Friday, October 18, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership - Research Paper Example Lot of research has been carried out for the development of effective management theories that have helped leaders to make efficient and progressive decisions. The research study will investigate the most effective management theories that have been adapted by business leaders. Power inspires some business leaders to play their part for their organizations as well as for the welfare of the society. Management practices cannot be isolated from the failures since every endeavor has two possible outcomes. Successful leadership can be achieved by the adoption of suitable management strategies and theories alongside endeavors for the betterment of the society. Bill Gates is considered to be one of the most successful business leaders of the current times. He is the co-founder and chairman of one of the biggest companies in the world- Microsoft. Microsoft is the most successful software company because it makes efficient software that appeal to the masses due to their usability and performance capabilities. The company has expanded internationally over the past years; it has over 55,000 employees in around 85 countries around the world (â€Å"Business Profile- Bill Gates†). Success of this caliber needs determination and effective management strategies to overcome obstacles in the way. The question that prevails in the mind of almost every layman is: â€Å"How did they do it?†. Some might suggest that the success is due to their love for money or marketing tactics. However, most will agree that if one does not have a vision then nothing can be achieved in life. One of the three aspects of â€Å"Theory of Business† by Peter Drucker (â€Å"Systems Theory†) involves the development of a mission statement and vision since a business without a clear direction and purpose can never succeed. Bill Gates developed the vision of making computers accessible for every common man (Beaumont). His vision was to make computers so common that every house would have at least one

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