 129 employees was used in 4 cities and nine different banks of Bangladesh. The sample was selected purposefully and was interviewed personally whereas a structured questionnaire was used to colle ct results. Azhar Sheikh, Muhammad, Qamar, ul Wusat and Iqbal, Fariha. Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention (A Case Study of Education and Banking Sector in Bahawalpur). As explained above, employee retention has become exceedingly important for organizations due to the increased level of competition and associated costs. This research sheds light on the HRM practices that may affect the level of job satisfaction in employees. The study relates career development opportunities, supervisor support, working environment, rewards and work-life policies to employee retention. The group under observation included the Islamia University of Bahawalpur and various banks in the same city. Employee retention was taken as the dependent variable whereas all the above mentioned factors were taken as independent variables. Observation was carried out from a sample size of 110 pople and data was collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the software program SPSS an d a positive relationship was found between HRM practices and employee retention. This proves that organizations that focus on their human resource policies will have satisfied employees leading to fewer turnovers. Rizwan Saleem, Azeem Mahmood, Asif Mahmood (2010) Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Mobile Telecommunication Service Organizations of Pakistan. In addition to studying the impact on job satisfaction of work motivation, this article also aimed at exploring to what extent employees are satisfied with different dimensions of their job in the mobile telecommunications services of Pakistan. The extent determines their turnover rate. Velnampy (2008), in his study on job attitude and employees performance concluded that job satisfaction contains positive influence on the performance of the employees as it enhances job involvement and the higher performance also makes people feel more satisfied and committed to the organization. Herzberg (1959) has described a relationship between two variables as Job Satisfaction is the result of two kinds of factors, intrinsic and extrinsic factor. Basically he states that intrinsic factors valued the job satisfaction and extrinsic factors c ause dissatisfaction and reduce the level of job satisfaction. Another name for the extrinsic factors was hygiene factors. According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors results in the form of dissatisfaction and these were external or environmental features e.g. company policy and administration, supervision, work conditions, salary and benefits. The intrinsic factors are also called Job satisfaction has been taken as the dependent variable whereas work motivation is independent. The authors believed that motivation lead to an increase employees performance into other level and eventually the positive effect goes toward companys recital. The standard deviations in the article showed the diversity of data which indicated that there was a variety of opinions between the employees. There was a positive relationship between the motivation and job satisfaction. Overall the employees were quiet satisfied with their jobs and had their interest in their job. More than average employees are mot ivated to work for the organization and turnover rates are not high. This article gave me an overview of a specific variable, job motivation on job satisfaction and eventually employee turnover rate. It was also based on a study of two telecomm service providers which was relevant to my sector. Rana, Tariq Mehmood; Salaria, M. Rashid; Herani, Gobind M. and Amin, Mohammad (2009) Identifying Factors Playing Important Role in the Increasing Employees Turnover Rate: A Case of Telecom Industry in Pakistan. This article aimed at identifying factors that played an important role in increasing the employees turnover rate. As there is intense competition in the industry, this article examined the practices followed in the telecomm industry of Pakistan to retain employees. The results have shown that Salary, Working Environment, and Benefits are three significant factors effecting employee turnover and correlated with each other. The present study found support for an independent variable with Employee turnover. In this study the authors found significant negative correlation for Salary, Work Motivation and Benefits. High employee turnover is becoming a problem in todays corporate environment which reduces productivity and puts a stain on the organizations name. This study found that individual variables have significant impact on Employee Turnover. As Salary increases and Working Environment and Benefits are good, the turnover rate drops. For my research this article provides a detailed analysis of employee turnover rate and job satisfaction and provides useful insights.

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